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·rest, M~asurement and

,\fter completion of the chapter, students will learn and will be able to know about the:
1. concept of Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education and Sports
z. classification of Test in Physical Education and Sports ·
3_Test Administration Guidelines in Physical Education

As a matter _of fact, it ~s important for us to set objectives which we want to

fulfil in physical edu~ati~n and sports programmes. It is essential to determine
whether or not the obJectives have been met. For example, if you want to improve
your cardio-r~spira.tory fit?ess ,. you have to participate in a fitness programme.
After a certam period of time, if you do not measure and evaluate your cardio-
respiratory fitness, you may remain in dark. Leonardo da Vinci has rightly
said, "If you are enamoured of practice without scientific ways, you are just like
a pilot who goes into a ship without rudder and compass and does not know his
destination." So, to determine whether or not the programmes' objectives have
been met, the test and measurement techniques are applied.


Test, measurement and evaluation in physical education are the devices for
collecting essential details regarding the needs, capacities, abilities and attitudes
of sportspersons.
Definition of Test
A test is the presentation of a situation or a series of situations which bring
out a specific response or answer from the subject. The response or reaction is
liable to be measured quantitatively and qualitatively. A test may be subjective
or objective in the realm of an activity or an order or a question. The following
definitions of test can help us to understand the meaning of test.
Atest is a procedure to check the quality, performance or reliability of something.
According to Webster's Dictionary, "A test is a tool to evaluate the skill,
1 knowledge, capacities or ·aptitudes of an individual or a group."


I §;l
According to H M Barrow and Megee, "Test refers to any specific instr
. .
procedure or technique used by an administrator to ezici
· 't a response from,
t t,
test taker." he
According to Barry L Johnspn and Jack N elson, "Test is the for
questioning or measuring used to access retention of knowledge, capacity or a:li?
of some endeavour." Y
In fact, a test is a spe~ific tool, proce~u~e or tech_nique used to elicit a response
from a sportsperson m order to gam mformation to be used as a basis £
appraisal of the quantity or quality of elements such as fitness, skill, knowled or
and values. In physical education, testing is a very sig~ificant t~sk for tl:
purpose of good planning of the programme. There are variou~ tests in the field
of physical education and sports such as Kraus Weber T~st, Fitn~ss gram, Rock
Port One Mile Test, Miller Volleyball Test, National Physical Efficiency Test, etc.
Definition of Measurement
Measurement is the use of tests arid te'chniques to collect information or data
about a specific skill or fitness level of an individual. For example, there are
various tests, such as Miller Volleyball Test, Johnson Basketball Ability Test,
AAHPERD Physical Test, Fitnessgram, etc. Measurement is a way of evaluation
that records an individual's response in s.pecific units of measurement such as
speed in seconds, weight in pounds or kilog:i;-ams, height in inches/metres, etc.
The response may be measured in quality,or quantity.
The following definitions can help us understand th~ meaning of measurement.
According to HM Barrow, ''Measurement refers to the process of administrating
a test to obtain quantitative data."
According to Barr:y L Johnson and Jack N elson, ''Measurement aids
evaluation process in .which various tools a,nd techniques are used in collection
of data." ·
So, measurement is a process through which our level of performance, fitness level,
ability, knowledge, personality traits and skills are measured with the help of
various standard tests. ·
Definition of Evaluation
Evaluation is a means -of organized assessment done to appraise the value
of something. The most important aspect of evaluation is to determine the
applicability, capability and achievement of the said objectives, its efficiency,
effectiveness, impact and sustainability. For example, at the start of an exercise
regime, a medical evaluation is done to ensure that the person is fit enough to
handle it. According to United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), evaluation
is defined as "An evaluation is an assessment, as systematic and impartial as
possible, of an activity, project, programme, strategy, policy, topic, theme, sector,
operational area, institutional performance ..." .
"It -is a technique by which ·we come to know at what extent the objectives are
being achieved".
"It is a decision making process which assists to make grade and ranking."
ding to Barrow and Mc Gee, "It is the process of education tha~ inuol~es
p.ccor • n of data from the products which can be used for comparison wi th
collectioeived criteria to make judgement."
preconction requires a methodical collection of information and systematic
Evalu~s and presentation of achievements and challenges. All evaluations should
analysiducted in an 1mpar
· t·1a1 manner at all stages of the process. An 1mpar
· t·ia1
be ci°n tion offers credible results and reduces the bias in data gathering,
eva u:is and formulation of findings, conclusions and recommendations.
8na1Y '
ortance of Test, Measurement and evaluation in Sports
ltt1P d 1 . .
t measurement an eva uation are important aspects of all the programmes
Tes '
f hysical educ~t·ion an d spart s. w·1thout test, measurement and eva1uat10n,
. 1t.
~!mes very difficult to determine th.e level o_f ach.ievement of ~arious objectives
f physical education and sports by an md1v1dual. The following points clearly
?mdicate the importance of test, measurement
. and evaluation in physical
education and sports.
1. For Getting Knowledge About the P,rogress: With the help of test,
measurement and evaluation, physicijl education ,teachers can get
appropriate knowledge about the progress of ·students. To know about
the progress is significant not only for the teachers but for students also.
If students are not informed, they will be in dark. Without appropriate
knowledge of their progress, they cannot come to know where they stand.
Even teachers of physical education cannot modify proiammes of physical
education and sports appropriately. Without test, measurement and
evaluation, it is difficult to determine accurately the extent to which the
objectives have been met. Teachers cannot improve.programmes related to
physical education, if they don't know the level of achievement or progress.
2. For Preparation of Effective Planning: With the help of test,
measurement and evaluation, an effective planning can be done. Without
test, measurement and evaluation, a good planning can be completely
useless. Teaching or coaching method can be changed on the basis of
test, measurement and evaluation. Students can be guided or directed
appropriately with the help of test, measurement and evaluation.
3. For Knowing the Abilities and Capacities: With the help of test,
measurement and evaluation, teachers of physical education can assess
and understand the abilities and capacities of students which ultimately
help in conceiving a programme. · ·
. For Discovering the N eeds of Participants: Test, measurement and
evaluation help in discovering the needs of participants. These identify the
strengths and weaknesses of participants or students. The curriculum can
be prepared accordingly. These also show where emphasis should be laid. .
· For Motivation:· Measurement is a vital motivational device.
A sportsperson comes to know his/her level of achievement or
Performance with the help of test, measurement and evaluat_ion.
He/She tries to compare his/her performance with his/her previous
1Esr Mt: A,..,. _ _
. h ther's performance. He/She puts more
performance or wit o lt If he/she comes to know about effol'ts
to achieve better ret~ s~ets motivated to achieve better rother's
top performance, hte s : valuation help in motivating the sportspesulta.
So, test, measuremen an e ersons
in the desired way. . .
F Cl ·fication of Sportspersons: The training load is giv
6. or . ass1 Ih . di 'dual capabilities or capacities. We are also aw ell.
according to t e m vi t Di££ are
that individual differences e~ist_ a~ong spor spersons. er~nt tr~g
· given
1oa d is · to di·fferent 1nd1viduals.
.. So, abili
· · classification
. of
sportspersons as per their capacities and capa ties is requ~ed to give
them proper training load. Test, measurement a~d evalua~ion help in
proper classification of sportspersoi;is _the basis of physical, lllenta1
and psychological capacities and capabilit~es. Sportspersons can also be
classified into homogeneous groups if required. _
1 7. For Knowing the Achievements in Future: There is no doubt that
present performance can be examined with the help of test, measurement
and evaluation and on the basis of present performance the future
)~[ achievements caAbe predicted. So, test, measurement and eval~ation are
.f important tools in projecting the achievement of sportspersons m future .
I 8. For Research and Experimentation. Test, measurement and evaluation
are significant tools in research and experimentation in the field of physical
education and sports. These are a~so important for the dev;elopment of
physical education profes,sion because without research and experimentation
no profession i~proved a·nd taken forward. Test, measurement and
evaluation encourage the researchers to find out the gaps in the existing
knowledge and bridge those gaps. New styles and techniques are developed
with the help of research which ultimately depends on test, measurement
and evaluation.
9. For Identifying Potential. Test, measurement an~ evaluation help
i!1 identifying the potential of the participants. With the help of test,
measurement and evaluation, physical education teachers and coaches
can come to know ab?ut the potential of their students, which ultimately
provide help in the preparation of programme of physical education and
sports for them.
10. For Making Effective Planning. Test, measurement and evaluation play
a very significant role in preparing an effective planning for sportspersons.
Consequently, it can be said that test, measurement and evaluation are
really .significant in the field of physical education and sports.
A research study related to the meta-analysis of different tests and measurements
in physical education reveals that a great lack of uniformity of terms, conceptions
and functions of various sorts of tests. This study also reveals that most of us
are not well aware about what constitutes of scientific test. There is a variety of


801 5 applied to tests in the field of physical education such as motor ability teSt,
» ~ al fitness tests, physical capacity tests, physical efficiency tests, strength
st tests, skill tests, .practice tests anthropometric tests, etc. It
te te easily observed that in the above-mentioned tests, the various terms are
can lied to the same type of test~. In making a proper classification of tests, the
aPP first step should be the selection of a satisfactory basis of classification. ·
verin fact, the te~ts could be Glassified according to the type of activity to be
asured, according to the method of constructing 'the tests, according to the
IIl:rpose for which the test is designed o_r according to the actual function that
ihe test performs. For example, te~ts might be classified as written tests or as
rformance tests. If tests are classified according to the method of construction,
i:sts might be c~assified as judgment tests or achievement tests. If these are
classified according t~ the purpose for which the tests are designed, they might
be classified as posture tests, strength tests, motor ability tests, etc.
Thus, if a test measures fundamental motor ,ability it may be called a motor
ability test. If it measures practice.improvement in executing basketball skills,
it may be ca)}~d an achievement test in basketball technique.
The gen~rab;:lassification of various tests used in physical education can be
made on tije bas,1s of their functio~s. Description of such tests is stated below:
1. M~tor Ability Tests. Coaches usually face many challenges but one of the
main chall~nges is that individual differences among athletes make each of
them unique in their ability to get success in sports. Height, body type, muscle
fibre composition, motivational level and learning styles are among the many
factors that affect the rate at which athletes will become proficient. So, due
to uniqueness of athletes, instructiona1 and coaching strategies will not be
equally effective. By analyzing motor abilities, coaches can optimize each
athlete's genetic potential. It means that coaches can analyze various sports
skills by identifying the motor abilities necessary for sports performance.
There are various motor ability tests such as Crawford Small Parts Dexterity
Test, Purdue Pegboard Test, Stromberg Dexterity Test, Arm Motor Ability
Test, etc.
2. Physical Fitness Tests . Physical fitness tests usually in~lude
measurements of body composition. cardio-respiratory endu:ance,
muscular fitness and flexibility, etc. There a'.re number of tests which are
used to measure physical fitness. I:oJ example, R~ger's Physical Fitness
Test Indiana Motor Fitness Test,. M.S.W.A. Physical Perfqr~ance Test,
AAHPER and Youth Fitness Test, are some of the te~ts which ~re used to
ascertain the level of physical fitness. The Gover,nment of India h1ls also -
introduced Phy~ical Fitness Test.s for the children o~ age group: 5 to 8 years
and 9 'to 1·s years.
For 5 to 8 years children, there are following tests:
(i) Body Composition 'fest (BMI)
(ii) Coordination Test (Plate Tapping Test)
(iii) Balance Test (Flamingo Balance Test)
8 ears ch ildren, there are following tests:
For 9 to 1 Y osition Test (BMI)
(i) Body Comp th and Endurance Test
(ii) Muscular ~tr~~~ore Strength (Partial Curl-up)
(a) AbdomUina l' boys and Modified Push Ups for Girls
(b) Push ps ior
"bility Test (Sit and Reach Test)
(iii) Flex1_
(iv) Cardiovascu Ia r Endurance Test (600 Meter walk/Run)
(v) Speed (50 M Dash)

4 x 10 m Shuttle run
Standing long jump · SO m dash

I Track of 200 m or 400 m for 600 m run Flexed-leg Sit-ups



Flexed-arm Hang for Girls Pull-up

Physical Fitness Tests ··

3. Anthropometric Tests. In anthropom~tric tests, the height, the
length of various bones, chest, body size, structure, body weight,
development of muscles, body composition, strength of lungs, standing
posture, sitting posture, walking posture and the angle of arches
are measured and tested. All these factors are significant from the
point of view of performance in certain skills in the field of sports
1 and games. Without anthropometric measurements, it becomes very
difficult to classify the students. Such tests can reveal why an athlete
is having advantage in any sports or game where the other is not.


for _et10
:3 dd 1
le the length of the limbs is significant factor in sprintinJd I_n
i~, periodic test/measurements !ndicates _wh~ther the ch IS
. terlYgr·owing _ or
, there is some type of hindrance in his growth.
pioP ~ - '
.. :L --~l ,, '

(i) (ii) (iii)

Cardiovascular Test Anthropometric Test

4 Cardiovascular Tests. Cardiovasc~lar Tests_ are ~s_ed to measure how

· ll your body can perform a rhythmic, dynamic activity at a moderate to
w:igh intensity for extended periods of time. These tests are actually _used
: 0 measure the cardio-vascular fitness. Indeedi it refers to the capacity of
your heart, lungs and organs to consume, transport and use oxygen through .
workout. The cardiovascular fitness can be measured with the help of
treadmill test, The 3-minute Step Test, The Rockport Test, VO Max Test,
12-minute Run Test, 12-Minute Swim Test, Harvard Step Test, etc.
5. Achievement Test. The skills of different sports and games achieved by
sportspersons is measured by Achievement Tests. These type of tests are
very significant in the field of physical education and sports because they
help in ascertaining as to how far the sportspersons have succeeded in
achieving the skill involved in different games and sports. For each game/
sports there are various tests to measure a particular skill, e.g., shooting,
kicking, serving, hitting, etc. For example, in basketball, there are two
tests: Johnson's Baslrntball Test for boys and Leilich Basketball Test for
girls and Warner Test of Soccer Skills consists of various skills such as
kicking for-distance (Right foot and left foot) and dribbling for time.
· Questionnaires and Interview. These measurement tools can obtain
information directly from individuals about present status of their
behaviour, beliefs, attitudes or interests.
A questionnaire is a research tool which consists of a series of questions used
t~ collect useful information from respondents. These instruments include
th · Written or oral questions. Interview is a formal conversation between
7 e ~terviewer and respondent to collect data.
· lliedi~al Test. With the help of medical test, the health of students is
exanuned. Through this test, the physical defects in ~tudents are given
roper treatments in order to remove those defects. This test is essential
:r;be Proper classification of students in the field of physical education
n _sports.d h'
session Every student should be examined in the beginning of the
'Its,- an 1s record should be maintained properly.
. ults it is
essential to adm · .
To know the accurate as well as auth en t1c :e_s '. . 1n1stel'
the test efficiently and effectively. For adm11~1stratio~ of tes~ a~pr~pria~ely, the
following guidelines are very significant to follow in ? ysic; :. ucation and
sports: Guidelines for advance preparation, during teS t ing an a ter testing.
Guidelines for Advance Preparation
The following guidelines should be followed for advance prepara~i-?n:
1. Selection of the appropriate test. In a prope:1' teS t ~dministr~tion, the
selection of the appropriate test is the first consider~tion. S~lect10n of the
appropriate test depends upon the types of i~orm~tion that ~s required by
the teacher/coach. Tests should be selected with a view_ to the time available,
the size and the age of the group, the number of qualified leaders, the cost
and the amount of equipment and facilities.
2. Knowledge of the test. -The physical education teacher/coach, who has
to administer the test, should have ·a:ppropriate knowledge of the test to
be used and accurate understanding of its administrative procedures.
3. Equipment and facilities. A test ,requires proper space, equipment
courts, grounds, special markings, etc. The proper use of space, equipment'
and other materials reduces the amount of time needed for conducting
tests. Equipment such as chinning 'bars, ropes, poles, jumping standards
and other specific· devices should be available and put in place before
testing, begins. All other;.equipment like stopwatches, balls, measuring
tapes, signs, string, cord, score cards and markers should be ready before
the commencement of the test.
4. Prepar_ation of Score Cards. There are various types of score cards
and various methods for recording scores. The scoring forms /cards 1
roll sheet,_ squad cards and individual score cards should be design~dc
prepared in advance of the testing period.
5. Preparation
·fi of the testing .area. ·If the test inst·ruet·ions require
· 1or
a speci c arrangement of testing area the re · d
followed properly. . .' quire pattern should be
6. Selection of the administration procedu . .
teacher/coach should carefully plan all roe dres. Before tes~1~g, the
students. Where, When and How the d P e ur~s for .organ1s1ng the
. t· . . emonstrations will b d
1mpor ant questions. For proper administ t. - · · , - e one, are
may be paired into partne~s and whil~ 0 ra ion procedures, the students
partner may serve as scorer and recorder :e da;tner is tested, the other 1

their roles ..This method is a time-saver It mn abter that t. hey can change
· · ay eus d h
items are adaptable to its use. If it is feasible 11 h e w enever the test
niay take the test at the same time. Station-to~st! _e members of the class
used when there are large groups. tion method can also be
7. Orientation of students. To get satisfactor ·
orientation is essential. Students should be well results of the test, student
the test. Students.S.hould be told what they are st~w!lre about the purpose of
(~ VUlgfor and the outcomes
HEALTH AND P...,V<:TrA, ........ 1rA-rT,...., -
v r
be achi~ved. The test item may be explained and ~em~nstrated in adv~nce
t;r obtaining the re~ults of the test. Some directions shauld be given
f~ st'l:ldents regarding equipment, dress, shoes, score cards, etc.
~raini~g of student leaders and scorers_. If highly _qualified people
8, re available, they should be used, to help in the-testing p:vogram.m;e.
Experienc~d teacher~/coaches are very important when testing procedures
are complicated or .difficult,.~If1 ~quiplUent like stopwatches and dynamo-
meters are to be use_d .or techp.iques such _as ,counting puls~ .rates ~n a
cardiovascular t~_st _are to be dqne, some experiep.ced persons should be
available for testing. ·
puring Test_ing

f 0 administering the test efficiently, follow these important guidelines:
I \. Last-Minute Check. The teachersfooaches shol}ld arrive early at the place

of testing to make last-minute check of equipment, court/ground and facilities

that are to be used in the test.It means that everything should be ready and
in place so that the actual testing may be started without delay. .
2. Deinonstratjon. Each test item should be demonstrated to the students/
subjects. The demonstrator sh6uid be well-prepared to demonstrate the
te~p..Q.ique of the test item. An ~xplanation of the test item will be significant
along with demonstration. Students should be given an opportunity to ask
_,questions if,theY, h:ave any. · __ _ ·
3. Warm-up and practice. Af~er the explanation and demonstration and
before the testing is begun: a short warm-up should be given to the students.
'r}lis is not only essential for safety but it is also beneficial for enhancing
pe:rfbrmance on the test. So, it' is the responsibility of teachers/coaches or
the test administrator to see that all students should be properly warmed up
before testing starts. Students should also be given some time for practice
-of the test item before the commencement of the test.
4. Motivation. Motivation is also essentia~ to students before the test starts.
'it is necessary for improving performance in the test. They can be motivat-~d
if they are told the purpose of the test and the method of scoring.
5. Safety Measures. Safety measures should be followed dur~ng the time of
testing. Accidents-may 'be prev~nted up to some· extent if emphasis is laid
on safety measures. · ·
After Testing .
After the testing period, a -number, of points should be taken into consideration.
1. Collection of score car d s. All test materials, documents along with sc,o re
cards should be collected i111m~diately aJter the-test,is over. The score car;ds
and other -materials related to tl:ie test sli?-q.uld be k.ept at _a_s.e cure place.
2. Conversion of raw scores. Raw score is obtained after the administration
of the-test. It should be converted into sta~i_dard scorescbe.c ause it is
impoasible to interpret the result on the basis of raw se,ore. The actual
conv_ei:si9n,i.~-Arsnal1y~ac.c.o mplisbed 1thi:ough th.e use.of th~ norm:s,· in the
£arm .of se0 ringi tables. Scor.e--e11rds should also have p,r oAe-n s:pa:oe for the
raw scores and the converted scores. 1
\ ' ...- • , • ,

'th norn1s. Sometimes converted

3. Co1nparing test l'esuthlts :~ compared with additional standar~:oises
are more useful
h when
ld ey d •th the norms. In some cases th · o
test results s ou be compare t w1
t results and prepare th e1r
. own
' noe test
· · t hould ana1yse es . • . rllis
ad.mm1stra ors s . . re arding test administration 1n the field ·
The above-mentioned gUidelmes g significant. The actual result Illa bf
physical ~ducation ~nd_ sports af:;::: properly. It can be said that to re:llse
obtained if these gUI~ehne~ are h uidelines regarding advance Preparatio e
a smooth test ad.mrmstration, t e g f 11 managed. n,
during test and afte·r the test should be care u y

t- _li;HiAHH-'!1
~ '.

\ Objective Type/Multiple Choice Questions (Carrying 1 Mark)

Give one word answers. · .

1. Which test is used to knciw the coordination of school going children (age group Sto 8
years) recommended by Governmental India? . .
2. What is the name of the test used to measure the balance of school going children for the
age group of 5 to 8 years in India. · ·
item of school goers for 5-8 and 9-18 years?
3. Which is the common physical fitness test _
4. Which tests are used to measure ihe body sizi,, structure and composition?
Fill in the blanks._ '

1. Test, measurement
progress in sports. and ................................. are essential to get the knowledge about the

2. ...................... refers to the process of administering a test to obtain

3. ....................... is a means oforganized assessment done to appraise the value of soinething.
4. Test, measurement
physical andsports.
education and evaluation are ........................ in research and experimentation in
State True or False.
1. Test is an important aspect for all training programmes. (True/False)

2. IQ tests ale used to measure the basic skills used In playing a specific sport. (True/False)
3. In anthropometric tests, the height, the length of various bones, chest, body size, structure,
body weight, etc., are measured and tested. (True/False)
4. Each test item should be demonstrated to the students before the test. (True/False)
Choose the correct answer.
I 1. Test, measurement and evaluation are significant for
(a) For getting knowledge ·about the progress
(b) For knowing the abilities and capacities
(c) For research and experimentation
(d) All of the above

2. Given below are the two statements labelled Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Assertion Measurement refers to the process of administering a test to obtain


r ~easo
n (R): Test, Measurement and 'Evaluation are significant for preparing effective
·ng for sportspersons.
. ·
planhni context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?
Int e .
oth (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the corre~t explanation of (A).
(a ) B . .
(b) Both (A~ ~nd .(R) ar_e true, but (,R) is not the correct explanation-of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) 1s false.
(d) (A) is false, but (~) is true . .
Rohit's height is 5 feet 1 inch measured with the help of stadiometer. The 5 feet 1 inch is
i an ex~mple of ............... . '

(a) test . (b) "'!eas~rement 1 (c) evaluati,on (~) .assessment

Which one of the following physical fitness test items is used tor children of age group 5
· tog years and 9,to 18 years? ·
(a)-Plate Tapping Test · (b) Body Mass Index
(c) F'lexibility Test (d) Cardiovascular Endurance Test
s. In which test the length of various bones are measured and tested?
(a) Achievement ~ests (b) Cardiovascular test
(c) Anthropometric test . (d) Motor ability test
6. Demonstration of the test item is included in the following:
' ' '
·(a) During Testing (b) In advance preparation,
(c) After Testing (d) All of these ,
7. Students, who appear,in a physical fitness test should wear:
, 1' I l

(a) Comfortabl~ clothes (b) Very tight clothes

{() Very loose clothes (d) Dark clothes
8. Sports skill tests are used to measure the: .
(a) Body composition (b) Skill of a person in a particular field/sports
(c) Height (d) None of these
·9. Plate tapping test is used to measure:
,(a) Coordination (b) Body fat
(c) Muscular endurance (d) All of these
lO. Flamingo balance test is used to measure the balance of school going children for the age
group of: · •
(a) 3 to 5 years (b) 5 to 8 years (c) 3 to 8 years (cl) None of these
ll. Partial curJfup test is used to measure:
(a) Arm strength (b) Abdominal strength
.(c) Speed (d) None of these
12· Sit and reach test is used to measure:
(a) Strength (b) Endurance (c) Speed (d) Flexibility
· Which one of the following guidelines should be .f ollowed after testing?
(a) Selection of the appropriate tests (b) Demonstration
(c) Collection of the score cards (d) Last.-minute check
· Preparation of score cards should be done:
(a) In advance of the test (b) During testing
(c) After testing .(d) None -of these
i ·~ --.,

(Carrying 2 Marks) ·
Short Answer Questions-I t nd measurement? -
1 What do you mean bytes a f test measurement and evaluation in sports
· · ortance o . , ·
2. Discuss any two impb Motor Ability tests?
3. What do you mean by cardiovascular tests? ' . . . ,
' 4. What do you mean Yt f on of the test is essential during testing? Briefly dis
5. Why does e demo~s r:;tice are essential during testing? Briefly discuss-. , cuss.
6. Why do warm up ~nby ~nthropometric Tests? '
8. ~hat
metaest administration guidelines for advance preparation.

Short Answer Questions-II (Carrying 3 Mar~s) . .
1 what do you mean by Classification of test in physical, education and sports-;>·
2: Discuss cardiovascular tests and achievement tests. .
3 D. ss any three importance of test, measurement an,d evaluation.
• ISCU h . I d ti' d d'
. Classify the various types of test in p ysIca e _uca on an Iscuss any two tests.
~- Discuss the test administration guidelines, which _should be foll_owed after testing,
r,. Elaborate any 3 test administ~ation guidelines, which are essential to follow during testing.
Long Answer Questions (Carrying ~ f:,llarks)
1. Discuss any five tests used in physical education and sports.
2. Discuss the guidelines for advance ·preparation in test administration.
3. Discuss the test administration guidelines during tests and after the test.
4. Discuss the importance of test, measurement and evaluation in physical education
s. Discuss Motor Fitness Tests, Physical Fitness Tests and Cardiovascular Fitness T~sts in detail
6. Which test administration guidelines are essential to follow for advance preparation s~
that test may be conducted smoothly.
7. Discuss in detail the test administration ·guidelines in physical education and sports. ·
8. What do you mean by 'test, measurement and evaluation? Elucidate their importance in
the field of physical education and sports.

Objective Type/Multiple Choice Questions

One word answers
,1.;rl~te Ta_
pping T~st 2. Flamingo Balance Test
4. Anthropometric Test 3. Body Composition Test
in the blank;5 .
1. Evaluation
2. Measurement 3. Evaluation
True or False 4. significant tools
1. True
2. False 3. True
Corr:ect answers 4. True
1. (d) All of the above ,
2. (b) Both .(A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
6• (b) measurement 4. (b) Body mass index s. (c) Anthropometric test
• (a) During Te sti ng 7. (a) Comfortable Clothes
8. (b) Skill of a person in a particular field/sports 9. (a) Coordination
10. (b) 5 to 8 years 11. (b) Abdominal strength
• (d) Flexibility 13. (c) Collection of the score cards 14. (a) In advance e teSr

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