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Unit 1 DB

1. The course objectives in this assignment will support my success in management by

providing various leadership qualities, critical thinking skills, and ethical reasoning
qualities. Leadership qualities should consist of knowing how to be approachable,
communicate effectively, and be caring of those who work with you. People will work
more effectively and efficiently when they know they are part of a team (M.U.S.E. p. 3).
2. Leadership and management are both similar in definition, but are not the same. They
are the same because both are responsible for a group of people and provide instruction.
Leadership is a person who is focused on the future and responsibility of others whereas
management is a person who gives direction in the present time in a business. A leader is
not just a job title, but someone who portrays a specific attitude and creates change as a
team. A manager has to make sure the day-to-day activities are completed and maintain
status quo. Lastly, a leader uses personal power as a manager has position power
(M.U.S.E., p. 3).
3. Ethical challenges are among every leader and manager in today’s global business
environment. It’s not always easy making the right choice especially when it comes
down to costing the business more money or cutting corners to get the job done faster.
Applying ethics in a business means doing the right thing even when you know no one’s
watching. It also means showing kindness to others so in return the business can bring
kindness back in. If leaders and managers only look out for themselves and not the good
of the business, the business won’t flourish. So, if a business does not follow these
concepts, the government has implemented numerous laws and regulations to ensure
businesses comply (Editorial Board, p.120).

4. The question whether a leader is born or made can get complicated. Based on the
book,  Leadership and Ethical Decision Making, 'Behavioral theory examines the specific
behavior of a leader. Instead of being based on innate qualities, leadership is defined as
learnable'.  Not everyone is able to be a leader but I think they have the potential if given
a chance. As an example, in a basketball team, each player plays a certain position. The
point guard would be considered the leader of the team. If the point guard gets injured in
the middle of the game, it’s up to another player on the team to step up and become the
new point guard. It wouldn’t be easy but the team is counting on that player to take on
the new role.

Editorial Board. (2019). Leadership and Ethical Decision Making 2nd Ed. Words of Wisdom, LLC
M.U.S.E (2020) Leadership, Management, and Theoretical Perspectives
M.U.S.E (2020) Leading vs. Managing.

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