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ACTIVITY 1: Name 6 people who would be regarded throughout history as great leaders.
Why do you think they made great leaders? Did they show any weaknesses?

1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________

Concepts of Leadership

What is Leadership?
“Leadership is …… influencing, inspiring and
directing the performance of people towards the
achievement of key goals – and creating the sense of
success in the short and the long term. (Strycharczyk
& Clough)

Leadership is the ability to continuously influence a team of individuals and encompasses many
important traits. While management is the overall direction and oversight of the work activities
of a team, leadership focuses on the ongoing motivation, engagement and productivity of a
Although everyone uses the terms leader and leadership freely, there is a great deal of
misunderstanding about what we really mean by them. Before we go any further, therefore, it is
essential to set out some of the key definitions with which we shall deal. For many a popular
view is that the leader is someone who is a little larger than life and one to whom people are
drawn like a magnet by “charisma”. This is the person others want to follow, the one who
commands their trust and respect, as well as their loyalty. Leaders operate at many levels: from
senior managers and chief executives, through to team leaders and leading operators.

It is important to be clear about what we really mean by the term’s leader and leadership?
Some of the ways that leadership has been defined include:
1. “Leadership is the exercise of authority and the making of decisions.”
2. “The leader is one who succeeds in getting others to follow him.”
3. “Leadership is the process of influencing group activities toward goal setting and goal
4. “Leadership occurs when one person induces others to work toward some predetermined

5. “Leadership is the art of influencing and directing people in such a way that will win their
obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in achieving common objectives”
6. “Managers have subordinates…leaders have followers.”
7. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then
you are a leader.”
8. “Leadership is… influencing, inspiring and directing the performance of people towards the
achievement of key organizational goals – and creating the sense of success in the short and
long term.”
9. “Leadership is a two-way street, loyalty up and loyalty down. Respect for one's superiors;
care for one's crew.”

Two important threads run through all of these definitions.

The first is the concept of PERFORMANCE. Effective leadership will result in superior
performance and achievement of individuals, teams and organizations.

The second is the concept of the FOLLOWER. There can be no leaders in isolation. If you
want to know whether you are a leader, see if there is someone is prepared to follow your
lead. And since one cannot really force people to behave in appropriate ways, leadership
implies that followers accept – in some way – to follow a leader.

This is important because developing leadership – as we will see – often means developing
the followers too.

A search on the world wide web in August 2007 found 14.1 million sites that attempt to do
that. Even the first page of hits has 20 different definitions.

However, although most of us will recognize and acknowledge leadership when it is
effective…. we find it more difficult to describe it. Similarly, we can all readily name
effective leaders in a number of areas of life (even leaders whose philosophies we would
reject), but we struggle to define what leadership is.

What are leadership concepts?

Leadership concepts refer to factors that leaders consider when applying a leadership style
and overseeing a team of individuals. These principles focus on ideas and perceptions about
the traits leaders should have and how they should perform in a leadership role. Additionally,
leadership concepts help professionals understand what kind of skills and character traits to
develop in order to advance in leadership roles

Differences between leadership concepts and leadership theories

Concepts of leadership differ from leadership theories in several distinct ways. For instance,
leadership concepts generally serve as a guideline for professionals to use when forming a
leadership style, communicating with teams and directing processes. Leadership theories
typically focus on various research into the idea of applying different methodologies, styles
and techniques to leading a team.

Leadership concepts
Leadership concepts encompass the styles, traits and principles of different approaches to
managing a team of employees. Essentially, leadership concepts are based off of various
theories of management, and these traits serve as a standard for effective managers,
supervisors and other positional leaders. Additionally, leadership concepts drive the creation
of theories of standard management styles and behaviors, and are often inclusive of traits
such as personality and character, initiative, motivation, influence, decision-making abilities
and other principles that form the basis of many integrated leadership styles.

Leadership theories-Leadership concepts refer to factors that leaders consider when applying
a leadership style and overseeing a team of individuals. These principles focus on ideas and
perceptions about the traits leaders should have and how they should perform in a leadership

Leadership theories study the traits of effective leaders, including the qualities, behavioral
patterns and actions of leaders who are effective and influential. Theories on leadership focus
on explaining what makes good leaders by focusing on the various behaviors and qualities
that professionals can develop to become good leaders. While leadership concepts are the
traits themselves, leadership theories are the study and explanations of these traits and the
effects of them on professionals and their work environments.

There are several main types of leadership theories:

1. Trait theories- The trait
theory of leadership suggests
that certain inborn or innate
qualities and characteristics
make someone a leader.
These qualities might be
personality factors, physical
factors, intelligence factors,
and so on. In essence, trait theory proposes that the leader and leaders’ traits are
central to an organisation’s success. The assumption here is that finding people with
the right traits will increase organisational performance. Trait theory focuses
exclusively on the leader and neglects the follower.
2. Behavioral theories- The behavioral leadership theory focuses on how leaders
behave, and assumes that these traits can be copied by other leaders. Sometimes
called the style theory, it suggests that leaders aren't born successful, but can be
created based on learnable behavior.
3. Management theories - The management theory is sometimes called transactional
leadership, and focuses on supervision, organization, and group performance.

Transactional leadership is a system of rewards and punishments, and transactional
leadership is regularly used in business. When employees do something successful,
managers reward them.
4. Relationship theories The relationship theory of leadership focuses on leaders who
are mainly concerned about their interactions with others. They are often mentors for
employees, scheduling time to talk to them and working to meet their needs. These
kinds of leaders are focused on making work enjoyable for as many people as
possible, and they want to foster a positive work environment. Studies show that this
kind of leadership behavior can be the most effective for many employees.
Relationship-oriented managers often get better results from their employees.
There are many advantages to this kind of leadership. Employees feel confident in
their leader and want to follow them. They are also inspired to be good leaders to
others. Mentorship provides great opportunities to foster growth in employees, and
encourages them to stay at the organization for a longer period of time. There are
some critics for this kind of leadership however, including thoughts that relationship
driven leaders may be unwilling to view employees who are causing problems at face
value, they can let relationships get in the way of work, and they can be guided to
favor people over productivity. However, most experts agree that relationship driven
leaders are actually more effective at the end of the day.
An example of relationship theory would be a manager who takes a newer employee
under her wing. She works to help this employee understand how they fit within the
organization, encourage them to be open about questions and problems, and create a
positive working relationship. This employee then is encouraged to work hard, point
out issues, and help solve problems for the company.

5. Situational theories
Situational leadership theory is often referred to as the Hersey-Blanchard Situational
Leadership Theory, after its developers, Dr. Paul Hersey, author of "The Situational
Leader," and Kenneth Blanchard, author of "One-Minute Manager."

Leadership Styles

Hersey and Blanchard suggested that there are four primary leadership styles:

 Telling (S1): In this leadership style, the leader tells people what to do and how to do
 Selling (S2): This style involves more back-and-forth between leaders and followers.
Leaders "sell" their ideas and message to get group members to buy into the process.
 Participating (S3): In this approach, the leader offers less direction and allows
members of the group to take a more active role in coming up with ideas and making

 Delegating (S4): This style is characterized by a less involved, hands-off approach to
leadership. Group members tend to make most of the decisions and take most of the
responsibility for what happens.

Maturity Levels

The right style of leadership depends greatly on the maturity level (i.e., the level of
knowledge and competence) of the individuals or group.

Hersey and Blanchard's theory identifies four different levels of maturity, including:

 M1: Group members lack the knowledge, skills, and willingness to complete the task.
 M2: Group members are willing and enthusiastic, but lack the ability.
 M3: Group members have the skills and capability to complete the task, but are
unwilling to take responsibility.
 M4: Group members are highly skilled and willing to complete the task.

Matching Styles and Levels

Leadership styles may be matched with maturity levels. The Hersey-Blanchard model
suggests that the following leadership styles are the most appropriate for these maturity

 Low Maturity (M1)—Telling (S1)

 Medium Maturity (M2)—Selling (S2)
 Medium Maturity (M3)—Participating (S3)
 High Maturity (M4)—Delegating (S4)

How It Works

A more "telling" style may be necessary at the beginning of a project when followers lack the
responsibility or knowledge to work on their own. As subordinates become more experienced
and knowledgeable, however, the leader may want to shift into a more delegating approach.

This situational model of leadership focuses on flexibility so that leaders are able to adapt
according to the needs of their followers and the demands of the situation.

The situational approach to leadership also avoids the pitfalls of the single-style approach by
recognizing that there are many different ways of dealing with a problem and that leaders
need to be able to assess a situation and the maturity levels of subordinates in order to
determine what approach will be the most effective at any given moment.

Situational theories, therefore, give greater consideration to the complexity of dynamic social

situations and the many individuals acting in different roles who will ultimately contribute to
the outcome.

Each of these types of theories is based on specific foundations that are rooted in how
a leader takes action, manages a team of people, makes decisions and adapts to
different situations.

Types of leadership concepts

Leadership concepts come from the different forms of leadership theories. For instance, the
way a leader adapts to a situation is a core concept in situational theory. Here are several
more types of leadership concepts that come from leadership theories:

Honesty and integrity

Honesty and integrity are two key traits that fall under trait leadership theories. Individuals
who are honest and trustworthy make effective leaders, as these traits often relate to acting
with the best interests of their colleagues, teams and overall organizations.

Ability to resolve conflict

Challenging situations, while not always common, will arise during your career. Strong
conflict resolution skills are necessary to perform effectively in a leadership role. This
leadership concept is situational in nature, requiring leaders to approach problems directly,
collaborate with their teams to create solutions and evaluate the outcomes of their problem-

Two-way communication
Managing a team effectively requires more than directing and delegating. Exceptional leaders
take the time to listen to their teams' input and perspectives for all work that relates to them.
This two-way communication provides leaders with valuable insight from diverse members
of their teams while they offer constructive feedback and mentorship to their staff. This
relationship-building concept reflects relationship leadership theories, which focus on
building strong work teams who achieve goals together.

Capable leaders develop their adaptability, which is necessary to interact with others in
different situations. The ability to adapt your management style, approaches and strategies to
a given situation reflects situational leadership theory. Additionally, strong leaders who are
adaptable to different situations are highly successful at networking, building motivated
teams and keeping their teams engaged.

Self-awareness is a trait that is necessary for any professional role, not just leadership
positions. Leaders who understand their limits, know when to seek support and have
experience with regulating their emotions and reactions make effective managers and
supervisors. For instance, controlling your reactions, managing your emotions and
understanding what you are capable of are all traits of strong and effective leaders.

Compassion, understanding others' feelings and listening to others' perspectives is not only a
leadership concept that relates to trait leadership theories, but it's part of relational leadership
theories, too. Building relationships with coworkers, team members and others in the
workplace requires understanding, seeking common interests and actively making the effort
to learn about each individual on your team. This creates trust, which will lead to higher job
satisfaction since employees are comfortable and confident in their leader.

Leaders with vision reflect trait leadership theories where innovation, creativity and the
ability to initiate and influence change are essential concepts of managing a team. Trait
theories encompass vision as the ability to motivate, inspire and engage others, and leaders
who exhibit these visionary traits are often highly successful.


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Interacting with tact, speaking with intent and using communication strategies that
demonstrate ethical and professionally moral behavior reflect behavioral leadership theories.
These concepts of diplomacy include the skills leaders need to navigate the workplace as both
a team or department manager and their boss's employee.

Examples of leadership concepts

The following examples of leadership concepts provide insight into how these traits and
theories work together to build a style of leadership that you can use as a guide to develop
your ability to lead a team effectively:

 "Be, know do" leadership concept

 The “be, know, do” leadership concept outlines several approaches to developing
your abilities as a strong leader. Starting with “be” concepts, these include:
 Be professional and hold yourself accountable. Perform your work honestly, ethically
and in your organization's best interest.
 Know and be aware of yourself and others and understand how others respond to
different situations and events.
 Know your job and understand what's expected of you, both from your supervisors
and the team you're leading.
 Do provide mentoring and direction for your team. Help your team set objectives and
goals and provide opportunities for coaching and training your staff.

Two components concept

A leader isn't a leader without followers. This concept relates to the relationship between a
leader and their followers, in other words, the two main components of a leadership role.
Leaders must build relationships and engage with their followers. Since leadership is a
continuous influence of a team, this concept example illustrates the importance of building a
strong bond in order to keep that team motivated and engaged.

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Additionally, this means a leader must create a community of shared interests, ideas and
inputs that lead the team and entire organization to meet objectives and achieve success.
Several approaches to strengthening the relationship between these two components include:
Team building activities
Mentorship programs
Training sessions
Paired work projects

1. Why is leadership so important? Is this a skill that an individual can innately possess?


2. What is the purpose of performance as a qualification for being a good leader?

3. What do you think are essential characteristics, values, or attributes that a good
leader must possess?
4. What to you would make a great leader?

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5. I admire (a leader you know of) because:

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Types of Leadership Styles

German-American psychologist Kurt Lewin is credited with branding the basic leadership
styles in 1939. Lewin and his researchers tasked schoolchildren with an arts and crafts project
while the team observed behaviors and responses to different styles of leadership. The idea
was to determine which style was most effective to use in business. 

Lewin identified three styles of leadership: Autocratic, Democratic, and Laissez-faire. Over
time, more leadership styles have emerged, and one that is commonly grouped in with
Lewin’s three is Transformational Leadership. Today, there are a variety of leadership styles
in business, but the four primary leadership styles you’ll be exposed to include:

 Autocratic

 Democratic

 Laissez-faire

 Transformational
Let’s examine each of them individually.

Autocratic Leadership

Also known as Authoritarian Leadership, an Autocratic Leadership style can easily be

summed up by the command, “Do as you’re told.” 

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In Autocratic Leadership, direction comes from the
top, a singular figure who leads a company or team.
An autocratic leader determines strategy, policies,
procedures, and the direction of the organization,
dictating everything to subordinates. Authoritarian
leaders are not focused on collaboration with those
in their circle, they are rarely interested in feedback, and they prefer to hold all of the power
and be in charge.

In Lewin’s research, he witnessed four behaviors and results of the Authoritarian Leadership

1. All determination of policy is by the leader.

2. Techniques and activity steps are dictated by the authority, one at a time, so that
future steps or techniques are uncertain.

3. The leader usually dictates the particular work task and work companions of each

4. The dominator is “personal” in his praise and criticism of the work of each team
member, but is aloof from active group participation, except when demonstrating. He
is friendly or impersonal rather than openly hostile.
Examples of autocratic leaders include Martha Stewart, and, New England Patriots Head
Coach Bill Belichick. 

Qualities: Autocratic leaders often possess qualities subordinates look up to, such as

decisiveness, self-confidence, and a steadfast, focused commitment to the goal. 

When It Works: While Autocratic Leadership and the “Don’t question my commands”

approach doesn’t sound like fun, there are occasions when this leadership style can be

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appropriate and effective, such as in urgent or chaotic situations that require someone to reign
in the team and make a prompt and effective decision. 

When It Doesn’t Work: Employees/Students working under an autocratic leader may feel

micromanaged, and because all directives come from one person at the top, they may become
dependent on that person for direction and incapable of making business decisions on their

Democratic Leadership

Also known as Participative Leadership, the

Democratic Leadership approach involves gathering
input from your subordinates and team members so
everyone has a chance to contribute to the decision-
making process. Democratic leaders are still the
decision-makers, but their approach allows others to
feel engaged and have a stake in the final outcome.
Democratic leaders excel at sparking creativity among subordinates, and projects are
enhanced when positive contributions come from all sides.

Lewin’s research into the Democratic Leadership style uncovered these four behaviors and

1. All policies were a matter of group discussion and decision, encouraged and assisted
by the leader.

2. Activity perspective was gained during the first discussion period. General steps to
group goal were sketched, and where technical advice was needed, the leader
suggested two or three alternative procedures from which a choice could be made.

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3. The members were free to work with anyone, and division of tasks was left to the
group leader.

4. The leader was “objective” or “fact-minded” in his praise and criticism and tried to be
a regular group member in spirit without doing too much of the work.
Microsoft Corporation co-founder Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, and Walt Disney, President of
The Walt Disney Company, are often cited as examples of democratic leaders. 

Qualities: Democratic leaders possess a curiosity that drives their desire for input from all
sides. Their desire for a participative environment also makes them great communicators, and
subordinates often find them easily approachable.

When It Works: A democratic approach to leadership yields positive results when the group
feels part of the solution. This leads to more creative input and often heightens employee

When It Doesn’t Work: Not every leader achieves success with the democratic approach.
Inevitably, there will be employees who feel left out because their ideas or solutions were not
chosen. Further, placing confidence in the group to posit solutions can be problematic if the
group is not skilled or trained to answer the call.

Laissez-faire Leadership

Don’t let the name deceive you. Laissez-faire

Leadership is not a “Who cares?” approach.
Rather, it involves empowering your
employees, being hands-off, and trusting them to
accomplish the task at hand without constant
questions or micromanagement. Laissez-faire

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leaders leave decisions to their employees, while staying available to provide feedback when

According to Lewin, Laissez-faire leaders exhibit four common behaviors and results:

1. Complete freedom for group or individual decision, without any leader participation

2. Various materials supplied by leader, who made it clear that he would supply
information when asked, but took no other part in work discussions

3. Complete nonparticipation by leader

4. Very infrequent comments on member activities unless questioned, and no attempt to

participate or interfere with the course of events 
Former U.S. presidents James Buchanan, Herbert Hoover, and Ronald Reagan, as well as
industrialist Andrew Mellon, and businessman Warren Buffet are often cited as examples of
Laissez-faire leaders.

Qualities: Laissez-faire leaders are excellent at delegating, and they instill confidence in

employees when assigning them tasks without oversight. They are capable of providing
constructive criticism when needed, and are often seen as trusting, as they willingly place
responsibilities in the hands of employees.

When It Works: The Laissez-faire approach often leads to faster decision-making, as

employees don’t need to ask a higher up for approval. It is also especially effective in
scenarios where the employees or groups are already trained and skilled for the task at hand.
These workers are fully competent and don’t require supervision, and when they’re
empowered by a Laissez-faire leader, they may feel more accomplished when they complete
their task without a guiding hand or directive.

When It Doesn’t Work: Hands-off can be problematic when your team doesn’t fully
understand the mission. Further, Laissez-faire leaders may find that without direction or

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oversight, employees don’t accomplish as much, or anything at all. Unless you have complete
confidence in your employees and their collective ability to complete a task without close
supervision, you may reconsider this approach.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational Leadership involves developing a grand vision and rallying your employees
around it. Under this style, the team is eager to transform and evolve – personally and
professionally – in order to achieve the overall goal. With the organization and employees
aligned, teams working under a transformational leader are united for the singular cause, and
willing to commit their effort, time, and energy to the organization. 

Transformational Leadership Qualities:

1. Understanding what needs to change

2. Ability to stimulate the intellect

3. Knack for encouraging participation

4. Talent for genuine communication

5. Loyalty

6. Sense of the bigger picture

7. Personal integrity

8. An inspiring bearing/presence 
When It Works: Transformational Leadership allows
employees to see clearly the vision and goals for the
organization, and employees remain loyal and productive

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while working to accomplish their mission. Transformational Leadership creates workplace
harmony as everyone is working together, and the lines of communication are always open
between employees and leadership.
When It Doesn’t Work: While a fully engaged and committed group is what every leader
wants, Transformational Leadership has been known to contribute to burnout as employees
work continuously to achieve goals. This approach also requires constant communication and
feedback between leadership and the employees, and if those lines are severed in any way,
the latter can feel left out of the big picture.

We all encounter numerous managers, coaches, teachers and other authority figures
throughout our lives. Each of those individuals approaches leadership in a slightly different
way, but there are a few core styles that most people gravitate toward.
While no one type of leadership is better than another, it’s important to recognize the
differences between each. It’s also helpful to know which style you identify with most. They
all have their own strengths and weaknesses, and knowing that can help you avoid some
common pitfalls.  
So, what type of leader are you? Take this 10-question quiz to uncover the answer.
Instructions: Be honest.
1. Copy the link and start taking the test.

3. You should only take the exam once so that the results are valid.

4. Take a screenshot of the exam results and upload them to your canvas.

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In this section I want you to give your understandings on the following topics. Remember
that there is no wrong or correct answer, just answer with honesty.
Activity 1: Self-Assessment Instructi
My experience 1 2 3 4
Knowledge, skills, and abilities I don’t have any I have I have I have a
Kaalaman, kasanayan at experience doing this. little some lot of
kakayahan Wala akong experience experience experience
karanasan sa doing this doing this doing this
paggawa Mayroon Mayroon Marami
akong akong akong
konting karanasan sa karanasan sa
karanasan sa paggawa nito paggawa nito
1. Demonstrating leadership in
my personal
life and with others, at work
or in the community/
na isinasabuhay ang
katangian ng isang lider sa
sarili, sa iba, sa trabaho man
o sa
2. Promoting group
cooperation /
Nagtataguyod ng pagkakaisa
sa grupo.
3. Helping others
accomplish a task by
providing guidance &
leadership / Pagtulong sa
gawain ng iba ng
matagumpay kanilang
gawain dahil sa iyong
gabay at pamamahala.
4. Understanding my own
leadership style/

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Naiintindihan ang sariling
kakayahan ng pamumuno.
5. Using necessary steps to
solve problems well
identification, information
gathering, generating,
choosing and
evaluating a
solution/ Paggamit ng
naayon na paraan sa paglutas
ng problema, sa
pamamagitan ng
pagtukoy, pangangalap ng
impormasyon nang
makapaglatag ng epektibong
1. Th What attributes of a good leader possess?

2. A good leader should have……

3. What are the qualities of a leader that inspire you?

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Skills for Functional Leader and Community Exposure

A Leader is:
 Someone who acts as a guide;
 A directing head;
 Someone who leads a body of troops;
Leadership is:
 The position of a leader;
 The quality displayed by a leader;
 The act of leading;

We often say that some people

are good leaders while others are
not. But what is our basis for
judging one's capacity for being
a good leader? From a follower's
perspective, good leadership can
be attributed to several qualities
that a person must have. These
qualities make people comply
and passionately follow a leader.

As a leader, it is essential to
understand the different leading
The style you choose will depend on the context in which you are working – who you
are working with and their needs and expectations, whether or not you have a deadline,
the task at hand, etc.

John C. Maxwell's book entitled "21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader" defines essential
traits of a leader. This book will help people recognize, develop, and refine the personal
characteristics needed to be a truly effective leader, the kind of leader people want to follow.
The following qualities of a leader taken from his book are as follows:

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Leader Qualities # 1: [CHARACTER]

 The quality of a person's behavior,
as revealed in his habits of thoughts
and expressions, attitudes and
interests, actions, and philosophy in

Be a piece of the rock. There would always

be two paths to choose from character and
compromise. "Every time a person chooses
character, he becomes stronger, even if that choice brings negative consequences."

What do most people know about the character?

 Character is more than talk;
 Talent is a gift, but the character is a choice;
 Character brings lasting success with people;
 Leaders cannot rise above the limitations of their character;

The character can be improved by doing the following:

Search for the cracks. Reflect on the significant decisions you have made in your life
as far as you can remember to let people down or make compromises.

Look for patterns. From the reflections that you have done, are there particular instances
that kept 29 emergings? These patterns will help you diagnose issues of character.

Face the music. It is when you apologize and accept your mistakes that character repairs
Rebuild. You have been brave enough to face your past actions, but more courage is
needed to meet the future. Let your past actions serve as your guide so as not to commit
the same mistakes in the future.

Leader Qualities # 2: [CHARISMA]

The first impression can seal the deal.

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 A unique spiritual gift bestowed
temporarily by the holy spirit on a group
or an individual for the general good of
the church.
 An extraordinary power in a person,
group, cause, etc., which takes hold of
popular imagination, wins popular

To make yourself the kind of person who attracts others, you need to personify these
 Love Life;
 Put a "10" on every person's head;
 Give people hop
 Share yourself;

Charisma can be improved by doing the following:

Change your focus. Always check if your focus during conversation is towards yourself.
Learn how to balance. Recognize the persons who made contributions to the success of a

Play the first impressions game. When you meet a person for the first time, focus on
him. Remember his name and interests, and give positive comments. Try your best to
provide an excellent impression.

Share yourself. Share your resources with others. Resources come in different ways.
Share what you have: talents, skills, and valuable services aside from material things.
These are highly appreciated.
Leader Qualities # 3: [COMMITMENT]
separates "doers" from "dreamers".

• Something which engages one to
do something, a continuing
obligation primarily financial.
• The act of committing, the state of
intellectual and emotional
adherence to political, social,
religious theory or action,
especially the conscious linking of
works of literature and art with

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such theory of action.

True nature of commitment:

• Commitment starts in the heart;
• Commitment is tested by action;
• Commitment opens the door to achievement.

Commitment can be improved by doing the following:

Measure it. Commitments can be measured through the following: how much time you
devote at work, family, in service, in health and recreation activities, and how much you
spend on living expenses, entertainment, personal development, and giving. Compare
how much you devote and finish on these things. Is it justifiable?

Know what's worth dying for. Answer the question. Write what's in your thoughts.
Match if your actions are parallel with your ideas.

Leader Qualities # 4: [COMMUNICATION]: Without it, you travel alone.

• The act of communicating
• Something communicated
• A means of sending a message, orders, etc.

You can be more effective as a communicator if you

follow four fundamental truths:
• Simplify your message;
• See the person;
• Show the truth;
• Seek a response;
Communication can be improved by doing the following:

Be clear as a bell. Being brief and concise, and direct in oral or written communication
simplifies and clarifies thoughts. Simplicity and clarity must be noted to achieve good

Refocus your attention. Different instances require different topics. Don't make
yourself arrogant. Know the needs and desires of your listener.

Live your message. Make sure that you have been understood. Ask questions for

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clarity. Accept comments without defensiveness.

Leader Qualities # 5: [COMPETENCE] "If you build it, they will come."
COMPETENCE: The state of being competent
Leader Qualities # 6:
[COURAGE] "One person with
courage is a majority."

COURAGE- The quality of the

mind that enables the person to
face difficulty, danger, etc.,
without fear.

Truths about courage:

 Courage begins with an
inward battle;
 Courage is making things
right, not just smoothing
them over;
 Courage in a leader
inspires commitment from
 Your life expands in
proportion to your courage

Courage can be improved by doing the following:

Face the music. Be active. Try muscle-stretching activities. Conquer your fears.
Skydive if you're afraid of heights.

Talk to that person. Avoiding confrontation does not solve differences. Have the courage
to talk to that person but do it with love.

Take a giant step. When everything seems monotonous, don't be afraid to make a career
move. There are more things out there to be enjoyed and to be discovered.

Leader Qualities # 7: [DISCERNMENT]

"Put an end to mysteries."

 To perceive by the sight or the intellect

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 To distinguish mentally

To maximize the effectiveness of a leader, do

the following:
 Discover the root issues;
 Enhance your problem solving;
 Evaluate your options for maximum impact;
 Multiply your opportunities
Discernment can be improved by doing the following:

Analyze past success. Remember the things you had done to succeed in your goals.
Problems arise in the process of achieving these goals. Solutions that made you follow
can be used again in the future.

Learn how others think. We admire other personalities as leaders. Putting ourselves to
think leaders likewise will make us more discerning.

Listen to your gut. Your intuition affects your decisions. There are many instances that
your intuition is correct. Find a pattern of your intuitive ability. This pattern will give
you imminent recourse that will affect your decision.

Leader Qualities # 8: [FOCUS] "The sharper it is, the sharper you

are." FOCUS - A central point of attraction,

attention, or activity.

Guidelines to focus your time and

 70% on strength;
 25% on new things;
 5% on areas of weakness

Focus can be improved by doing the following:

Shift to strengths. Identify your strengths and dedicate 70% of your time to them.

Staff your weaknesses. Identify your weaknesses and try to improve on them.

Create an edge. You can proceed to the next level since you have identified your
strengths and weaknesses. Think of the new tools you need to go to the next level.

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Leader Qualities # 9: [GENEROSITY]
"Your candle loses nothing when it lights

 The quality of being generous.
 They are giving freely.

The following will cultivate the quality

of generosity in your life:

 Be grateful for whatever you have.

Contentment seems to be ideal. A person cannot become generous if he is not contented
with what he has. There are things that we must be grateful for and be contended with.
Be generous in your small ways.

 Put people first. Giving becomes easier when generosity comes in. A leader is
measured not by the number of people who serve him but by the number of
people he is doing.

 Don't allow the desire for possessions to control you. Let your heart be in charge
within you, not the material things you possess. There will never be satisfaction
if your material desires are endless.

 Regard money as a resource. Man has been a slave of money. The only way to
win over money, as J. C. Maxwell states, is to hold it loosely and be generous
with it to accomplish things of value.

 Develop the habit of giving. There is a time when all things come in abundance,
and it is also a time of redistributing it for those in need. For those who don't
have material things to share, let this saying be their guide: "Richness, I have
nothing, but I can help through loving, with my life worth giving."

Generosity can be improved by doing the following:

Give something away. Some things are essential to you that can be replaced. Try giving
this to people who will benefit from it. As they say, giving it anonymously would be

Put your money to work. Use your money to improve others' lives. Money as resources
can be put into work to outlive your expectations for better people, community, and
Find someone to mentor. A time will come when you have reached the peak of your

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leadership. It would be good if you had someone you would train to be a good leader like
Leader Qualities # 10: [INITIATIVE] "You won't leave home without it."

INITIATIVE: -An introductory act or step, readiness, and the ability in initiating action,
one person, responsible decision

A leader possesses the following qualities to

make things happen:
 They know what they want;
 They push themselves to act;
 They take more risks;
 They make more mistakes

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever

achieve greatly" – Sen. Robert Kennedy

The initiative can be improved by doing the following:

Change your mindset. Resistance comes from within. It was only when you had come
out of your shell that you began to take the challenge outside.

Don't wait for an opportunity to knock. Opportunity does not knock at your door.
You know that you 34 have the potential. Find opportunities. Show and share with the
world what you've got.

Take the next step. When opportunities come, select the best. Now that you have found
the opportunity to share and show the world what you've got work it as far as possible.
What Makes A Great Leader?
To help you improve your leadership skills, here are examples of what makes a great

1. Determination. A great leader has a never-ending resolution. He is the first to

initiate an idea and the last to give up. It is because of a leader's determination
that projects are completed.
2. Flexibility. A great leader can adapt to any situation. He sees the problem from
many different angles and can adjust himself
3. Resourcefulness. Leaders don't
always get what they want quickly,
but they are creative. They think of

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ways to get what they want.
4. Creativity. Thinking of effective
ways of doing things that don't
require a lot of time, effort, or money.
5. Self-confidence. People will follow a
leader who believes in him or herself.
does not mean being arrogant; instead, it means trusting in yourself and your
6. Positive Attitude / Optimism. A great leader has a positive outlook and tries to
make the best out of everything.
7. Responsibility. A great leader understands that whatever happens in his team
(good or bad) is his responsibility. He does not take all the credit for work well
done and does not blame others for failure.
8. Good Communication. Skills that make a leader great are communicating
effectively with his team. A good leader understands that people don't understand
messages in the same way, so he always confirms what s/he has said or has heard
is understood.
9. Consistency / Reliability / Accountability. A great leader is dependable, always
does their best, takes action & delivers good results.
10. Planning. A good leader plans and knows what is up ahead. He has good
judgment in predicting what may happen and can make work decisions based on
11. Patience
12. They are being Objective. A good leader does not take sides but is open to
different opinions.
13. Perceptive. A good leader has an awareness of the people s/he is leading.
So what makes a great leader? It is a mix of these qualities. You don't necessarily have
to possess all of them, but you should at least strive to develop many of them.

In Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he wrote about how people
can be productive. The seven habits of highly effective people are as follows:

Habit # 1: BE PROACTIVE.
Proactive means "the ability to
choose the response." We can
choose between right and wrong.
But it must be taken into account
that we must be responsible
enough for whatever
consequences our actions may
lead to. Use your creativity and
initiatives. You are the one in

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IN MIND. Where do we go from here? Know where you want to go. In making plans
and decisions, see to it that the time and efforts spent and utilized
conform to what we want to achieve. Use your ability to envision. This is where I want
to go, and these are the things that must be done to lead me in that direction.

Habit # 3: PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST. Practice self-management. Know your


Habit # 4: THINK WIN-WIN. This concerns mutual benefit. Putting both parties in a
favorable situation.


saying goes, "The best way to understand is to listen." The practice of empathy governs
this habit. It is about putting ourselves in the shoes of the other person. Based on the
person's explanation, we ought to evaluate, probe, advise and interpret to respond to the
person's feelings.

Habit # 6: [SYNERGIZE] the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. More tasks
will be done if we utilize all the things we have. Even though your contribution is that
small, things will go on smoothly if everybody does their part.

Habit # 7: [SHARPEN THE SAW] what we had learned a couple of years back would
become outdated. Many things evolve and develop so fast that we need to update
ourselves through various food-for-the-brain resources.

1. Which qualities do you already have and which qualities would you like to
improve upon?

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2. What is your preferred leadership style? Which are you least comfortable with?
Is it possible to use /adapt all types of leadership styles?

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