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CTP learning records

The newspaper office uses the laser head of the MCE machine 2.0

identify safety hazards safety definition ,1

describe sysptoms describe the problem phenomenon ,2

reproduce sysptoms problem reproduction ,3

brainstorm cause analysis reason 4

narrow down causes narrow the range 5

repair or replace defective equipment Repair or replace the damaged part 6

test the solution test result 7

prevent future occurrence prevent recurrence 8

document the solution record file 9

LEC head clip TEC tail clip

HEIP command

Abort terminate command abort clear resume The three commands are often used together

enter the system field/export with Access /dev

Ale Display system pressure

Bay Set bay bay 1 load 30 (plate quantity) 500 700 (plate size) 300 (plate thickness)

Carriage moveto 500 Move laser head

Chiller Cool

Debris Set vacuum cleaner debris blower on/off

Door Front door lock/unlock two states

Dongle Speed configuration

Drum Set drum move/ spin (rotation) /idle (release)/stop Do not change the rest of the

.Drum move 150 to move the drum to the position with an angle of 150

.Drum spin 150 to rotate the drum at a speed of 150

,For example, after replacing the lec

set mh to

check the loadpos position, such as 165.456

Drum move 165.456

Lec on


Edge test to detect the edge of the plate

Eject to eject the plate when unloading can not

Engine checks the status of roller, lec, and tec when it works

Engine init (roller, lec, tec reset)

Engine time Checks the execution time of the action

Engine resume/stop/eject When executing, it should bring engine

Event to display the error message in the circuit board

Fans only Can detect fan status

Feature View configuration

.Flush continuously pushes an action load unload etc

Flyoff only has flyoff clear a command

Focus to view the sr value (1.7 laser head in TH mode) command: focus cal reflect

Fmode value generally choose 0, 1, 4 News agency choose

)Two commands fw dir /fwd dir 1

Gc display gc information ppm concentration unit

Head laser head head reset/init/status. 1.7 The parameters changed by the laser head will
alarm when

.Case high is higher than the set temperature, and cannot work normally

.Case low will alarm when the temperature is lower than the set temperature, and can work

.Humidity will alarm when the humidity is not suitable, and it will not work

Hlt will display the information Hotlink

There are roots at the laser head The hotlink line is used to transmit data. Display hotlink .
Image Exposure information image status

Init Reset

Laser Laser laser on/off

Ldd Display laser information command ldd info

Lec head clip command: lec on/off/init Use engine time to view head clip cycle an action

List pattern (equivalent to address )/version/media/error

List pattern is used for 5, 12, (22, 33 for FM network), 50

Load calibrate (Enter this command to automatically detect the distance between the sensor
and the head clamp when the head clamp is faulty and automatically write to DISTSENSOR
TOLEC ), automatically correct the plate width

Load bay 1

Loaded Check whether there is a plate on the drum

Unload is used when unloading is not executed The flush unload command is executed
repeatedly to

check the warning information of the machine. In the news mode, use

.Mce to check the information of the mce board

Media removed

Mode displays the resolution used by the machine. Command: mode 1/2 Change the
.resolution of the machine. 10000


Plot edge Detect the distance from the laser head to the edge of the plate

Prm When downloading information and reporting error 34039, use the command: prm
hazardous media enable

Prouct to display the current information

Ramp Buffer plate guide plate Command: ramp in/out

Redirect Whether to enter the laser head mode (TH) redirect enable /disable

Release Release

Reset Reset command: reset reset all

Shutter Detect laser head intensity sensor (shutter) command: shutter on/off
Roller Press roller roller on/off

System Display information



Scan groups Scan all sensors scan al Scan autoloader scan rlr Scan roller

Scan tec_sensorawaysidedown( sensor name ) bon/boff Shield or enable a sensor

Scan bclear All shields unlock

Scan bstatus View currently shielded sensors

Scheduler View load/unload information

Status statuslights View light status

Stg erase flash/ram Clear information in flash/ram

Stroke stroke cal Calibrate laser stroke shutter Check shutter quality

Tec tail clamp on/off lock/unlock get clamp/put clamp ( automatically complete tec on/off
lock/ unlock action )

Temp temperature information

Th2 In NEWS state th2 "foc cal reflect can execute a command without necessarily entering
.the laser head

.Adding TH2 before the command can execute a command in the laser head once

Set the laser head of the plate media7

newspaper office Time 2.0

set media 7 name “tao” in news state 1

set invert (0 negative plate 1 positive plate) 2

set escanlines (extrascanlines scanning parameters, metal version) 1 3

set vacuum cleaner debris option (0 is off, 1 is default, 3 For blowing and sucking) usually 4
choose 3

redirect enable to enter the laser head TH2 mode 5

set media 6 name "tao" (2.0 laser head minus 1 and the rest unchanged) 6

" " If you want to clear the file name use the command set media 6 name
nvs save media save information 7

redirect disable return to NEWS mode 8

load a version of 9

Media 7 select the plate if you don’t write 7 , the default is the first plate

carriage moveto 500 (basically in the middle of the plate) 10

drum move 100 Rotate the roller to confirm 11

head install on check sum value=1100-1300 is normal error =-10-+10 normal is usually 0 12

If you are in TH2 mode, you can enter the command: foc cal reflect check

Saturation check laser first 0 parameters

Good range No problem out range Need to readjust the laser head

Open the panel to adjust the physical position of the laser head. At this time, the error value

is basically suitable only when the two lights are on. When the forward light is on, it must be
adjusted forward, and the backward light is on. It must be adjusted backwards, generally
backwards first, and then adjusted forward a little bit

After adjusting the 0-bit parameters of the laser head, the purpose of testing the sr value is .
.to make the sum value within the allowable range

head install off 13

redirect enable Enter TH2 mode 14

foc cal reflect 15

set media 6 sr 0.02 ( set the number of times, check the sum until the allowable range ) 16

redirect disable 17

head install on 18

check the sum value If it is not within the allowable range, repeat steps 13-18, enter TH2 19
mode and be sure to head install off

The corresponding DRUM SPEED of the plate is provided by the supplier or checked online.

: wpowers is used for FM network in MPE equipment. Sr /

reflectivity of the

plate Sd: focal length of the plate . on

Picker wrist out

Picker airjet off

Picker out

Picker down

Picker vac off

Verbose =vbs View more information

Script ----device-----mce trandsetter s set power and other data test plates

can not be output when the test plate can be used to plot 50 test density Measure whether
it reaches 50, if it is not suitable, re-adjust the laser power

.Service Shell, enter the IP address when remote monitoring:, etc

set ehi information in the laser head

set statuslights status lights set

set hdp 1.0 head to use

set hdm 1.7 And the parameter md in the 1.0 head and the 2.0 head

.mhauto set the machine to work when the plate is uploaded

Keep table down After initialization, the table will keep the action, which can be set to

auto load vel Speed

set focus base thickness when the plate is loaded The focal length corresponds to the
thickness of the plate

carriage mspeed The speed when the motor comes back during initialization

set debris pressmaxnozzle Set the suction force of the vacuum cleaner
set exit The speed at which the plate is pushed before the plate enters the punching
machine. It is

necessary to change the GC after replacing the laser head and DRUM

set gc sshift 1 500 (can be a negative value) Move horizontally, the plate has one side that is
not exposed

Orthoadjust exposure is oblique, how to command

Prd serier number serial number how to set Temagin 7.000 Lemagin 6.000 to check the state

the blue edge First command sys /laser /head status to adjust the FOCUS, first reduce the
POWER value System to check the air pressure , set the drum speed Sd value in TH mode,
the distance of the laser knife plate for each plate is referred to as the focal length, and the
printed material is X-RITE 938 or 528 density Meter measurement, fill in the sd value in the
media, and the focal length corresponding to Focus is for all plates Gapwith set the interval

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