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Video Conferencing Industry: 5 Forces Worksheet

Key Barriers to Entry

List several types (or categories) of Possible New Entrants in video conferencing (at least 3). Put them
in the order reflecting your assessment of their likelihood of entering (highest to lowest). Then, below the
list, indicate a few factors that you feel influence the likelihood that a firm will enter.

Supplier Power Rivalry Buyer Power

List several types/categories of Suppliers in video List several (at least 3) of the Rivals  in the video List several types (or categories) of  buyers  in the video
conferencing (at least 3) - what are the key inputs conferencing industry. Put them in the order that conferencing industry (at least 3 types) where each one
that firms must rely on? Put them in the order that you estimate they would compete more directly with might be thought of as a market niche. Put them in the
you estimate they would have power to charge high Zoom. Then, below the list, indicate a few factors order you estimate for their willingness to pay (highest
prices (highest to lowest). Then, below the list, that influence your assessment of whether they to lowest). Then, below the list,  indicate a few factors
indicate a few factors that you feel drive the compete directly. that you feel drive the differences in willingness to pay.
differences in their ability to charge high prices.

Threat of Substitutes
List several types/categories of Substitutes  for video conferencing (at least 3) - what alternatives might
buyers rely on? Put them in the order that you estimate they are comparable to buyers (highest to
lowest). Then, below the list, indicate a few factors that you feel make some more comparable.

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