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Jenny Batausa L.


Because it commemorates God becoming human to save mankind from sin via the
birth of Jesus Christ, this holiday has special meaning for Christians. The occasion of
Jesus' birth is marked with a celebration of a promise kept. According to the Bible,
God created everything. God provided instructions for how people should live their
lives in the world He created for them, in a manner that pleased and honored Him.
He gives us eternal life (John 3:16). This is the good news that followers of
Jesus celebrate on Christmas. Christmas transforms your reality by bringing
you true love and enduring serenity. Additionally, it alters the world by giving
your life meaning. Too many individuals are only existing rather than living
their lives. Because Jesus, God's Son, was born at Christmas. It is about his
coming and how he brought us love, hope, and joy. This message remains
constant throughout time. This is fantastic news worth celebrating in a world
when there is so much bad news and destruction!

Giving gifts is an act of self-indulgence. It works well for enhancing connections.

Gifts are frequently given as a means of reaffirming or establishing our relationship
with others, therefore they are a reflection of both the giver and the recipient as well
as their particular relationship. Giving a gift to a person we care about enables us to
express our emotions and gratitude for them. Giving presents shouldn't feel like a
chore. It has to be heartfelt. Giving should always be done voluntarily, without
expecting anything in return. Giving extra will motivate you more than enough if it
makes someone else feel special. It conveys to the recipient your concern for them.

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