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2 Periodical Examination


Direction: Analyze the question then write the letter of the best answer.

_______1. If you want to have a plantation of coconut, find a good location of

A. Plot B. Herbary C. Nursery D. Orchard
_______2. The growth of the plants depends upon the degree of how cold or hot the
atmosphere is at certain period of time.
A. air B. soil C. temperature D. water
_______3. How important trees are to wild animals?
A. Trees help reduce pollution in congested urban areas.
B. Trees serve as windbreakers during typhoons.
C. Trees reduce the destruction of home.
D. Trees serve as their habitat.
_______4. How important trees are to a family and a community?
A. Construction materials which include lumber, plywood, and board.
B. Food like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and sugar.
C. Wood used as fuel for cooking and heating. D. All of the above
_______5.Trees and fruit trees require more space for growth than ornamental plants or
crops. This is because they need enough ______________.
A.fertilizer B. space C. soil D. water
______6. This is a form of garden through blocks or large squares.
A.Nursery B.Plot Garden C.Orchard D.Herbary
______7. Healthy Soil produce ___________.
A.Classy plant B. Beautiful Landscapes C.Healthy Crops D. Nutritious food
______8. This is a place where  plants are propagated  and grown to a desired size.
A. Nursery B. Herbary C.Orchard D. Plot Garden
______9. Overuse of Inorganic Fertilizers can _________the plant.
A. Poison B.Refresh C.reburst D. broken
______10. Choose the best seeds come from good ___________. To ensure the quality
A. Quality Soil B. Quality mother C. seller D. Quality fertilizer
______11. It’s summertime. The family of Darcy, instead of staying inside the house and
use aircon, decided to stay outside, under the shades of the trees to manage their
electric bills. This is for___________________.
A.Temperature Control B. Reduction of Energy Cost
C. Carbon Sequestration D. Protection from erosion
______12. Some studies confirmed that air is already polluted due to carbon dioxide. We
need to do something to respond to this environmental illness. We need to plant more
trees for___________________.
A.Temperature Control B. Reduction of Energy Cost
C. Carbon Sequestration D. Protection from erosion
______13.This facility that focuses on nut-bearing trees.
A.Seed Orchard B.Nut Orchard C.Fruit Orchard D.Coffee
______14. Which of the following trees is best for Slope Areas?
A.Banana B. Citrus C. Coconut D. Star Apple
______15. What method of propagation in which the stems are induced to root?
A. Budding B. Grafting C. Marcotting D.Planting
______16. Which of the following fruits is top for Market Demand in any season?
A.Mango B.Coconut C.Bananas D.Durian
______17. Which of the following trees is best for Hill/Mountain Areas.
A.Papaya B.Mango C.Jack Fruit D.Banana
______18. This type of orchard is established and managed intensively and entirely to
produce large quantity of improved seeds.
A.Nut Orchard B.Seed Orchard C.Fruit Orchard
_____19. Kind of fertilizer comes from animal waste.

A. Humus B. Compost C. Manure D. Decompost

_____20. Which of the following organic fertilizer comes from waste of vermin
A. Humus B. Compost C. Manure D. Vermi compost
_____21. This is artificial fertilizer made from chemicals (liquid, soluble and granular
A. Organic Fertilizer B. Inorganic Fertilizer C. Manure D. Vermi compost
______22. This used for crumbing the soil surrounding the plant.
A. Hand Fork B. Trowel C. Shovel D. Sprinkler
______23. This used while working in the garden, made of strong rubber to protect
hands from thorns.
A. Hand Fork B. Hand Trowel C. Garden Gloves D.
______24.Natural fertilizer from decayed materials, animals, and other natural sources.
A. Organic Fertilizer B. Inorganic Fertilizer C. Manure D. Vermi compost
______25. Seedlings need water to keep them healthy. What activity should be done to
keep the soil moist by doing it in the morning or late afternoon?
A. applying fertilizer B. cultivating C. preparing D. watering
______26. What method of watering helps farmers water the plants through the rain?
A. artificial B. humus C. manual D. natural
______27. Which of the following method uses a water pail and dipper or water sprinkler
in watering plants?
A. artificial B. manual C. natural D. off-barring
______28.Your mother’s rambutan trees are not growing fast. What will you recommend
to your mother to enhance the growth of the trees?
A. cultivate the soil C. fertilize the plant
C. uproot and change the plant D. water the plant
_____29. What appropriate tool is used to trim and prune out dead or damaged foliage
and small branches?
A. chain saw B. grafting knives C. kitchen knife D. pruning shears
_____30. What propagation tool is used to for digging small holes, mixing in fertilizer,
and transferring plants to pots? A. A.hand fork B. hand trowel C. shears
D. shovel
______31. What tool is appropriate in watering seedlings and young plants
A. garden hose B. pail C. sprayer D. sprinkler
______32. This method of propagation involves rooting of a part of the stem while it is
still attached to the parent plant. A..budding B. cutting C. grafting D.
______33. This is used for spraying chemicals to eliminate insects or pests in plant.
A. Hand Fork B. RepellantC. Sprayer D. Sprinklers
______34. A method or reproducing, increasing, or multiplying plant species through
stem roots or leaves.
A. Budding B. Grafting C. Plant Propagation D. Fertilization
______35. Propagating plants through leaves is an example of__________.
A. Asexual Propagation B. Sexual Propagation C. Mutation D. Rooting
______36. Which of the following plants is applicable for leaves propagation?
A. Turmeric B. cactus C. Snake Plant D. Coleus
______37. This is the reproduction of plants by seeds.
A. Asexual Propagation B. Sexual Propagation C. Mutation D. Rooting
______38. This is a substance added to the soil that help the plants grow healthy.
A. Water B. Fertilizer C. Soil D. Sunlight
______39. Kind of fertilizer that is made from the juice of plants and vermin compost
through the process of concoction. A. Solvent Fertilizer B. Liquid Fertilizer C.
______40. The one who buys the products from the farm and resell these to retailers or
small stores in the market.
A. Middleman B. seller C. contractor D. Cooperatives

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