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Name: ___________________________ Score: _______

Grade& Section:____________________ Date: ________

TLE 10
_____ 1. What pest is wholly or partly enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell and leaves unpleasant slimy tracks on the affected
parts of the crops?
A. insect B. rodent C. mollusk D. stray animal
_____ 2. What do you call to the microscopic, wormlike pests that feed on the roots?
A. mollusks B. termites C. nematodes D. weeds
_____ 3. Which of the following is attacking eggplant causing it to have dark brown color and grow rapidly in circular pattern
then rot in a few days?
A. Cercospora leaf mold B. fusarium wilt C. Downey mildew D. phomosis fruit rot
_____ 4. What substances are used to kill insects by their chemical action?
A. attractants B. insecticides C. auxiliary D. repellents
_____ 5. What should be done to prevent crop infestation?
A. applying pest control measure C. killing insects with pesticides
B. avoiding planting crops D. selling affected parts of crops
_____ 6. This system is used only where a valuable crop can be grown in a small piece of land, as in school and home gardens.
A. Center Pivot Irrigation B. Surface Irrigation C. Irrigation by Hand D. Windmill
_____ 7. It is done by a machine that harnesses wind energy for a purpose like grinding grain, pumping water, or generating
A. Center Pivot Irrigation B. Surface Irrigation C. Irrigation by Hand D. Windmill
_____ 8. It uses an automated system of sprinklers that are attached to fixed towers in the center of the crop area.
A. Center Pivot Irrigation B. Surface Irrigation C. Irrigation by Hand D. Windmill
_____ 9. It is one of the most basic types of agricultural irrigation. Farmers or laborers use watering cans to saturate the crops by
A. Drip Irrigation B. Manual IrrigationC. Irrigation by power machinery D. Sub-Irrigation
_____ 10. Which of the following fertilizers contains only two of the three major elements?
A. commercial fertilizer B. incomplete fertilizer C. complete fertilizer D. single fertilizer
_____ 11. Which fertilizer is derived from minerals, atmospheric gases, water and other materials?
A. crop residues B. inorganic fertilizer C. farm manure D. organic fertilizer
_____ 12. Digging the soil within the canopy of the plants is called __________.
A. band application B. ring method C. broadcasting D. side dressing
_____ 13. Which of the following is NOT an example of organic fertilizer?
A. animal manure B. green manure C. compost D. muriate of potash
_____ 14. Which nutrient is lacking if the plant shows varying degrees of yellowing of the canopy and stunting in growth?
A. Hydrogen (H) B. Phosphorous (P) C. Nitrogen (N) D. Potassium (K)
_____15.Which of the following is NOT true about pruning?
A. It removes undesirable branches. B. It prevents the new growth of shoots.
C. It removes diseased branches and water sprouts. D. It controls the height, size and shape of the tree crown.
_____ 16. What type of pruning wherein the complete removal of any number of branches to retain the apical dominance of the
A. blocking B. thinning-out C. heading-back D. top pruning
_____ 17. Which of the following materials should you used in treating plant wounds after pruning especially those bleeding
A. fertilizer B. tar or paint C. oil D. water
_____ 18. In pruning slightly large trees, what kind of pruning tools will you use?
A. big and clean shears B. pruning shears C. knife D. scissors
_____ 19. The type of pruning where you only cut or remove some portion of the plant.
A. blocking B. thinning-out C. heading-back D. top pruning
_______ 20. The process of pulling out disease infected or damaged seedlings is in seedling box to prevent spreading of
diseases is
A. hardening off B. rouging C.pricking out D. thinning
_____ 21. In performing physical growth – enhancing technique always remember the following statement EXCEPT.
A. conserve old plants B. decrease the life span of the plant
C. enhance the productivity of old plants D. increase the vitality and freshness of plants
_____ 22. Cardo, a Grade 12 students observed that his seedlings has yellowish – black color. What might he do to avoid the
spreading of disease?
A. practice hardening B. cut the seedlings to make a new plant
C. transplant the seedlings as soon as possible D. remove the disease seedlings from the seedling tray
_____ 23. In the vegetable garden of Lual National High School, they have harvested thrice in their okra plants, they observe
that upon the last harvest is has decrease the number of fruits. What possible solutions should the students do to pro long the life
of okra and increase more fruits?
A. replant okra again B.plant another crop
C.cut the upper part of the okra to rejuvenate D.forget the okra plant and focus on another
_____ 24. Which of the following are NOT factors of plants that are susceptible to rejuvenating?
A. ageing plants B. newly sow seeds C. attack by pests D. plants damaged
by typhoon
_____ 25. It is an irrigation system that delivers water directly to the root zone of a plant, where it seeps slowly into the soil one
drop at a time.
A. Drip Irrigation B. Manual Irrigation C. Irrigation by power machinery D. Sub-Irrigation

Arrange the jumbled letters inside the box to form the missing words that will complete the paragraph. Write your answer on the
space provided.
(26)______________ are any organisms that are detrimental to humans, destroy crops and structures, pose threats to human
health and livestock, and reduce aesthetic and recreational value. Hence, (27)______________ of pest incidence should be
given proper attention. This will help you identify the root cause of the infestation or pest outbreak caused by diseases, insects,
weeds, rodents, stray animals, and (28)______________. In this case, applying (29)______________ and using appropriate
tools and equipment in controlling the pests should be done. However, you should follow the (30)______________ procedures in
handling these control measures to avoid harmful effects.

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Match Column A to Column B. Write the correct letter of your answer on the space provided.
Column A Column B
_____31. It is a deficiency that shows a discoloration of leaves to pale green. A. Crop nutrition
_____32. It includes rice straws and similar materials which can be used in the field. B. Crop residues
_____ 33. It is a deficiency in plants that show varying degrees of yellowing of C. Growth Training technique
the canopy and stunting appearance. D. Hardening-Off
_____ 34. It is a deficiency that manifested by a violet discoloration at the leaf midrib E. Rejuvenating
and as the deficiency intensifies. F. Nitrogen
_____ 35. It’s a very important factor in order to increase production. G. Okra
_____ 36. In growth training technique where it is the gradually exposing of the H. Phosphorous
seedlings to sunlight before transplanting them into vegetable garden. I. Potassium
_____ 37. A ____________ is a method that involves pruning the plants several J. Ratooning
inches above the soil line to encourage new growth.
_____ 38. _______ is most common crop that undergo ratooning.
_____ 39. This activity is done in preparation of seedlings for transplanting.
_____ 40. This technique is done for restoring vitality and freshness of plants.

Read and analyze each statement below. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is wrong. Write
your answer on the space provided
_____ 41. All plants show temporary wilting when water is limited.
_____ 42. Irrigation by machinery is practiced in small areas like school and backyard gardens.
_____ 43. Irrigation is a guarantee for the quick germination of seeds and for securing early maturity of some crops.
_____ 44. Drip irrigation is a system that delivers water directly to the root zone of a plant where it seeps slowly into the soil one
drop at a time.
_____ 45. Center pivot Irrigation is done when water pumps are set in the source of water
_____ 46. Removing disease parts of the plants is important to prevent spreading of diseases.
_____ 47. Prune your plants early in the day when they are dry.
_____ 48. After pruning, do not treat the wounds completely with paint or tar especially those bleeding branches.
_____ 49. Trim the leading branches when they are too low or are spreading too wide.
_____ 50. Remove the aging top of the plant that has become unproductive, and has been replaced by a new growth.
Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher Principal II

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