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~~ SINC.

He argues that both types of corporations are importers and exporter

and have investments in many countries. Nevertheless, he further contends tha |
MNCs still provide central decisions compared to TNCs that provide individual’
foreign market investment to have their own operations and systems ‘(Iwan,;
2007). LC
With the growth of global corporations from emerging economies, the
| capital flows have now started to change from the dominant North-North/
North-South to South-South and South-North capital flows, most of the South.
North coming from China and India (Rajan, 2010). For instance, China’s Lenovo
Corporation bought IBM's PC business (NBC News, 2005).
. You may play this individually or with other members of your class. The
objective of the game “Guess What?” is for you to correctly identify if a specific
corporation is an MNC or TNC. :
Examples of companies: a
1. Procter & Gamble
2. Nestle co
3. Sony Corporation — ;
4. Microsoft a
5. Apple, Inc. . ;
6. Google | | |
7. Facebook | | |
8. Ford Motor Lo |
9. Allianz . ys
10. General Electric .
Reflect: | |
1. What are the similarities of MNCs and TNCs? oo
“ 46 A Course Module for The Contemporary World . . | | 7
32, contemporary world

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