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I’m not sure if I should be more excited or terrified.

The news that the Empire has discovered a way to

travel through time has left me in a state of disbelief. It’s like they found the Holy Grail, except it’s filled
with blood and guts instead of wine and bread. I can only imagine what this discovery means for the
Rebellion. If we can send people back in time, then we have an opportunity to change history and win
this war before it even begins. But how do you go about recruiting someone from another era? And who
would be willing to risk their life for something they may or may not even believe in? These are
questions I need answers to before I make any moves on recruiting members of the future Rebellion.
The next few days are going to be crucial as we move forward with our plans for recruiting members of
the future Rebellion. We need to find a way into Imperial Intelligence headquarters without being
detected, so that we can retrieve any information on how they plan on sending people back through
time safely and undetectedly. Once that is taken care of, then it will be time to start looking for potential
recruits from years ahead when things are hopefully looking up for us Rebels. Until then, all eyes will
continue to be focused on Coruscant where there is still much work left undone before our final assault
against Emperor Palpatine and his forces takes place later this year during Jedi Purge Day: October 19th

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