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1. How do you think knowing yourself helps you to be a better person?

- When we are aware of who we are, we have access to our true likes and dislikes,
our talents and limitations, as well as the behaviors that we engage in without the
influence of other people. In addition, embracing and celebrating your unique
identity can help you feel happier and healthier overall, and will get you closer to
achieving your goals for personal growth. This will not only help us become
better people for ourselves but also for the people around us, as we will be
empowered to become what it is that we want to become as we gain a deeper
understanding of who we are.

2. What are the advantages of knowing yourself?

- When you know and embrace who you are, self-doubt fades away, and you
become less vulnerable to being influenced by other people. As your confidence
grows, it will be much simpler for you to maintain your stance. You come to learn
to love and accept yourself in spite of your peculiarities, imperfections, and
insecurities. When you do, you'll be able to go through the world with more
self-assurance and less concern for what other people think of you. You'll
experience less stress as a result of the fact that self-awareness will encourage
you in making decisions that are healthier for you.

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