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Speaking assignment 6

Rachel Khasin
1) Why public speaking is important:
A. It is one of the most critical components to success in the 21st century.
B. Improves self-esteem.
C. Improves learning. (speaking about what we are learning can help us understand it better)

2) Unfortunately, I don’t do a lot of speaking in the classroom. I try to make my students speak
during the lessons and I try to encourage it by asking questions and giving assignments that
require speaking and very once in a while I do a speaking lessons but it is not something that is
part of my every lesson and it should be. I think I need to include in every lesson. Even if it is
only 5 minuets but to do something and to make it obvious for my students that during English
lesson they need to speak. And by doing it regularly they will hopefully get used to it and will be
more willing to do it.

3) The activity I would do would be tongue twisters.

 First, I would screen on the board different tongue twisters and the whole class will do them
 Then I would divide them into groups and explain them how to write a tongue twister.
 Each group will need to make up her own tongue twister and present it to the class.
(It can be done as a competition to see hoe invented the best tongue twister.)
 I will assess their work. I will check if they did it according to the rules of how to write a tongue
twister, their pronunciation and creativity.

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