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Campaign Approach

Description and Marketing

1. Campaign Approach
● Udacity has launched a campaign to advertise for the Digital Marketing
Nanodegree Program
● The campaign is divided into two ad groups, one targeting customers
in the Awareness stage and one targeting customers in the Interest
● Each ad group uses responsive search ads, with multiple options for
the ad headline and description
● When users click on an ad, they are taken to the overview page for the
Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program, where they can click a button
to download the program syllabus. This conversion has an estimated
value of $5.
2. Marketing Objective
● The campaign’s marketing objective is to gather at least 200
conversions (syllabus downloads), with a conversion rate of at least 10%
Ad Groups
Ads and Keywords
Ad Group #1: Ads

Data is also available in this spreadsheet

Ad Group #2: Ads

Data is also available in this spreadsheet

Ad Group #1: Keywords

Data is also available in this spreadsheet

Ad Group #2: Keywords

Data is also available in this spreadsheet

Campaign Evaluation
Results, Analysis and
Key Results (Campaign)
Expand the table below to identify and fill in any campaign-level
KPIs/metrics you feel will be relevant to your evaluation of the campaign’s

Impressi Conversi
Campaign Cost Clicks CTR CR CPC Cost per conversion
ons ons

Udacity_D $1,314.0 2391 111256 221 2.15% 9.24% 0.55$ 5.95$


Campaign data is also available in this spreadsheet

To add columns to your table, right-click where you want to add the column and select either “insert
column left” or “insert column right”
Key Results (Ad Groups)
Expand the table below to identify and fill in any ad group-level KPIs/metrics you
feel will be relevant to your evaluation of the campaign’s performance

Impres Conver Cost per

Ad Group Cost Clicks CTR CR CPC
sions sions conversion

Ad Group 1:
Interest Digital $819.05 1553 72497 0.02 132 8.5% $0.53 $6.2

Ad Group 2:
Awareness Digital $494.95 838 38759 0.02 89 10.5% $0.59 $5.56

Total $1,314.00 2391 111256 0.02 221 9.2% $0.55 $5.95

Key Results (Ads)
Expand the table below to identify and fill in any ad-level KPIs/metrics you
feel will be relevant to your evaluation of the campaign’s performance

Impres Conver
Ad Cost Clicks CTR CR CPC per
sions sions

Ad Group
1, Ad 1 $458.25 991 2.5% 40163 97 9.79% $0.46 $4.72

Ad Group
1, Ad 2 $360.80 562 1.7% 32334 36 6.41% $0.64 $10.02

Ad Group
2, Ad 1 $335.60 619 2.1% 28827 72 11.63% $0.54 $4.66

Ad Group
2, Ad 2 $159.35 219 2.2% 9932 16 7.31% $0.73 $9.96
Key Results (Keywords)
Use the table below to present the three keywords you consider most
successful based on the marketing objective, and include any metrics you
used to determine which keywords performed best

Impressi Conversi CP.Conve

Keyword Cost Clicks CTR CR CPC
ons ons rsion

2% 12.17% 0.59$ 4.88$

'+Online marketing
317.1$ 534 26639 65

7.23% 15.15% 0.55$ 3.60$

'+Social media
36$ 66 912 10
marketing +course

5.37% 15.63% 0.48$ 3.08$

'+Digital marketing
23.1$ 48 894 8
Campaign Evaluation
Evaluate how successful the campaign was, based on the
marketing objective
● Feel free to use “bullet points” for your analysis and add as many slides as you need.
● Include the following information in your answer (you can also review Lesson 6 in the
SEM course for some additional guidance):
○ The campaign’s return on investment (ROI), including identification of whether the
campaign was ROI-positive or ROI-negative
■ ROI = (total conversion value - total cost)/total cost
○ Identify and calculate at least three relevant KPIs at the campaign, ad group, ad,
and keyword level
○ Based on your KPI calculations, identify which three keywords performed the
best, and explain your reasoning for the ones you selected
○ Based on your KPI calculations, make an inference about which keywords are
subject to higher competition in Google Ads. Explain your reasoning and which
KPIs you used to make your hypothesis.
○ An overview statement of how well or not well the campaign performed relative
to its marketing objective, supported with evidence
Campaign Evaluation
● The campaign’s return on investment (ROI) = (5-5.95) /5.95 = -0.16 = -16%
● The ROI is negative which means we have a lose
● We added three relevant KPIs at the campaign, ad group, ad, and keyword level and calculated
them for every level
○ Click Through Rate (CTR)
○ Cost Per Click (CPC)
○ Conversion Rate (CR)
○ Cost Per Conversion
● For keywords here are the Best Keywords we got
● We pick 3 keywords seems to be the best keywords satisfying our obj, they all have
cost per conversion less than 5$, they have CR more than 10%, they acquire more
than 40% of our 200 target conversions
● For top 3 competitive keywords we chose ( +Social media marketing) , ('+Digital
marketing basic) ,('+Digital marketing online training) they have CPC’s 1.41$ , 0.98$ ,
0.66$ in order, they have high CPC greater than the average although the good
CTR which means that there are a high competition in these keywords because
they targeting the right audience
● The campaign did not perform well because the cost per conversion 5.95$ was
higher than the expected conversion value 5$ ,also the CR was 9.24$ which was
less than our expected CR 10%, the total conversions was 221 more than our obj
200 but they cost high and come back with negative ROI so we need to optimize
our campaign
Recommendations for future
Imagine you are tasked with running an improved version of this
campaign, with the same marketing objective. What
recommendations would you make to improve the campaign,
based on your evaluation of its past performance?
● Provide at least three recommendations
● Feel free to use “bullet points” for your analysis and add as many slides as you need
● The following prompts can help you structure your answer, but feel free to think
beyond these as well:
○ Would you focus on certain ad groups, ads, keywords, or keyword match types? If
so, which ones and why?
○ Would you change any of your existing ad headlines or descriptions, or add any
new ones? What would you change/add and why?
○ Would you change any of your existing keywords or match types, or add any new
ones? What would you change/add and why?
○ Would you set up an A/B test, and if so, how would you go about it?
Recommendations for future

● For The key results in Ad groups, both ad group have the same CTR but Google
ads chose Ad group 1 (Interest) to spend more budget on it because it was doing
better than Ad group 2 (Awareness) when it comes to CPC
● The awareness ad group has a better conversions KPI’s than interest ad group
although the last one has a better clicks KPI’s and that means that we need to
optimize our landing page for interest group and we can do that by A/B testing to
deliver consistent message with our text ads, Thus, achieving a high conversion rate
and decrease the cost per conversion
● For the Key results in Ads, the first ad in each group performed better than the
second ad, in ad group 1 (interest) the second ad was the worst at both clicks and
conversions KPI’s, so we need to make A/B testing on headlines and descriptions to
improve CTR, we need also to improve relevance between ad text and the landing
page to improve the ad quality score, for conversions we need to improve landing
page to get better CR thus lower cost per conversion
Recommendations for future

● In ad group 2 (awareness), the CTR was almost the same for both ads but the CPC in
second ad was much higher so we need to bid in a less competitive relevance
keywords and we need also to improve relevance between ad text and landing page,
in conversions improvement like before we need to improve landing page to decrease
the cost per conversion
● For the results in keywords after analyzing keywords results we see that long tail
keywords have the lowest cost per conversion compared to head keywords and that
make sense because they are specific and less competitive and have a good chance
to take action after search for them, also there are a lot of useless keywords with little
CTR and 0 conversions we have to puese them, we also see that keyword match types
achieved better results compared to non match type one, so we should use them
more and try different variations of them to improve results

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