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Ethics Activity #1

1. State your own opinion or view why there is a need to study philosophy?

2. What are the concerns of practical men based on your own observation of how an ordinary life is lived
by everyone? In relation to it, why philosophy is a shame for others?

NB: MS Word not more than 150 words for each number/question; times new roman; size 12; single
space; file format: e.g. Santos, Juan G. ABP2-1 Ethics.A1

Ethics Activity #2

A. What role do ethics and morality have in a world that is socially stratified? (Note: Answer in not more
than 150 words for this question.)

B. Write 350-word essay on Does Anything Matter?

NB: Word doc.; times new roman; size 12; single space; file format: e.g. Santos, Juan G. ABP2-1 Art

Ethics Activity #3

1. Create a 350-word reflection paper on Callicles’ idea of Justice. Is there any way to refute the idea of
might makes right?

2. Write a 350-word reflection paper on Ring of Gyges. Is man by nature selfish?

NB: Word doc.; times new roman; size 12; single space; file format: e.g. Santos, Juan G. ABP2-1 Art

Ethics Activity #4

1. What does Socrates say about virtue? Explain your answer further.

2. Compare Plato’s ethical view with that of Socrates.

NB: MS Word; not more than 250 words for each number/question; times new roman; size 12; single
space; file format: e.g. Santos, Juan G. ABP2-1 Ethics.A4

Ethics Activity #5

Direction: Write an Essay on the following statements as an application of your understanding of

different ethical theories covered in this final period.

1. What is the connection between knowledge and moral conduct in Plato‘s moral theory?

2. Against the Sophist‘s argument that injustice is more profitable than justice, Socrates holds the belief
that it is better to be done an injustice than to commit one. What arguments are offered by both parties
to the debate, in defense and in attack? Evaluate the short-term and long-run practicality of these
conflicting moral theories.

3. In the context of Greek philosophy, what is meant by ―virtue?

4. What differences exist between Aristotle‘s golden mean and an absolute mean? Provide illustrations
which make the contrast clear.

5. In what respects do the ethical theories of Plato and Aristotle stand in sharp contrast? In what
respects are they alike?

NB: MS Word; not more than 250 words for each number/question; times new roman; size 12; single
space; file format: e.g. Santos, Juan G. ABP2-1 Ethics.A5

Kindly compile the outputs and submit them in one go via email (google drive link).

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