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Selfcare in Customer Service

1. Don't take others' anger personally
Building resilience will help you deal with criticism and negative emotions
A negative customer is likely to be negative no matter who they are talking to

2. Stay calm and objective

Refocus your conversation on finding the solution
Use active listening techniques and propose solutions to improve the situation

3. Create a positive work environment

Set up a comfortable and ergonomically optimized work space
Get rid of distractions and leave a few personal items that make you smile

4. Exercise to ease stress

Find an activity you enjoy to manage stress, stay energized and unwind
Go for a brief walk will help you feel more grounded and refreshed

5. Take breaks to clear your head

Take a pause to recharge, refocus and give your eyes a break from the screen
Get up to stretch, get a drink, or breathe in some fresh air

5. Celebrate Your Success

Reward yourself and recognize your success
Look back on positive feedback take the time to take care of yourself

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