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Formative Assessment on Lesson 2


"Why is it important for us to take care and maintain the
integrity of God's Creation? How do you fulfill this duty as a
steward and caretaker of God's Creation as a Letranite?"

I believe that taking good care and maintaining the integrity

of God's creations is one way of showing and expressing love and
respect toward the creator, which is God. In the same way, God
looked after us; we ought to do the same for the rest of His
creation, including the trees, plants, animals, other people,
ourselves, and many other things. God has entrusted us with the
responsibility of being stewards of his creation, which entails caring
for, managing, supervising, and defending all He owns. He instructs us
to cultivate and care for His creation. Taking simple, mindful actions
in my daily life can help me reflect on my call to care for creation
and positively affect the environment. As a Letranite, I will always
pray for all my family, friends, churchmates, classmates, nation, and
environment. As I strengthen my Faith, I will also act. I will take care
of the items in my immediate vicinity. I will always pray, place my
trash in the trash can, plant a tree, and follow all directions and

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