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Critical Analysis

WHIO Boot Camp Challenge

SUBJECT: Animation and Game Design Unit 1

CANDIDATES: Chanecia Brooks, Ti’Andria Cox, Trejaun Whyte, Jalani


Centre#: 100131

CANDIDATE#: 1001312586(Trejaun), 1001310630(Ti’Andria),

1001312713(Jalani), 1001310265(Chanecia)

Territory: Jamaica

SCHOOL: York castle high school

YEAR: 2022

introduction………………………………………………………………………………………page 3
Synopsis……………………………………………………………………………………………Page 4

Socio-Cultural Context ……………………………..……………………………………………Page 5

Visual design and Game design principal……………………………………………….……Page 6-9

Environmental Analysis …………………………………….………………………………Page 10-12

Concept Analysis……………………………………………………………………..………Page 13-14

References…………………………………………………………………….…………………Page 15

Whio Boot Camp Challenge is based on The Whio, a threatened species of

duck native to New Zealand found in fast flowing waters.This makes Whio

important indicators of ecosystem health as they only exist where there is

high quality clean and healthy waterways.

The game was created to get more people aware of whio and the threats

they face in a fun and engaging way. Whio ;being a threatened species

with less than 3000 alive in the wild require management through pest

control and breeding assistance to maintain and grow populations.

Whio Boot Camp Challenge aims to teach players what it’s like to be a

whio, paddling fast rivers, finding enough food, avoiding stoats and meeting

their mate, this is all taught in the format of a 2d platformer like game, a

natural predator or whio would be stroats this remains true in game as well,

finding food would be best linked to coins in any other game which add up

to points to give you a score at the end of a level and you can find a partner

for your whio character at the end of a level.

Whio Boot Camp Challenge originally had a chance to give young

people a chance to see real whio in the wild with a DOC ranger, this

prize would include flights, spending money, accommodation and

outdoor activities that are tailored to suit the needs of the winner.

The environment of the game has very relatable caribbean aspects such as

the vast area populated by trees, clean fast flowing rivers and sunny skies.

Whio are adapted to live on fast-flowing rivers so finding whio means if you

spot one in the wild you will also find clean, fast-flowing water with a good

supply of underwater insects.This makes whio important indicators of

ecosystem health in new Zealand since they only exist where there is high

quality clean and healthy waterways, This is why in the game the main

environment is a river as it is the Whio habitat.

The game shows the Whio going about their lives paddling fast rivers,

finding enough food to survive, finding their mate and avoiding predators

such as stoats.
The overall visual aesthetic of WHIO Boot Camp Challenge is very pleasing

to the eye, the art style of the game seems to be a mix of 2D pixelated art

in cartoon-like backgrounds.

Characters and other assets were drawn and animated in the pixel art

Software known as Aseprite.

The game is a 2d platformer done in a mario like game style with pixelated

characters and interactables on a 2D painted background which contrast

very well.

Game design principal

For the overall game design its in the style of a 2D platformer with Mario-

like gameplay. The game’s Objective is to survive in the wild as Whio in its

natural habitat. The game requires you to find food to stay alive, this

translates to points gained while playing the game. Levels are explored

with simple controls limited to left right and a jumping motion, Levels can

contain Obstacles such as rough waters, stones etc…, Stoats are the main

predators for whio in the wild and it remains true in the game, when the

players comes into contact with a stoat they lose life points there however

is trapping mechanisms in the game to help defend yourself from these in

game enemies.

Once the player has survived the in game challenges of starvation, threat

of predators ete… they will come to the end of the level where they are

Rewarded a mate/Partner for their achievement which is accurate to what

real Whio do in the wild.

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