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2Nd quarter
SY 2022-2023
MULTIPLE CHOICE Directions: Read the following questions/statement carefully and choose the letter that best
describes your answer.

1. Chef usually simmers meat, fish, and vegetables for many dish preparations. Which of the following liquids is a by-
product after the different food stuffs have been simmered?
a. glaze
b. sauce
c. stock
d. water
2. What is a French word that refers to the mixture of coarsely chopped onions, carrots, and celery and provides a
flavor base for stock?
a. aromatics
b. bouquet garni
c. mirepoix
d. sachet d’épices
3. Which is the following is a bundle of fresh herbs, such as thyme, parsley stems, and a bay leaf, tied together?
a. aromatics.
b. bouquet garni.
c. mirepoix
d. sachet d’épices.
4. Jasper owns a restaurant. He is awake up to 12 midnights in order to supervise the business and sees to it that he
has enough supply of materials the next day. This kind of character shows that he is_____
a. creative
b. resourceful
c. committed
d. generous
5. In TVL Villavicencio culinary class, they were asked to produce brown stocks, how will they do that to achieve the
best results?
a. Add spices and seasoning.
b. Boil bones for 2 hours
c. Fry the meat until golden brown
d. Put the flavoring ingredient
6. Mr. Gerome will be having visitors for dinner. If he will prepare creamy corn soup for their dinner, which of the
following flavoring agents will he use to give aroma to the soup?
a. aromatics
b. garlic
c. ginger
d. smoke
7. What process of removing fat that has cooled and hardened from the surface of the stock is called?
a. blanching
b. degreasing
c. skimming
d. scraping
8. The five grand sauces are known as mother sauces because they are___________.
a. cooked slowly
b. made only with roux
c. served only with certain types of foods
d. used to create many other sauces
9. What is a thickener made of equal parts flour and soft, whole butter?
a. beurre manié
b. cornstarch
c. liaison
d. roux
10. What is a mixture of egg yolks and heavy cream, often used to finish some sauces?
a. cornstarch
b. liaison
c. roux
d. slurry
11. What is a cold mixture of fresh herbs, spices, fruits, and/or vegetables called?
a. au jus
b. coulis
c. jus-lié
d. salsa
12. When a rich flavorful broth or stock has been clarified, they will turn to be____?
a. Puree
b. Bisque
c. consommé
d. oignon brule
13. Irene will prepare a hearty vegetable soup for dinner, which of the following ways can she do to make her soup
a. add coconut milk
b. add stale bread
c. put yogurt
d. put cream
14. Which of the following situations is good housekeeping practice best shown?
a. emptying the garbage can every other day.
b. using imported sanitizing and disinfecting materials
c. spraying air freshener before and after leaving the room.
d. planning and implementing a program of regular cleaning of fixtures, furniture and home appliances
15. If you observed Chef Melanger preparing a soup with a food mill or immersion blender, it is likely that the soup she
is preparing is a __________.
a. chowder
b. pureed soup
c. cream soup
d. hearty
16. Taal Vista Hotel received ten (10) unexpected guests today. They would like to order their house special roast
chicken. The food attendant checks the availability of the dish and asks the kitchen chef how long will it takes to
roast 1 kg chicken as the guests ordered Set B Meal including 1kg roasted chicken.
a. 30 minutes per kg
b. 45 minutes per kg
c. 60 minutes per kg
d. 90 minutes per kg
17. A chicken stew that is prepared by the braising method but without colouring the chicken and served in white
sauce is a______________.
a. Chicken sauté chasseur
b. Brown chicken stew
c. Fricassee of chicken
d. Chicken à la king
18. The reason for trussing poultry is _____________.
a. to give it a shape and to cook faster
b. to retain shape and ensure neat presentation
c. to prevent loss of juices and to handle better
d. to help with portion control and easier to cook
19. What is the best way to thaw frozen poultry?
a. in a tub of hot water
b. on the sink draining board
c. in the refrigerator
d. in a bucket of cold water.
20. Which is FALSE about the preparation of poultry?
a. Poultry should always be defrosted quickly for optimum flavour
b. Poultry is lower in fat than other meats.
c. Poultry should always be defrosted quickly to prevent cross-contamination.
d. Quail, guinea fowl and duck are feathered game.
21.To maintain freshness and ensure a safe and hygienic seafood product, they should be______,
a. be stored separately to other food groups or below cooked foods
b. kept as cold as possible with minimum temperature variation
c. prepared as quickly and hygienically as possible
d. all of the above
22. What is the wastage when preparing fillets from a whole round fish?
a. always 50 per cent
b. will vary according to species and size
c. always 65 per cent
d. the same as when preparing a flat fish
23.Crustaceans include:
a. Prawn, Scallop, Bug and Rock Lobster
b. Squid, Prawn, Bug and Rock Lobster
c. Crab, Mussel, Prawn and Oyster
d. Prawn, Crab, Rock Lobster and Yabby
24. What does a strong smell of ammonia coming from a green Mud Crab indicates?
a. The crab is getting old or is possibly dead.
b. A desirable quality point when purchasing.
c. The crab has been frozen.
d. Suggests it should be cleaned of dirt or mud.
25. When purchasing fresh seafood, it is best to buy______________.
a. Enough to last 4–5 days
b. Only enough seafood that will be used within 1–2 days
c. Enough seafood to last the week
d. Whatever will fit in the cool room if it is on special
26. Which is TRUE about the preparation of seafoods?
a. To maintain quality and ensure hygiene seafood should be defrosted in cold water.
b. Raw crustaceans are referred to as green.
c. A bag of prawns labelled 21/30 indicates there are 21–30 prawns inside.
d. Subcategories of mollusks include univalve, bivalve and crustaceans.
27. Which of the following is not the nutritional benefits of eating seafood.
a. Seafood is low in fat.
b. Fish is low in cholesterol.
c. Seafood is low in protein.
d. Some seafood is high in Omega-3 fatty acids.
28. Bony fish are classified according to which three criteria, Shape – Round or Flat; Flesh – White or Oily;
a. Salt
b. Freshwater
c. a and b
d. none of the above
29. Identify five ways in which fish may be purchased.
a. fresh, frozen, alive for display in tanks, whole cleaned, canned
b. whole uncleaned, as fillets, bottled whole cleaned – gills, gut and scales removed, as cutlets
c. as cutlets, dried, salted, as pre-cut portions, convenience product
d. all of the above
30. Identify the quality points you would look for when purchasing a live crab.
a. desirable and be vigorous if alive
b. smell of ammonia
c. feel lighter for their size
d. cracked shells
31. Green egg yolks in hard-cooked eggs can be prevented by______________.
a. adding a little vinegar to the cooking water.
b. boiling in salted water.
c. using low temperatures and short cooking time.
d. adding baking soda to the cooking water.
32. Egg whites will whip up into a better foam if _____________.
a. they are well chilled
b. they have a small amount of oil added to them.
c. they have a small amount of baking soda added to them.
d. they are at room temperature.
33. One way to make hard-cooked eggs is to place them into boiling water, adjusting the heat, and simmering for
a. 3-4 minutes
b. 5-7 minutes
c. 12-15 minutes
d. 15-20 minutes
34. Chef Phoebo wants to make an omelet with the frozen eggs that were delivered to his kitchen this morning. He will
have a problem doing this because __________
a. they will coagulate
b. they need to cook too long
c. the eggs will take approximately two days to thaw in the refrigerator
d. both b and c
35. Tough, watery scrambled eggs are most likely the result of __________.
a. overcooking
b. undercooking
c. using low grade eggs
d. incomplete coagulation
36. FIFO stands for ______________________________
a. first in first out
b. first in fight out
c. Fan in Fan out
d. Fit in Fit out
TVL TAYO, HINDI TVL LANG! “Sa ating paglalakbay, puso sana ang maging batayan ng tunay na laban.”

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