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Foreign opportunities (Travel and Home)

What are the planet combinations that indicate overseas

opportunities either for education or job?

Badhakesh can make one travel. Baadakesh Karaka is Rahu hence denotes

4th is the Bhava for home, Trines to 4th house 8th and 12th are different
stations (Homes).

Loss (12th) of home (4th); 3rd is for short distance travel, 7th from it 9th is for
long distance travel for Pilgrimage, Higher studies or to Seek Fortune. 4th from 9th
is 12th house is your new home when travel abroad. 12th also indicates ashrams
when you travel for religious purpose in 9th.

4th from 4th is 7th; 7th is another form of home and 7th can also indicate
travel. Pleasure trips, business trips (10th from 10th is 7th) is indicated by 7th

Movement of body is another subject; It's determined by Chara, Sthira and

Dwiswa Signs. They indicate change in environments. Chara long distance, sthira
short distance or Dwiswa medium distance.

Residency in foreign country is a different subject; Venus is determiner for

Foreign residency. As Venus is Karaka for patriotism. Jataka Parijata gives dictums
like Venus influence on 12th from Lagna lord for foreign residence. In Short 12th
from Lagna lord Called Vyaayapa shows countries you can travel. Malefics indicate
poor countries and benefics can indicate beautiful or developed countries.

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