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Activity 1: Polymers in the Engineering Field

Self-Assessment No. 1
Based on your field of interest (e.g. mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemical
engineering, etc.), what are the commonly used polymers and what are their uses?

In chemical engineering, the commonly used polymers are rubber, acetal, and
PVC. Rubber is an elastic polymer that is usually present in machines or equipment, and
it is used to seal up fluids, conduct fluids, create conveyor belts and pulley belts, and
also serve as structural support. Acetal is a polymer that is usually described as a very
hard, stiff, and tough polymer. It is used in manufacturing machine parts such as
bearings, conveyors, insulators, gaskets, and valves. PVC is commonly used as a
substitute for metal because of its toughness, strength, corrosion resistance, and low
flammability. It is commonly used in water treatment plans as well as in the handling
and processing of materials containing acids, bases, oils, alcohol, and other organic

Activity 2: Materials Selection: Polymers Vs. Metals

Self-Assessment No. 3
Compare and contrast polymers and metals, and come up with different scenarios where
polymers are most likely used than metals or scenarios polymers may substitute metals.

Metals are materials that are composed of metallic elements; they are lustrous,
malleable, have high thermal and electrical conductivity, and are not resistant to
corrosion. On the other hand, polymers are materials that are based on hydrogen and
carbon; they have a low density, high flexibility, are softer and lighter than metals, and
are widely used as insulation materials. Even though polymers are low-density materials
and are much lighter and softer than metals, there are situations where polymers are
the best material to be used instead of metals. An example of this is choosing polymers
over metals for the material of pipes used for transporting water. Polymers are
corrosion-resistant, making them a safe choice for transporting clean, contaminant-free
drinking water. In terms of durability, polymers are much better because metals are
prone to corrosion. Additionally, polymers are more cost-efficient and environmentally
friendly; they have significantly lower prices, consume less energy in manufacturing,
and can be melted and reused multiple times.
Activity 1: Nanotechnology in the Engineering Field
Self-Assessment No. 1
What are the nanomaterials used in your field of study? How are they being employed? Discuss
the significance of their creation or discovery in the future breakthroughs in the engineering field
of your interest.

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a commonly used white powder nanomaterial in

chemical engineering; it is widely used in paints and coatings, as well as in food and
beverages, medicines, and plastics. It is used to protect foods, beverages, supplements,
and pharmaceuticals from premature degradation, thereby increasing product
longevity. It can help to reduce the brittleness, fading, and cracking that can occur as
a result of light exposure in plastics and other materials. Furthermore, it adds opacity
and durability to paints and coatings, extending the life of the paint and protecting the
painted surface. Titanium dioxide has the ability to reflect infrared rays of the sun
making it energy efficient; it lowers heat build-up inside buildings reducing the energy
that would otherwise be consumed by cooling devices like air-conditioning, helping to
provide energy savings. This can also be a solution to the growing problem of many
cities in the increasing urban heat since it can reflect heat from the painted surfaces.
Titanium dioxide was recently found to have the ability to be used as a material to
create supercapacitors that can store enormous amounts of energy allowing for
innovation in renewable energy, electric vehicles, and even space and defense.
Furthermore, titanium dioxide can help to improve battery efficiency by extending both
their energy storing capacity and lifetime. TiO2 batteries with a life expectancy of 20
years that can be recharged to 70% capacity in just two minutes.

Activity 2: Nanoengineering
Self-Assessment No. 2
Research on recent innovations or discoveries in the nanoengineering world. Discuss only the
salient points of this innovation or discovery. What is its significance? What are your thoughts
about it? Would you venture on nanomaterials as well based on this?Why or why not?

4 sentences left.

Recently, a Chinese-based nanotech research group found that blue fluorescent

carbon dots derived from Poria cocos polysaccharides through a one-step
hydrothermal method have the potential to detect chromium in water, which is a
harmful contaminant showing mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. Poria cocos
polysaccharides are green sources that are also cheap and easy to obtain, and they
have no pharmacological activity due to their low water solubility. These carbon
quantum dots have good fluorescence stability, water solubility, anti-interference, and
low cytotoxicity, and they can be specifically combined with Cr(VI) detection to form a
non-fluorescent complex that causes fluorescence quenching, allowing them to be
used as a label-free nanosensor. This discovery can lead to much more innovation in
water purification. Based on this, I would like to venture into nanomaterials because
there is a high possibility of finding more sustainable and efficient solutions through

Meanwhile, MIT chemical engineers have designed nanoparticles that carry the cancer drug
doxorubicin, as well as short strands of RNA that can shut off one of the genes that cancer cells
use to escape the drug. The MIT researchers were searching for ways to treat an especially
aggressive form of breast cancer.

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