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1 taon ang nakalipas (na-edit)

I think I've been able to love myself more by days, but I'm still working to heal my emotional wounds



38 sagot

1 taon ang nakalipas

Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical,
psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and
happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please



5 sagot

1 taon ang nakalipas

Don't spend countless hours entertaining yourself in the hope of implementing it someday. Close
youtube after watching this video and implement something you watched.



17 sagot
1 taon ang nakalipas

If you want to love others, learn to love yourself. If you want to help others, learn to help yourself. If you
want to heal others, heal yourself before them. That is the golden rule we all need.



1 taon ang nakalipas

I've been sitting here crying about someone who doesn't like me and blaming myself this is just the thing
i need thank you



6 na sagot

1 taon ang nakalipas

It's like this channel knows what I need at the moment


10 sagot

1 taon ang nakalipas

Never let others thoughts get to you. Never believe what people talk bad about you. Never let
someones opinion affect you. Theyre nobody to judge you. Never let them be a reason for you to hate
yourself. Bcoz that literally ruins your happiness. And they wouldn't even care. So never stop loving
yourself. Know your worth.



2 sagot

1 taon ang nakalipas

2# is so relatable. I’m sometimes scared to love myself because I don’t want to seem rude. I was
focusing on everyone else’s needs to the point I wasn’t doing anything for myself. I didn’t want to seem
rude, so I didn’t do anything to love myself. This video really helped with that. Thank you


2 sagot

1 taon ang nakalipas

I'm on my self love journey. I started last year after lock down. I was always out initially, out dancing, out
for happy hours, out for everything I could possibly find, but never ever dared to just stay home and
build confidence, self compassion and awareness. Lock down changed that. Very challenging at first and
still is sometimes, but very much worth it. I associate with people from a much higher ground. I am
happier, calmer and more myself. I meditate, pray, journal and it has calmed my spirit a lot. I go to my
inner child a lot and draw from her. When I was younger, my parents loved my sister more, I was
compared negatively to her. Also, my dad was abusive and our household was so chaotic and frightening
for me as a child, so it led to this self hate and lack of self confidence. But, hoping to work on it, and be a
better person

Magpakita nang kaunti



3 sagot

1 taon ang nakalipas

Before my depression I used to really hate myself and find fault in myself due to others' actions. I healed
from that phase and have started to accept and love myself now. Some of the closest people in my life
started to bring me down because I was getting confident, and they told me that I was self absorbed. I
decided to cut ties with them and I was feeling so awful, thought it was selfish. I feel much better after

this. I really needed this so thank you ️

Magpakita nang kaunti


4 na sagot

1 taon ang nakalipas

Self-love takes a lot of practice and loving ourselves is a choice we can make. No matter how much other
people can love us, we won't be truly content if we don't have the space for it ourselves on the inside.
The kindness and compassion we so easily give to others? We need to extend that towards ourselves

too Hope we all choose ourselves today and every single day. The relationship we
have with ourselves is most important and can set the tone for every other relationship you have

Here's to all of us healing, reflecting, and practicing

Magpakita nang kaunti



1 taon ang nakalipas

Me to self: Self love is not selfish, self love is not selfish, SELF LOVE IS NOT SELFISH


6 na sagot

1 taon ang nakalipas

I needed this video, thank you. As someone with depression, self love is difficult. When the train of
negative self talk gets going, it's one that's hard to stop.



5 buwan ang nakalipas

To me self-love adapts traits of mother figure and father figure playing different but important roles:
one should discipline oneself without being too harsch and at the same time give oneself a fair amount

of love without unnecessary indulgence

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