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Teaching Philosophy

There are four types of philosophies of education as described in chapter 6 of

Communicating Family and Consumer Sciences; however, only two of those four

philosophies apply to my education philosophy. The two philosophies that I feel apply

more accurately to my education style are:

- Humanism and

- Technical Skills/Competencies.

The educational philosophy of humanism is the “goal of improving the quality of

families’ lives by trying to maximize the potential of each individual” through “[facilitating]

a strong sense of self, and understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses, and

strong interpersonal skills”. As an educator, I want to utilize this philosophy in my

classroom. I want to help my students appreciate and care for each other as they

understand themselves and learn to understand and respect others.

The educational philosophy of technical skills/competencies involves the

students learning to analyze roles of society (roles of parents, spouse, worker,

community member, etc.) to determine the skills needed to perform the roles well. By

doing so, educators can teach any skill. I want to apply this to my teaching as I guide

them in understanding their roles as members of their community and future family,

career, and community leaders.

Together, these philosophies will help me to not only help students see their

potential but to also apply that confidence into their current and future roles within their

families, schools, and communities.

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