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UAQ-FLL Centro de Enseñ anza de Lenguas y Cultura CELyC English Game



1. If you ___________ (have) , the chance to be one of 2. What _________________ (you/do) if you
these, what________________________ __________ (see) another employee stealing money?
a. I’d ask him to share the money ….. (1 point)
a. a scientist ………….. (3 points) b. I’d tell the boss……………………….. (2 points )
b. a rock star………….. (1 point ) c. I’d warn the person not to do it……(3 points)
c. a teacher……………(2 points)

3. If one of your employees ________ (change), the hair 4. What _________________ (you/do) if your boss
green, how___________ (you/react)? __________ (break) the law?

a. I’d do nothing ……..... (2 points) a. I’d tell the police ……………….….. (3 points)
b. I’d fire him/her….….... (0 point ) b. I’d do nothing……………………….. (0 point )
c. I’d ask to change it.…(3 points) c. I’d blackmail my boss…………….…(1 point )

5. If you ___________ (see) a classmate cheating in the 6. What ______ (you/do) if your teacher _______ (give)
exam, you… extra points by mistake in the exam?

a. would tell the teacher ……... (2 points) a. I would tell my teacher …………….. (3 points)
b. you would ask to stop it………(1 point) b. I’d tell only to my best friend……….. (0 point )
c. you would do nothing………..(0 points) c. I would keep silent…………………..…(1 point)



1 Lic en Educación Preescolar- Lic en Lenguas Modernas-inglés- Maestría en T.E. Mónica Medina
UAQ-FLL Centro de Enseñ anza de Lenguas y Cultura CELyC English Game

7. If you ___________ (be) the president for a day, 8. Who _________________ (you/give) money to if
what___________ (you/make) illegal? you __________ (be) a millionaire?

a. Alcohol ……………………..... (3 points) a. Homeless children………………….(3 points)

b. Cigarettes……………….….... (2 point ) b. Unemployed people…………….. (1 point )
c. Fast Food…………………….…(1 points) c. People with diseases………………(2 points)

9. If you _________ (have) to move to a country for the 10. What ______ (you/choose) if you ________ (have) a
rest of your life, you would choose… special power?

a. USA ………..…... (2 points)

b. Argentina………(0 points) a. To read people’s mind…………….. (3 points)
c. France……….....(3 points) b. To life for all eternity………………... (2 points)
d. Italy………………(1 point) c. Teleportation………………………..…(1 point)

11. If your friend ___________ (tell) lies about you, 12. Who _____________ (you/play) tricks on if you
how________________________ (you/react)? __________ (be) invisible for one day?

a. I’d stop talking my friend……(1 points) a. My brother or sister………………….(2 points)

b. I’d talk to my friend…………..(2 point ) b. A friend of mine……………………. (1 point )
c. I’d punch my friend………… (0 points) c. My mother or father……………..…(3 points)
d. My boss or teacher……………….. (0 points)



2 Lic en Educación Preescolar- Lic en Lenguas Modernas-inglés- Maestría en T.E. Mónica Medina
UAQ-FLL Centro de Enseñ anza de Lenguas y Cultura CELyC English Game

13. If you ___________ (can) be a fruit, you would be…. 14. What colour _________________ (you/choose) if
__________(you/be) one?
a. An orange………..…(1 points)
b. A mango…………....(3 point ) a. Blue…………………… ….. (2 points)
c. A pineapple……..… (2 points) b. White………………………. (1 point )
c. Black……………………..…(3 points)
d. Red………………………….. (0 points)

15. If you ___________ (be) a superhero for one day, you 16. What _________________ (you/choose) if you
would be… __________ (can) change into an animal?

a. Batman ……………………..... (2 points) a. A cat……………….….….. (3 points)

b. Superman……………….….... (3 point ) b. A dog………………….….. (1 point )
c. Wonder woman……………..(1 point) c. A dolphin……………….…(2 point )

17. If you _________ (have) to lose one of your senses 18. What ______ (you/eat) as your last meal if the world
you would choose… __________ (end) tomorrow?

a. Sight ………..... (3 points) a. Junk food…………….... (3 points)

b. Hearing………(2 points) b. Exotic food……………. (2 points)
c. Smell……….....(1 points) c. Fruit and vegetables….(1 point)

3 Lic en Educación Preescolar- Lic en Lenguas Modernas-inglés- Maestría en T.E. Mónica Medina

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