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1.- Margaret / work/ at the restaurant/ in High Street.

2.- Richard and Susan / ride/ their bicycles at 5 o’clock.
3.- Anthony / sleep/ in the youth hostel.
4.- The secretary Alice/ read/ some reports.
5.- Jonathan / play/ the drums / in his band.
6.- My grandma / knit/ a jumper/for my sister.
7.- Geraldine / dance/ at the disco/with her boyfriend.
8.- The customer /complain/ about the food.
9.- Caroline / study/ Maths/ at the school library.
10.- Her husband / snore/ loudly /on the sofa.
11.- Fiona and Laura / make/ some cupcakes in the kitchen.
12.- Martin / not wash/ the windows at home.
13.- Aida and Oscar / listen/ to the radio in the sitting room.
14.-Jerome / ski/ in Switzerland /with his parents.
15.- Some of the girls/ write/ a composition.
16.- George / do/ some yoga / at the gym.
17.-The old woman/ wear/ thick glasses.

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