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NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)

INEFFECTIVE UTERINE FORCE 2. Hypertonic Contractions

- abnormal labor pattern, notable especially ◼ Colicky uterus: incoordination of the
during the active phase of labor, characterized different parts of the uterus in contractions.
by poor and inadequate uterine contractions ◼ Hyperactive lower uterine segment: so the
that are ineffective to cause cervical dilation, dominance of the upper segment is lost.
effacement, and fetal descent, leading to a
Signs and Symptoms
prolonged or protracted delivery. Hypotonic Hypotonic Contractions
labor is primarily a dysfunction of power. There
is inadequate propulsive power to cause fetal ❖ There are only two or three contractions
descent, cervical dilatation, and eventual occurring within a 10- minute period.
expulsion of the fetus and placenta. ❖ The strength of contractions does not rise above
- Uterine contractions are the basic force that 10 mmHg, and they occur mostly during the
moves the fetus through the birth canal. They active phase of labor.
occur because of the interplay of the contractile ❖ The number of uterine contractions in hypotonic
enzyme adenosine triphosphate and the contractions is unusually slow or infrequent.
influence of major electrolytes such as calcium,
Hypertonic Contractions
sodium, and potassium, specific contractile
proteins (actin and myosin), epinephrine and ❖ marked by an increase in resting tone to more
norepinephrine, oxytocin (a posterior pituitary than 15 mmHg.
hormone), estrogen, progesterone, and ❖ They are more painful than usual, and they make
prostaglandins. In about 95% of labors, the woman frustrated with her breathing
contractions follow a predictable, efficient techniques because they are ineffective.
course. When they have less strength than usual
or are rapid but ineffective, dysfunctional labor Management
Nursing Management:
• Place the client in a lateral recumbent position
- Overdistension of the uterus. • Assess Uterine contraction pattern
- Developmental anomalies of the uterus e.g. • Encourage bed rest or sitting
hypoplasia. position/Ambulation
- Myomas of the uterus interfere mechanically • Monitor vital signs
with contractions. • Explain to the woman and her partner that
- Malpresentations, malpositions and although the contractions are very strong, they
cephalopelvic disproportion. The presenting part are ineffective and are not achieving cervical
is not fitting in the lower uterine segment leading dilatation.
to absence of reflex uterine contractions. Medical Management:
- Full bladder and rectum.
• Uterine and fetal external monitor
Types should be applied at least 15 minutes to
1. Hypotonic Contractions check the resting phase of the
◼ Primary inertia: weak uterine contractions contractions and that the fetal pattern is
from the start. not showing a late deceleration
◼ Secondary inertia: inertia developed after a
• Intravenous infusion
period of good uterine contractions when it
is frequently administered to maintain
failed to overcome an obstruction so the the
hydration and electrolyte balance.
uterus is exhausted.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Pharmacologic Management: hemorrhage. In the first hour after birth
following a labor of hypotonic contractions, it is
• Administer short-acting tocolytics (eg,
very important to palpate the uterine fundus,
terbutaline 0.25 mg IV once)
obtain the woman’s blood pressure, and assess
• Discontinuation of oxytocin if it is being used the amount of lochia every 15 minutes for the
• Administer analgesics to reduce pain first hour to ensure postpartal contractions are
Surgical Management: not also hypotonic and therefore not adequate
to halt postpartal hemorrhage.
• Caesarean section
(is necessary if) there is late Etiology/Cause
deceleration, an abnormally long first Hypotonic contractions occur after administration of
stage of labor or lack of progress with analgesia, bowel or bladder distention, if the uterus is
pushing. overstretched due to multiple gestation, a large fetus,
hydramnios, or a uterus that is lax from grand
- Occurs mostly during the ACTIVE PHASE of labor
- Hydramnios
- When uterine contractions are unusually slow or
- Overstretched uterus by a multiple gestation
- Bowel or Bladder distention
- Increased chance of postpartal hemorrhage
- Administration of analgesia if cervix is not dilated
- Resting tone remains less than 10 mmHg
to 3 to 4 cm
- . With hypotonic uterine contractions, the
number of contractions is unusually infrequent Types
(not more than two or three occurring in a 10- 1. Poor and inadequate uterine contractions that
minute period). The resting tone of the uterus are inadequate in causing cervical dilatation,
remains less than 10 mmHg, and the strength of effacement, and fetal descent, resulting in a
contractions does not rise above 25 mmHg (Fig. prolonged or protracted delivery, especially
23.1B). Hypotonic contractions occur during the during the active phase of labor.
active phase of labor and tend to occur after the 2. There are only two or three contractions
administration of analgesia, especially if the occurring within a 10- minute period.
cervix is not dilated to 3 to 4 cm or if bowel or 3. The contractions in the uterus are feeble,
bladder distention is preventing descent or firm infrequent and have short durations. (no more
engagement. They also may occur in a uterus than two or three in a 10-minute span).
that is overstretched by a multiple gestation, a 4. The contractions have a strength of less than 10
larger than usual single fetus, polyhydramnios, mmHg and are most common during labor's
or in a uterus that is lax from grand multiparity. active phase.
Such contractions are not exceedingly painful
because of their lack of intensity. Keep in mind,
Signs and Symptoms
❖ The number of uterine contractions in hypotonic
however, that pain is a subjective symptom.
contractions is unusually slow or infrequent.
Some women, therefore, may interpret these
❖ Number of Contractions: There are only two or
contractions as very painful.
three contractions occurring within a 10-minute
- Hypotonic contractions will increase the length
of labor because more of them are necessary to
❖ The strength of contraction: does not rise above
achieve cervical dilatation. If the uterus becomes
10 mmHg, and they occur mostly during the
exhausted, this can cause it to not contract as
active phase of labor.
effectively during the postpartal period, thus
❖ Resting tone remains less than 10 mmHg
increasing a woman’s chance for postpartal
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Management the presenting part is well applied to the lower
Nursing Management: uterine segment.
• The combination of amniotomy and oxytocin
Always remember that it is significant to assess the
augmentation is more effective in the
mother and fetus to exclude other causes of abnormal
management of hypotonic labor than
labor progression, such as cephalopelvic disproportion
amniotomy alone when instituted early in the
(CPD) a n d fetal malpositioning.
active phase of labor.
• Optimize uterine activity. In monitoring uterine
Pharmacologic Management:
contractions for dysfunctional patterns, the
nurse can use palpation and an electronic • The use of intravenous oxytocin to stimulate
monitor. contractions can be followed provided there are
• Checking the client’s level of fatigue and ability no contraindications. Oxytocin is the medication
to cope with pain is important to prevent of choice for augmenting contractions. The
unnecessary fatigue. dosage regimen should be titrated to effect for
• Prevent complications of labor for the client and achieving adequate uterine contractions. The
infant such as: usual protocol is 5 units of oxytocin in 500mls of
Assessing the urinary bladder 5% Dextrose intravenous infusion, starting with
Assessing maternal vital signs, including 10 drops/min and gradually titrating the rate to
temperature, pulse, respiratory rates, achieve a contraction rate of at least 3 per
and blood pressure. minute.
Checking maternal urine for acetone (an
Surgical Management:
indication of dehydration and
exhaustion). • Assisted vaginal delivery using forceps, vacuum,
Assessing the condition of the fetus by or breach extraction may be indicated if
monitoring FHR, fetal activity, and color ineffective efforts for bearing down are
of amniotic fluid. observed and if the cervix is already fully dilated,
• Promote relaxation by, giving back rubs, and vaginal delivery is indicated and probable.
promoting comfortable position (sidelying), • Cesarean section delivery is performed if all
coaching the client in breathing and relaxation other measures have failed to stimulate the
techniques, and keeping the environment quiet. uterine contractions such as when oxytocin is
• In the first hour after birth following labor of contraindicated, and if there is maternal
hypotonic contractions, palpate the uterus and exhaustion, fetal distress, or even before full
assess the lochia every 15 minutes to ensure that cervical dilation.
there are no postpartal hypotonic contractions
and inadequate to halt bleeding. HYPERTONIC UTERINE CONTRACTION
- Hypertonic labor is characterized by more
Medical Management: frequent, ineffective, and painful contractions,
• Amniotomy aids in the stimulation of which does not allow the uterus to relax
contractions by releasing prostaglandins and between contractions . It is most noticeable
reflex stimulation of the uterus when the during the latent phase of labor.
presenting part becomes closely applied to the - Hypertonic uterine contractions are marked by
lower uterine segment. This should be an increase in resting tone to more than 15
attempted when vaginal delivery is probable and mmHg (Fig. 23.1C). However, the intensity of the
if cervical dilatation is less than 4 cm, there is contraction may be no stronger than that
adequate fetal descent (station -2 or lower), and associated with hypotonic contractions. In


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
contrast to hypotonic contractions, these occur ❖ They are more painful than usual, and they make
frequently and are most commonly seen in the the woman frustrated with her breathing
latent phase of labor. Hypertonic contractions techniques because they are ineffective.
may occur because more than one uterine
pacemaker is stimulating contractions or Management
Nursing Management:
because the muscle fibers of the myometrium do
not repolarize or relax after a contraction, • Assess uterine contraction pattern; provide rest
thereby “wiping it clean” to accept a new (analgesia); provide comfort measures; monitor
pacemaker stimulus. They tend to be more maternal vital signs; frequently monitor fetal
painful than usual because the myometrium status. Lateral position; administer oxygen by
becomes tender from constant lack of relaxation mask.
and the anoxia of uterine cells that results.
- A danger of hypertonic contractions is that the Medical Management:
lack of relaxation between contractions may not • Prostoglandin E2 is administered before labor to
allow optimal uterine artery filling; this can lead minimize risk of uterine hyperstimulation and to
to fetal anoxia early in the latent phase of labor. minimize the effects on Fetal Heart Rate.
Applying a uterine and a fetal external monitor • Administration of tocolytic treatment with β2-
to any woman whose pain seems out of adrenergic drugs has shown to stabilize uterine
proportion to the quality of her contractions will contractions while also effectively lowering Fetal
help identify that the resting phase between Heart Rate.
contractions is adequate and that the FHR is not
• The usage of a balloon catheter to induce labor
showing late deceleration rather than Prostoglandin E2 lowers the risk of
- If decelerations in the FHR, an abnormally long
uterine hyperstimulation and its effect on fetal
first stage of labor, or lack of progress with heart rate.
pushing (i.e., “second-stage arrest”) occurs,
cesarean birth may be necessary. Although this Pharmacologic Management:
is disappointing, be certain the woman and her
• Hypertonic uterine dysfunction is difficult to
support person understand that, although
treat, but repositioning, short-acting tocolytics
contractions are strong, they are ineffective and
(eg, terbutaline 0.25 mg IV once),
are not achieving cervical dilatation
discontinuation of oxytocin if it is being used, and
Etiology/Cause analgesics may help.
- Uterine hyperstimulation is a complication that
Surgical Management:
can occur with excessive use of Pitocin during
labor. Pitocin is a medication administered to • Assisted vaginal delivery
pregnant women to induce or speed up labor. It may be performed using forceps,
is a synthetic form of oxytocin – the hormone a vacuum, or breech extraction provided
mother's body produces naturally during labor. the cervix is fully dilated, and vaginal
delivery is indicated and probable.
Signs and Symptoms
• Operative delivery by cesarean section
❖ Hypertonic contractions are marked by an
should be considered early when the
increase in resting tone to more than 15 mmHg.
assessment indicates a CPD or fetal
❖ Hypertonic contractions tend to occur more
frequently and during the latent phase of labor.
However, in the absence of an early
indication, cesarean section is
performed if all other measures have
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
failed to stimulate the uterine Types
contractions; when oxytocin is The first stage starts with uterine contractions leading to
contraindicated (including cephalopelvic complete cervical dilation and is divided into latent and
disproportion), if there is maternal active phases.
exhaustion, fetal distress (category III
1. Latent phase:
fetal heart tracing), or before full cervical
◼ Irregular uterine contractions occur along
dilation. Cesarean birth would be
with cervical effacement and dilatation that
necessary if there is late deceleration, an
is slow and progressive.
abnormally long first stage of labor or
2. Active phase
lack of progress with pushing.
An higher rate of cervical dilatation and fetal
COMPARISON OF HYPOTONIC AND descent indicates the active phase. The
HYPERTONIC CONTRACTIONS acceleration, maximum slope, and deceleration
Criteria Hypertonic Hypotonic phases are all part of the active phase, which
Most common Latent Active normally begins around 3-4 cm cervical dilation.
phase of
occurrence Management
Symptoms Painful Limited pain Nursing Management:
Medications • Nursing care for patients with dysfunctional
labor revolves around identifying and treating
Oxytocin Unfavorable Favorable
abnormal uterine patterns, preventing
reaction reaction
Sedation Helpful Little value unnecessary fatigue, monitoring maternal/fetal
physical response to contractile pattern,
providing emotional support for the client/
DYSFUNCTIONAL LABOR – 1ST STAGE couple, and preventing complications for the
- Dysfunctional or prolonged labor refers to a client and infant.
labor that lasts longer than expected, usually in
Medical Management:
the first stage. The intensity, duration, and
frequency of uterine contractions, cervical • For those in the latent phase, the treatment of
dilatation, and the descent of the fetus through choice is rest for several hours. During this
the pelvis are all used to diagnose labor delay. interval, uterine activity, fetal status, and
cervical effacement must be evaluated to
Etiology/Cause determine if progress to the active phase has
- Dysfunctional labor can be due to abnormalities
occurred. Approximately 85% of patients so
in uterine contraction and/or lack of ability of the
treated progress to the active phase.
mother to forcibly expel the fetus, a large fetus
Approximately 10% will cease to have
and/or an unusual orientation of the fetus in the
contractions, and the diagnosis of false labor
uterus, or abnormalities in the pelvis such that
may be made. For the approximately 5% of
the passage is blocked or too small.
patients in whom therapeutic rest fails and in
patients for whom expeditious delivery is
indicated, oxytocin infusion may be used.

Pharmacologic Management:


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
• Options for managing the latent phase of labor part on the certainty with which cervical
include observation, sedation with dilation can be determined on digital
antihistamines or mild narcotics, and labor examination.
augmentation. 4. Prolonged deceleration phase
◼ progress in dilation slows after 8 cm and
Surgical Management:
uterine contractions become dysfunctional,
• Cesarean delivery for dystocia should not be even after oxytocin administration. In this
performed in women who remain in latent labor situation, the cervix starts to swell and take
for being induced with sedatives. on fluid. In this situation, a C-section may be
DYSFUNCTIONAL LABOR – 2ND STAGE 5. Protracted descent
- Failure to progress in labor is a situation in which ◼ abnormally slow cervical dilation or fetal
labor stalls out or stops. This can relate to the descent during active labor.
cervix not dilating enough, the baby’s head not 6. Arrest of descent
engaging with the mother’s pelvis, differences ◼ the head of the fetus is in the same place in
between the size of the baby’s head and the birth canal during the first and second
mother’s pelvis, or with contractions not being examinations, which your doctor performs
sufficiently strong or frequent to push the baby one hour apart. This signifies that the baby
out, among other factors. hasn't moved farther down the birth canal
- The active phase usually starts at 3-4 cm cervical within the last hour.
dilation and is subdivided into the acceleration,
maximum slope, and deceleration phases. The Signs and Symptoms
second stage of labor is defined as complete ❖ The abnormally slow descent of the fetus during
dilation of the cervix to the delivery of the infant. the second stage of labor
❖ Abnormally slow dilation of the cervix during
Etiology/Cause active labor
- Dysfunctional labor can be due to abnormalities ❖ Lodging of the shoulders of the fetus once the
in uterine contraction and/or lack of ability of the head has been delivered (shoulder dystocia)
mother to forcibly expel the fetus, a large fetus
and/or an unusual orientation of the fetus in the Management
uterus, or abnormalities in the pelvis such that Nursing Management:
the passage is blocked or too small. • Monitor uterine contractions for dysfunctional
Types patterns
1. Prolonged latent phase • Check the patient’s level of fatigue and ability to
◼ Friedman defined prolonged latent phase as cope with pain
> 20 hours in a nulliparous woman, and > 14 • Assess urinary bladder, catheterize as needed.
hours in a multiparous woman. • Assess maternal vital signs Assess condition of
2. Protracted active phase dilation fetus by monitoring fetal heart rate, fetal
Protracted labor is abnormally slow cervical activity, and color of amniotic fluid
dilation or fetal descent during active labor. • Coach the client in breathing and relaxation
3. Secondary arrest of dilation
◼ This is diagnosed when there has been no • Provide back rubs
change in cervical dilation for at least 2 • Nipple stimulation to produce endogenous
hours. This time criterion is the same for oxytocin
nulliparas and multiparas and is based in
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
• Assess for malpositioning of fetus using lower segments and progressively moves
Leopold’s Maneuvers upwards.
2. Constriction Ring
Medical Management:
◼ A manifestation of localized inco-ordinated
• Prepare for forceps delivery as necessary: uterine contractions caused by undue
Excessive maternal fatigue, resulting in irritability of the uterus . The constriction
ineffective bearing-down efforts in stage II labor, ring usually occurs at the junction of upper
indicates the use of forceps. and lower segment, and the position does
• Apply vacuum extractor as indicated: Vacuum not alter.
extractor may be used to rotate and expedite
delivery of fetus.
Signs and Symptoms
Pharmacologic Management: ❖ Maternal exhaustion
• Administer narcotic or sedative such as ❖ Fetal anoxia
morphine, pentobarbital, or secobarbital Management
• Infusion of exogenous oxytocin (Pitocin) or Nursing Management:
The nursing care for patients with dysfunctional labor
Surgical Management: revolves around identifying and treating abnormal
• Amniotomy: Rupture of membranes relieves uterine patterns, monitoring maternal/fetal physical
uterine overdistension and allows presenting response to contractile pattern and length of labor,
part to engage and labor to progress in the providing emotional support for the client/couple and
absence of cephalopelvic disproportion. preventing complications.
• Cesarean Delivery: Immediate cesarean birth is In conducting the nursing interventions, the nurse must
indicated for Bandl’s ring or fetal distress due to perform the following:
1. Optimize uterine activity. Monitor uterine
CONTRACTION RING contractions for dysfunctional patterns; use
- A contraction ring is a spasmodic contraction of palpation and an electronic monitor.
the lower portion of the uterus which usually 2. Prevent unnecessary fatigue. Check the client’s
occurs during the first phase of labour, but level of fatigue and ability to cope with pain.
persists into the second stage. The ring then 3. Prevent complications of labor for the client and
contracts round the child's neck and prevents infant.
the child descending, thus delaying and Assess urinary bladder; catheterize as
preventing delivery. It is a cause of obstructed needed.
labor or dysfunctional labor. Assess maternal vital signs, including
temperature, pulse, respiratory rates,
Etiology/Cause and blood pressure.
- Tonic uterine contraction Check maternal urine for acetone (an
- Inco-ordinated uterine contractions indication of dehydration and
Types exhaustion).
1. Bandl’s Ring Assess the condition of the fetus by
◼ An end result of tonic uterine contraction monitoring FHR, fetal activity
and retraction following obstructed labor. It
always occurs at the junction of upper and
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Medical Management: Management
Nursing Management:
• In cases when amniotic banding is constricting
the umbilical cord or cutting off the blood supply • Monitor Vital signs
to a baby's limb, a doctor can attempt to • Encourage oral intake
surgically remove the bands before your baby is • Provide supplemental fluids as indicated
born. • Provide a quiet environment and privacy within
parameters of the situation.
Pharmacologic Management:
• Note client’s level of consciousness and
• The classical treatment is morphia, anesthesia, mentation
adrenaline, and inhalation of amyl nitrite which,
Medical Management:
sometimes, relaxes the contraction ring
dramatically, and spinal anesthesia. If those • Check for history of precipitate labor
means prove unsuccessful, weight traction • Induce labor with a low rupture of membranes
attached to a scalp forceps is advised. and a controlled delivery with care.
Surgical Management: • Woman should be cautioned during the 28th
• In cases when amniotic banding is constricting • Cardiotocography
the umbilical cord or cutting off the blood supply o The heart rate of your baby is measured
to a baby's limb, a doctor can attempt to using cardiotocography (CTG).
surgically remove the bands before your baby is o It also focuses solely on the womb's
born. contractions at the same time (uterus).
o It is used to monitor the baby for any
PRECIPITATE LABOR signs of distress both before birth
- Characterized as rapid labor and delivery that (antenatally) and throughout labor.
can be completed in less than 3 hours. This can
be predicted from a labor graph. During the Pharmacologic Management:
active phase of dilatation, the rate is greater than
• A tocolytic, such as a bolus of subcutaneous
5 cm/hr (1cm every 12 minutes) in a nullipara or
terbutaline or intravenous ritodrine, should be
10 cm/hr (1cm every 10 minutes) in a multipara.
given to the mother if a syntocinon infusion is
However, this can result in maternal injury (i.e
being administered.
cervical or perineal lacerations) and place the
fetus at risk for traumatic or asphyxia insults. Surgical Management:

Etiology/Cause • Performing a cesarean delivery immediately

- Grand multiparity after the diagnosis of placental abruption may
- Abnormally strong uterine and abdominal have contributed to a reduction in the rate of
contractions vaginal births.
- Abnormally low resistance of the soft pass of the
birth canal
- Absence of painful sensations
- Induction of labor by oxytocin

Signs and Symptoms

❖ Painful
❖ Sudden onset of strong contractions
❖ An intense feeling to bear down and push
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
UTERINE RUPTURE 2. An incomplete uterine rupture
- During a uterine rupture, the endometrium, ◼ is when the outer layer of the uterus is left
myometrium, and peritoneum of the uterus untorn. This makes it difficult to immediately
divide completely (Togioka & Tonismae, 2021). It identify a uterine rupture as signs of rupture
can also be described as a condition wherein the won’t be easily seen.
woman’s uterus will tear through the uterine Signs and Symptoms
wall and serosa. The hole resulting from the tear ❖ When uterine rupture occurs, immediate care
could possibly lead to the entry of the fetus, should be provided to the mother. This is mainly
amniotic fluid, or umbilical cord into the because the signs and symptoms of uterine
peritoneal cavity or broad ligament. This mainly rupture can lead to morbidity or mortality. These
occurs in pregnant women but can also manifest include fetal bradycardia, noticeable signs of
in women who are not pregnant. hypovolemia, loss of fetal station, and severe or
Etiology/Cause constant abdominal pain (Guiliano et al., 2014).
- In pregnant women, those who had previously Cases wherein the fetus entered the peritoneal
undergone cesarean deliveries were most likely cavity due to uterine rupture have led to an
to experience a uterine rupture. Another reason increase towards possible fetal and maternal
is having an overdistended uterus or the uterus death. This is treated right away through a
being larger than normal. Different procedures laparotomy which helps control bleeding and the
may also cause this condition inadvertently birth of the fetus.
(Porter & Kaplan, 2011). Specifically, these are an Management
external or internal fetal version, an iatrogenic Nursing Management:
perforation, and excessive use of drugs which
stimulate uterine contractions. In non-pregnant • Monitor maternal blood pressure, pulse, and
women, the uterus may have a uterine rupture if respirations of the mother and the fetal heart
it is exposed to trauma, an infection, or cancer tones.
(Herrera, Hassanein & Bansal, 2011) • Help with the patients physical and their
emotional support when needed
Types • Check cervical dilation
When it comes to uterine ruptures, a complete tear
• Monitor uterine contractions
through the epithelial layer until the serosal outer layer
is usually expected. However, sometimes the Medical Management:
perimetrium is left intact. In a complication such as
• Look for circulatory accommodations
uterine rupture, there are two types which are both
• Blood product might be used such as fibrinogen
equally concerning and require immediate attention
or platelets
(Gibbins et al., 2015):
• Initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation if the
1. A complete uterine rupture patient arrest. If no response perform a
◼ refers to the tear going through the perimortem cesarean delivery
endometrium, myometrium, and
peritoneum. Due to the damage done to the Pharmacologic Management:
myometrium (which is the smooth muscle • Rx emergency replacement therapy
layer), uterine contractions stop. Two • IV Oxytocin- contracts the uterus and minimize
swellings will also be made visible on the bleeding
woman’s abdomen.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Surgical Management: ❖ Low blood pressure.

• Laparotomy- to control bleeding and birth of the Management

fetus Nursing Management:
• Cesarean hysterectomy- removal of the uterus at
• Insertion of IV line using a large gauge needle.
the time of cesarean delivery
• Assess vital signs.
INVERSION OF THE UTERUS • Prepare to perform CPR if a woman's heart fails
- When the uterine fundus collapses into the from blood loss.
endometrial cavity, the uterus is turned partially • Rx Oxygen mask.
or entirely inside out, resulting in uterine Medical Management:
inversion. It's an uncommon consequence of
vaginal or cesarean birth, but it's a life- • Immediate uterine repositioning is essential for
threatening obstetric emergency when it does acute puerperal inversion.
happen. If not detected and treated • Measures to reposition the uterus may include:
immediately, uterine inversion can result in • Preparing theatres for a possible laparotomy.
severe bleeding and shock, which can lead to • Attempting prompt repositioning of the uterus.
maternal death. This is best done manually and quickly,
as delay can render repositioning
Etiology/Cause progressively more difficult. Reposition
The main cause of uterine inversion remains unclear.
the uterus (with the placenta if still
However, it is linked to the following risk factors:
attached) by slowly and steadily pushing
- labor lasting longer than 24 hours upwards towards the umbilicus,
- a short umbilical cord commonly referred to as Johnson's
- prior deliveries method.
- use of muscle relaxants during labor
Pharmacologic Management:
- abnormal or weak uterus
- previous uterine inversion • Administer uterotonic drugs- Atony is common
- placenta accreta, in which the placenta is too after restoration of the normal uterine position.
deeply embedded in the uterine wall • Antibiotic prophylaxis -administration of a single
- fundal implantation of the placenta, in which the dose of a first-generation cephalosporin.
placenta implants at the very top of the uterus
Surgical Management:
1. 1st degree (also called incomplete) – The fundus Huntington procedure
is within the endometrial cavity • Locate the cup formed by the inversion
2. 2nd degree (also called complete) – The fundus • Place a clamp, such as an Allis or Babcock clamp,
protrudes through the cervical os on each round ligament entering the cup,
3. 3rd degree (also called prolapsed) – The fundus approximately 2 cm deep in the cup.
protrudes to or beyond the introitus • Gently pull on the clamps to exert upward
4. 4th degree (also called total) – Both the uterus traction on the inverted fundus.
and vagina are inverted • Repeatedly clamp in 2 cm increments along the
Signs and Symptoms ligament and exert traction until the inversion is
❖ Dizziness corrected.
❖ Abdominal pain
❖ A mass in the vagina
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Haultain procedure Types
1. Typical AFE:
• Make an incision (approximately 1.5 inches in
◼ Phase 1-respiratory and circulatory disorders
length) in the posterior surface of the uterus to
◼ Phase 2-coagulation disturbances of
transect the constriction ring and thus increase
maternal hemostasis
the size of the previously constricted area.
◼ Phase 3-acute renal failure and acute
• Manual reduction can be performed through the respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and
vagina or by placing a finger abdominally leading to cardiopulmonary collapse.
through the myometrial incision to below the 2. Atypical AFE:
fundus and then exerting pressure on the fundus ◼ Uterine Hemorrhage
to reduce the inversion. ◼ Adult respiratory syndrome (ARDS)- as form
• The incision is repaired when the uterus has of atypical AFE
been returned to a normal position. ◼ Paradoxical AFE
◼ Cesarean section- related atypical AFE
- Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is one of the Signs and Symptoms
catastrophic complications of pregnancy that ❖ Acute or sudden shortness of breath (dyspnea)
occurs when amniotic fluid is forced into an open ❖ Excess fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema)
maternal uterine blood sinus after a membrane ❖ Sudden low blood pressure
rupture or partial premature separation of the ❖ Sudden failure of the heart to effectively pump
placenta (Balinger, Chu Lam, Hon, et al., 2015). blood (cardiovascular collapse)
❖ Life-threatening problems with blood clotting
Etiology/Cause (disseminated intravascular coagulopathy)
- Etiology largely remains unknown, but may
❖ Bleeding from the uterus, cesarean incision or
occur in healthy women during labour, during
intravenous (IV) sites
cesarean section, after abnormal vaginal
❖ Altered mental status, such as anxiety or a sense
delivery, or during the second trimester of
of doom
pregnancy. It may also occur up to 48 hours post-
❖ Chills, shivering, sweating
delivery. It can also occur during abortion, after
❖ Rapid heart rate or disturbances in the rhythm of
abdominal trauma, and during amnio-infusion.
the heart rate
Previously, it was thought particles such as
❖ Fetal distress, such as a slow heart rate, or other
meconium or shed fetal skin cells in the amniotic
fetal heart rate abnormalities
fluid entered the maternal circulation and
❖ Seizures
reached the lungs as small emboli. A more likely
❖ Loss of consciousness
cause of symptoms is a humoral or
anaphylactoid response to amniotic fluid in the Management
maternal circulation. Although it is associated Nursing Management:
with induction of labor, multiple pregnancy, and
perhaps polyhydramnios (i.e., excess amniotic • Admit the patient with amniotic fluid embolism
fluid), it is not preventable because it cannot be (AFE) into the intensive care unit (ICU).
predicted. Medical Management:

• Initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if

the patient arrests. If she does not respond to
resuscitation, perform a perimortem cesarean


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
• Treat hypotension with crystalloid and blood Types
products. Use pressors as necessary. Preterm occurs when babies are born alive before 37
• Avoid excessive fluid administration. During the weeks of pregnancy. There are sub-categories of preterm
initial phase, right ventricular function is birth based on gestational age:
suboptimal. Excess fluid may over distend the
• Extremely preterm which is less than 28 weeks
Right ventricle which could increase the risk of a
• Very preterm is 28 to 32 weeks,
right sided myocardial infarction.
• Moderate to late preterm occurs between 32 to
Pharmacological Management 37 weeks.

• Drugs are used in amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) Signs and Symptoms
to stabilize the patient. Pressors are used to ❖ Regular or frequent contractions
maintain blood pressure, and inotropes are used ❖ Constant low, dull backache
to improve contractility. Use of steroids has been ❖ Pelvic or abdominal pressure
suggested because the process may be immune ❖ Mild abdominal cramps
mediated. Uterotonics may be used to limit ❖ Vaginal spotting
postpartum bleeding. ❖ Preterm rupture of membranes
❖ Watery, mucus-like or bloody vaginal discharge
Surgical Management
• Perform emergent cesarean delivery in arrested
Nursing Management
mothers who are unresponsive to resuscitation.
• When tests reveal immature fetal lung
PRETERM LABOR development, cervical dilatation is less than 4
- Preterm labor happens when your cervix opens cm, and there are no contraindications to
after week 20 and before week 37 of pregnancy continuing the pregnancy, premature labor is
due to consistent contractions. Premature birth suppressed. For patients with preterm labor, the
can be the outcome of preterm labor. The higher nurse should keep a watchful eye out for
the risk of your baby's health if he or she is born indicators of fetal or maternal discomfort and
prematurely. In the neonatal intensive care unit, give complete supportive care.
many premature babies (preemies) require
special attention. Preemies can suffer from long- Medical Management
term mental and physical problems as well. • Pelvic exam. Your health care provider might
Etiology/Cause evaluate the firmness and tenderness of your
- There are a number of reasons for preterm birth. uterus and the baby's size and position.
For no apparent reason, a woman may go into • Ultrasound. A transvaginal ultrasound might be
labor early. There may be a medical reason for used to measure the length of your cervix. An
early labor and delivery at other times. Like ultrasound might also be done to check for
premature rupture of membranes, bleeding problems with the baby or placenta, confirm the
during pregnancy, and weak cervix. baby's position, assess the volume of amniotic
fluid, and estimate the baby's weight.
• Uterine monitoring. Your health care provider
might use a uterine monitor to measure the
duration and spacing of your contractions.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Pharmacological Management Types
1. Preterm premature rupture of membranes
• Exogenous progesterone, corticosteroids, and
◼ Amniotic sac ruptures before 37 weeks of
tocolytics (-adrenergic agonists, magnesium
sulfate, calcium channel blockers, prostaglandin
2. Spontaneous rupture of membrane
inhibitors, nitrates, and oxytocin receptor
◼ Rupture of membranes after or with the
blockers) this is to prolong pregnancy as safely as
onset of labor occurring prior to 37 weeks.
possible to permit fetal development and
maturation Management
❖ Leaking or a gush of watery fluid from the vagina
Surgical Management
❖ Constant wetness in underwear
• Cervical cerclage might be recommended if
you're less than 24 weeks pregnant, you have a
Nursing Management:
history of early premature birth, and an
ultrasound shows your cervix is opening or your • Prevent infection and other tissues from
cervical length is less than 25 millimeters. occurring.
Using sterile speculum examination and
PREMATURE RUPTURE OF MEMBRANES ferning determination, make an early
- Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is the and accurate assessment of membrane
rupture or breaking open of gestational health. To avoid infection, restrict
membranes that surrounds the baby, amniotic vaginal inspections to be a bare
sac, prior to the onset of labor. When the sac minimum after that.
ruptures, the pregnant woman has an increased Take smear samples from the vaginal
risk for infection and has a higher chance of and rectum as directed to check for beta
having the baby born prematurely. hemolytic streptococci, a bacteria that
puts the fetus at risk.
Determine the status of the mother and
- There is a variety of mechanisms that cause
fetus, including the approximate
prelabor rupture of membranes. Rupture of the
gestational age. Examine for indications
membranes before the end of pregnancy (term)
of infection on a regular basis.
can be caused by a physiologic weakening of the
If the fetal head is not engaged, keep the
membranes or from the force of contractions.
client in bed. If there is another rupture
Some causes or risk factors may be infections of
and fluid loss, this approach may avoid
the uterus, cervix, or vagina; too much stretching
cord prolapse. Ambulation can be
of the amniotic sac which can happen if there is
promoted once the fetal head is
too much fluid, or if there is more than one baby
putting pressure on the membranes; smoking; if
• Provide client and family education.
the mother has had cervix surgery or biopsies;
If the fetus is at term, tell the client that
and if the mother was pregnant before and had
the possibilities of spontaneous labor
starting are high; encourage the client
and partner to prepare for labor and
Explain the therapies that will likely be
required if labor does not start or if the
fetus is determined to be premature or
at risk of infection.
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
• Fever, discomfort, an elevated fetal heart rate, PROLAPSE OF THE UMBILICAL CORD
and/or laboratory testing are all indicators of - The umbilical cord connects to the placenta. It
infection and should be monitored. delivers nutrients and serves as the baby’s
Medical Management lifeline to the mother. Prolapse of the umbilical
cord happens when the cord between the baby’s
• Determine if the cervix is suitable for labor body and pelvic bones are compacted, reducing
induction. the baby’s blood supply. This occurrence will
If the patient’s cervix is in good shape, hinder oxygen supply to the baby. This condition
there’s no need to wait. As a result, occurs when the umbilical cord falls out between
intravenous oxytocin should be used to the fetal presenting part and the cervix into the
induce labor as soon as feasible. vagina
Pharmacological Management Etiology/Cause
- Premature rupture of the membranes
• Give corticosteroids to the mother.
◼ The most common cause of prolapse. When
This might help the fetus’ lungs grow
the membranes rupture earlier than
since lung immaturity is a major problem
expected or undergo an amniotomy
of premature babies. This medication,
procedure, the baby’s head may be high up
on the hand, may hide a uterine
in the uterus, allowing the umbilical cord to
fall out through the cervix.
• Antibiotics
- Fetal Presentation other than cephalic
This is to avoid or treat infections.
- Placenta previa
• Tocolytics
- Intrauterine tumors preventing the presenting
These are medications that are used to
part from engaging
prevent premature labor.
- CPD preventing firm engagement
Surgical Management - Prematurity / A small fetus
◼ Premature infants are vulnerable to
• If PPROM is stable, women with the condition malpresentation and they tend to be
generally deliver at 34 weeks. Early delivery is smaller. (a higher volume of amniotic fluid in
required if there is evidence of abruption, relation to the baby’s size)
chorioamnionitis, or fetal compromise. - Multiple gestation pregnancies (twins,triplets,
◼ Upon exiting the mother’s womb, the baby
may possibly push the other baby’s cord out.
- Polyhydramnios
◼ Excessive amniotic fluid may push the cord
forcefully due to the pressure of the fluid
exiting the mother.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Types • Inform the neonatal team for possible neonatal
Cord prolapse may be subdivided into three types the resuscitation.
following are:
Medical Management
1. Overt cord prolapse
◼ After the membranes are ruptured, the • Funic Decompression - Until delivery is possible,
umbilical cord descends through the cervix relieving the pressure on the cord by elevation of
into the vaginal canal. the fetal presenting part, is the cornerstone of
2. Funic Presentation management in cord prolapse. It is done
◼ The loop of the umbilical cord lies between manually by the medical provider through the
the fetal presenting part and the still-intact placement of their finger or hand in the vaginal
vault and gentle elevation of the presenting part
fetal membranes covering the cervical os.
3. Occult prolapse off the umbilical cord.
◼ Occult cord prolapse results when the cord’s Pharmacologic Management
location is alongside the presenting part, but
it cannot be detected by the examiner. • Consider Tocolysis (e.g. terbutaline) - If delivery
is imminently unavailable, this treatment can
Signs and Symptoms relax the uterus and stop contractions which can
An umbilical cord prolapse may occur with no outward relieve the pressure off the cord. It may also
physical signs on the mother and no fetal heart trace but allow sufficient time for transfer to a location
upon examination, an ill-fitting or unengaged presenting where delivery is feasible. This can be
part should alert one to the possibility of cord prolapse. particularly useful when there are fetal heart
Another sign/symptom can be: rate abnormalities while preparing for a C-
❖ Seeing/feeling the umbilical cord before the section.
baby is delivered. This is the most obvious sign of Surgical Management
a cord prolapse.
❖ Fetal distress from lack of oxygen. • Lower Segment Cesarean Section (LSCS) -
❖ Prolonged fetal heart rate deceleration on the Cesarean delivery, also known as “C-section”, is
fetal monitor. a surgical procedure wherein a baby is delivered
by making an incision in the mother’s abdomen
Management and another in the mother’s uterus.
Nursing Management

• Identify prolapsed cord and apply immediate

• Assess fetal viability.
• Call for assistance.
• Change the patient’s position to trendelenburg
or modified sims position.
• Relieve pressure from cord.
• Prepare for emergency delivery or cesarean
• Administer oxygen by mask by 10-12 L/min.
• Fill maternal bladder with 500-700 cc NS
• Continuous fetal monitoring.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
- considered a complication of pregnancy because 3. Triplets and ‘higher order multiples’ (HOMs)
a woman’s body must adjust to the effects of ◼ Triplets, quadruplets ,sextuplets or more can
more than one fetus. It begins with single ovum be a combination both of identical and
and spermatozoon. In the process of fusion, or in fraternal multiples.
one of the first cell divisions , the zygote divides ◼ example: triplets can be either fraternal (
into one of the first cell divisions , the zygote trizygotic) forming from 3 individuals egg
divides into two identical individuals. Single - that fertilized and implanted the uterus ; or
ovum twins usually have one placenta , one they can be identical , when one egg divides
chorion, two amnions , and two umbilical cords. into 3 embryos ; or they can be a
combination of both.
- The use of fertility drugs to induce ovulation Signs and Symptoms
often causes more than egg to be released from The following are the most common symptoms of
the ovaries and can result in twins, triplets , or multiple pregnancy. However, each woman may
more. experience symptoms differently. Symptoms of multiple
- In vitro- fertilization (IVF) can lead to multiple pregnancy may include:
pregnancy if more than one embryo is
transferred to the uterus. Identical multiple also ❖ Uterus is larger than expected for the dates in
may result if the fertilized egg splits after pregnancy
transfer. ❖ Increased morning sickness
- Women older than age 35 are more likely to ❖ Increased appetite
release two or more eggs during a single ❖ Breast tenderness than women who are
menstrual cycle than younger women. So older pregnant with a single fetus.
women are more likely than younger women to ❖ Excessive weight gain, especially in early
become pregnant with multiple. pregnancy
❖ Fetal movement felt in different parts of
Types abdomen at same time
1. Fraternal twins
◼ ‘dizygotic’ twins referring two zygotes Management
(fertilized eggs) Nursing Management:
◼ two separate eggs • Advice the mother for frequent prenatal visits
◼ may look the same or different this is to detect problems as early as
◼ Same or different possible. The mothers’s nutritional
◼ baby has its own placenta and amniotic sac. status and weight should also be
2. Identical twins monitored
◼ ‘monozygotic ‘ referring to one zygote (
• Increase nutrition
fertilized egg)
Carrying two or more fetuses need more
◼ single fertilized egg is split in half
calories,protein and other nutrients,
◼ each half (embryo) genetically identical
including iron. Higher weight gain is also
◼ Babies share same DNA means they may
recommended for multiple pregnancy.
share same characteristics
• Increase rest
◼ share same placenta amniotic sac or they
Higher -order multiple pregnancies
may have their own placenta and amniotic
often require bedrest starting in the
middle of the second trimester.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Preventive bed rest has not been shown Surgical Management:
to prevent preterm birth in multiple
• Cervical cerclage
Cerclage ( a procedure used to suture
• Referrals
shut the cervical opening) is used for
Referrals to a maternal -fetal medicine
women with an incompetent cervix. This
specialist called a perinatologist , for
is a condition in which the cervix is
special testing or ultrasound
physically weak and unable to stay
evaluations, and to coordinate care of
closed during pregnancy . Some women
complications , may be necessary
with higher - order multiple may require
Medical Management: cerclage in early pregnancy.

• Pregnancy blood testing HYDRAMNIOS

levels of human chorionic gonadotropin - There is too much amniotic fluid around the baby
(hCG) may be quite high with multiple during pregnancy in this complication. It’s also
pregnancy called polyhydramnios.
• Alpha-fetoprotein - It occurs when the excess fluid is more than
levels of a protein released by the fetal 2,000 ml or an amniotic fluid index above 24 cm.
liver and found in the mother’s blood - It can cause fetal malpresentation because the
may be high when more than one fetus additional uterine space can allow the fetus to
is making the protein turn to a transverse lie. It can also lead to
• Ultrasound premature rupture of the membranes from the
a diagnostic imaging technique that uses increased pressure, leading to the additional
high-frequent sound waves to create risks of infection, prolapsed cord, and preterm
images of blood vessels, tissues , and birth.
organs. Ultrasound can be done with a
vaginal transducer, especially in early Etiology/Cause
pregnancy . - Amniotic fluid is formed by a combination of the
amniotic membrane cells and from fetal urine. It
Pharmacologic Management: is swallowed, absorbed into the fetal
bloodstream through the intestinal membrane,
• Tocolytic medications
and then transmitted to the placenta. Although
May be given if preterm labor occurs, to
help slow or stop contractions of the polyhydramnios can occur separate from fetal
uterus . These may be given orally, in an involvement, accumulation of amniotic fluid
suggests difficulty with the fetus's ability to
injection , or intravenously. Tocolytic
swallow or absorb or excessive urine production.
medications often used include
magnesium sulfate. Inability to swallow occurs in anencephalic
infants with a tracheoesophageal fistula with
• Corticosteroid medications
stenosis or intestinal obstruction (Bishop &
a medication may be given to help
Ebach, 2015). Excessive urine output appears in
mature the lungs of the fetuses. Lung
the fetuses of diabetic women (hyperglycemia in
immaturity is a major problem of
the fetus causes increased urine production)
premature babies.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
❖ Rapid enlargement of the uterus. - This term refers to the fact that the back of your
❖ The overly distended uterus pushes up against baby's skull (the occipital bone) is in the back (or
the diaphragm with extreme shortness of posterior) of your pelvis. You may also hear this
breath. position referred to as "face-up" or "sunny-side
❖ Lower extremity varicosities and hemorrhoids up."
because good venous return from the lower - Occipitoposterior position is a delivery
extremities is blocked by extensive uterine presentation wheir, the baby's head is down, but
pressure. it is facing the mother's front instead of her back.
❖ The increased amount of fluid will cause
increased weight gain. Etiology/Cause
- The occipitoposterior position in the main is
Management caused by the adaptation of the head to a pelvis
Nursing Management: having a narrow fore pelvis and an ample
• Encourage bed rest anteroposterior diameter and therefore may be
• Encourage high fibre diet considered “physiologic.”
• Suggest a stool softener if diet alone is Types
ineffective 1. Right Occipitoposterior
• Assess vital signs as well as edema in lower ◼ In the right occiput posterior position (ROP),
extremities the baby is facing forward and slightly to the
right (looking toward the mother's left
Medical Management:
thigh). This presentation may slow labor and
• Monitor fluid levels cause more pain.
• Remove excess amniotic fluid. 2. Left Occipitoposterior
The baby is facing forward and slightly to the left
Pharmacologic Management:
(looking toward the mother's right thigh). This
• Administer Indomethacin- decreased fetal presentation can lead to more back pain
urinary output. (sometimes referred to as "back labor") and slow
progression of labor.
Surgical Management: 3. Direct Occipitoposterior
• Tocolysis -To slow or halt labor, suppression of ◼ In direct occipito-posterior, the head can be
uterine contractions delivered by flexion supposing that the
• “Needling” of membranes - To allow slow uterine contractions are strong and there is
controlled release of fluids no contracted pelvis.
• Amniocentesis -to reduce the volume of the Signs and Symptoms
amniotic fluid Symptoms:

❖ Back labor
❖ Prolonged labor


❖ Abdominal examination
◼ The mother may complain of backache and
she may feel that her baby’s bottom is very
high up against her ribs.
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
◼ Upon inspection: There is a saucer-shaped o Rotate head
depression at or just below the umbilicus. ➢ Perform during contraction with
This depression is created by the ‘dip’ mother pushing
between the head and the lower limbs of the ➢ OP: Examiner pronates
fetus. dominant hand on exam
◼ Upon palpation: While the breech is easily ➢ ROP: Examiner pronates left
palpated at the fundus, the back is difficult hand clockwise
to palpate as it is well out to the maternal ➢ LOP: Examiner pronates right
side, sometimes almost adjacent to the hand counter clockwise
maternal spine. Limbs can be felt on both
Pharmacologic Management
sides of the midline.
◼ Upon auscultation: The fetal back is not well • Administer narcotic or sedative
flexed so the chest is thrust forward, • Administer antibiotic
therefore the fetal heart can be heard in the
midline. However, the heart may be heard Surgical Management
more easily at the flank on the same side as • Cesarean section
the back. • Vacuum delivery
❖ Vaginal examination
• Forceps delivery
◼ The findings will depend upon the degree of
flexion of the head; locating the anterior FACE, BREECH, BROW PRESENTATION
fontanelle in the anterior part of the pelvis is Face Presentation
diagnostic. The direction of the sagittal
suture and location of the posterior - In a face presentation, the fetal head and neck
fontanelle will help to confirm the diagnosis. are hyperextended, causing the occiput to come
in contact with the upper back of the fetus while
Management lying in a longitudinal axis. The presenting
Nursing Management: portion of the fetus is the fetal face between the
• Apply counterpressure by a back rub to relieve orbital ridges and the chin.
mother’s back pain. Breech Presentation
• During a long labor, be certain that the mother
voids approximately every 2 hours to keep her - In a breech presentation, the baby’s feet or
bladder empty. buttocks are positioned to come out of the
• REBOZO method of jiggling and massaging the vagina first. The baby’s head is up closest to the
uterus. chest of the mother and its bottom is closest to
• Provide frequent assurance and support when the vagina.
the mother is getting worried during prolonged Brow presentation
- One of many abnormal positions that can lead to
Medical Management: labor and delivery complications and subsequent
• Manual rotation during vaginal exam. birth injuries. A fetus in brow presentation has
o Flex fetal head the chin untucked, and the neck is extended
➢ Place hand in posterior pelvis slightly backward. It is similar to face
behind occiput presentation, except the neck is less extended.
As the term “brow presentation” suggests, the
➢ Wedge head into flexion
brow (forehead) is the part that is situated to go


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
through the pelvis first. Vaginal delivery can be Signs and Symptoms
difficult or impossible with brow presentation, Breech Presentation
because the diameter of the presenting part of
❖ Fetal heartbeat primarily above the umbilicus
the head may be too big to safely fit through the
❖ Head ballotable in the fundal area
❖ Softer irregular mass in the pelvis
Etiology/Cause ❖ Subcostal tenderness
There are many different reasons why a baby may
Face Presentation
present brow-first, face-first or breech-first. It could be
due to: ❖ deflexed/ hyperextended neck
❖ Soft tissue with an orifice
- if a woman has had several pregnancies
❖ Facial features of the chin, mouth nose, and
- if a woman has had a premature birth in the past
cheekbones can be felt
- if the uterus has too much or too little amniotic
fluid, meaning the baby has extra room to move Brow Presentation
around in or not enough fluid to move around in
- if the woman has an abnormally shaped uterus ❖ Chin is untucked
or has other complications, such as fibroids in ❖ Neck extended slightly backward
the uterus Management
- if a woman has placenta previa Nursing Management:
- Fetal Macrosomia (large baby)
- Cephalopelvic disproportion, or CPD(a mismatch • FHR Monitoring
in size between the mother’s pelvis and the • Examine patient and document of a partograph
baby’s head) • Examine the patient to exclude cord prolapse in
- Multiple nuchal cords (umbilical cord wrapped the event of membrane rupture.
around baby’s neck more than once)
Medical Management:
- Multiparity (the mother has previously given
birth) • ECV may be offered to the patient if there are no
- Maternal obesity contraindications.
• Inform the patient ECV may risk complications of
future pregnancies.
Types of breech presentation
• Inform the patient of less complications with a
1. Frank breech: successful vaginal birth.
◼ The baby’s buttocks are aimed at the vaginal
Pharmacologic Management:
canal with its legs sticking straight up in front
of their body and the feet near their head. • Terbutaline may be used to prevent uterine
2. Complete breech contractions and relax the uterus if need be.
◼ The baby’s buttocks are pointing downward
and both the hips and the knees are flexed Surgical Management:
(folded under themselves). • Emergency C-sections are performed when the
3. Footling breech: baby or mother are at risk.
◼ One or both of the baby’s feet point
downward and will deliver before the rest of
their body.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
TRANSVERSE LIE • Reaching into the mother’s uterus to move the
- A transverse lie position in pregnancy means that fetus.
the baby is horizontal in your belly. The position Pharmacologic Management:
of the baby becomes an issue as your due date
approaches. The optimal position for vaginal • If it is needed to do internal and external
delivery is the head down or vertex position. versions, medications are also involved.

Etiology/Cause Surgical Management:

Some of the more common reasons why a baby may be
• The medical team may also perform an
in the transverse lie position include the following:
amniotomy in order to induce labor after turning
- Abnormality of the uterus the baby.
- Having a cyst or fibroid blocking your cervix • If the version is unsuccessful, a C-section may be
- Pelvic structure necessary
- Polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid) or low
fluid levels MACROSOMIA
- Position of the placenta - Macrosomia is used to describe a newborn who's
- Second (or more) pregnancy much larger than average or has an excessive
- Twin or multiple pregnancy birth weight. A baby who is diagnosed as having
fetal macrosomia weighs more than 8 pounds,
Signs and Symptoms 13 ounces (4,000 grams), regardless of his or her
❖ Abdominal examination— In transverse position, gestational age.
the presenting part of the fetus is typically the - An accurate diagnosis of fetal macrosomia can
shoulder. During abdominal examination, the be made only by measuring birth weight after
head or the buttocks cannot be felt at the delivery; therefore, the condition is confirmed
bottom of the uterus and the head is usually felt only retrospectively, ie, after delivery of the
in the side. neonate.
❖ Vaginal examination— A shoulder may be felt
during a vaginal examination. An arm of the fetus Etiology/Cause
may even slip forward and the hand or elbow - Having a family history of fetal macrosomia.
may be felt during pelvic examination. - Excessive weight gain during pregnancy.
❖ Confirmation - An ultrasound scan of the uterus - Obesity during pregnancy.
confirms the transverse lie position. - Multiple pregnancies.
- A pregnancy lasting more than 40 weeks.
Management - A mother with an above-average height and
Nursing Management: weight.
• Adequate prenatal care to diagnose the case - Maternal diabetes
• Develop a delivery plan.

Medical Management:

• Manually rotate the fetus into a head-first

• Pushing on the mother’s abdomen to roll the


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Signs and Symptoms vacuum-assisted deliveries, should be
During pregnancy, fetal macrosomia can be difficult to performed with extreme caution.
detect and diagnose. Among the signs and symptoms
- Shoulder dystocia is a birth injury (also called
❖ Large Fundal Height birth trauma) is an obstetric complication of
◼ A larger-than-expected fundal height may cephalic vaginal deliveries during which the fetal
indicate fetal macrosomia. shoulders do not deliver after the head has
❖ Excessive amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) emerged from the mother’s introitus. It occurs
◼ The amount of amniotic fluid in a baby when one or both shoulders become impacted
reflects his or her urine output, and a larger against the bones of the maternal pelvis.
baby produces more urine.
Management - Fetal macrosomia: (Your baby weighs more than
Nursing Management: 8 pounds, 13 ounces.)
• Antenatally, intervention is aimed at identifying - Your baby is in the wrong position.
and preventing macrosomia and sudden fetal - Your pelvic opening is too small.
death. - You are in a position that limits the room in your
• Intrapartally, screening and monitoring are used pelvis.
to identify cephalopelvic disproportion and - Being overweight
shoulder dystocia in order to avoid birth trauma - Deliveries past due date
and fetal asphyxia. Signs and Symptoms
• A thorough assessment should be performed ❖ Signs include retraction of the baby's head back
during the neonatal period to identify into the vagina, known as "turtle sign" which
respiratory distress, birth trauma, problems with involves the appearance and retraction of the
metabolic transition, and congenital anomalies. baby's head, and a red puffy face . Shoulder
Medical Management dystocia is not identified until the head has
already been born and the wide anterior
• The doctor may advise to have the baby shoulder locks beneath the symphysis pubis.
delivered via C-section.
Pharmacologic Management Nursing Management

• Prescriptions for diabetes medications are • Assess maternal vital signs, including
provided. temperature, pulse, respiratory rates, and blood
• Blood sugar levels should be checked three times pressure.
per day, or as directed. • Assess the condition of the fetus by monitoring
FHR, fetal activity, and color of amniotic fluid.
Surgical Management
• Assess the condition of the fetus by monitoring
• Elective cesarean section for women whose FHR, fetal activity, and color of amniotic fluid,
pregnancies are complicated by macrosomia if and coach the client in breathing and relaxation
the estimated fetal weight is greater than 5000 g techniques.
without underlying glucose intolerance or 4500
Medical Management
g with underlying glucose intolerance.
• In women with macrosomic pregnancies, • Assist the and ask the client to flex her thighs
assisted vaginal delivery, such as forceps or sharply on her abdomen to perform McRoberts


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Maneuver to widen the pelvic outlet and allow Management
the anterior shoulder to be born. Nursing Management:
• Apply Suprapubic pressure to help the shoulder
• Identify and treat abnormal uterine pattern
escape from beneath the symphysis pubis and be
• Monitor maternal/fet al physical response to
contractile pattern
• Perform further maneuvers such as the internal
• observe the length of labor
• Provide emotional support for the client and
Pharmacologic Management prevent complication s.
• Note signs of fetal distress, cessation of
• The client may be given medicines to reduce
contractions, presence of vaginal bleeding.
your pain or to prevent or treat a bacterial
• Assist with preparation for cesarean delivery, as
infection. She may also need treatment to stop
severe bleeding.
Medical Management:
Surgical Management
• Treatment is often multimodal, and includes
• When the labor is very long, and medical
dietary changes, pelvic floor physical therapy or
management is not progressing as it should, or
biofeedback, and ultrasound-guided botulinum
causing complications for the mother or the
baby, an emergency C-section is performed in
order to deliver the baby safely. A Pharmacologic Management:
symphysiotomy is performed as an alternative to
an emergency C-section. Symphysiotomy is the • Administration of narcotic or sedative, such as
artificial division and separation of the pubic morphine, pentobarbital (Nembutal), or
symphysis in order to facilitate vaginal delivery. secobarbital (Seconal), for sleep as indicated.

Surgical Management:
- Inlet contraction is the narrowing of the • Surgery is generally reserved for refractory
anteroposterior diameter of the pelvis to less cases.
than 11 cm, or of the transverse diameter to 12
cm or less.

- Inlet Contraction is usually caused by rickets in
early life or by an inherited small pelvis. Rickets
is caused by a lack of calcium and is therefore
rare in developed countries but can occur among
immigrants who were raised where milk supplies
were not plentiful.

Signs and Symptoms

❖ Anteroposterior diameter is less than 11 cm
❖ Transverse diameter is to 12 cm or less
❖ Diagonal Conjugate is less than 11.5 cm
❖ If there is no engagement in primigravidas, then
either a fetal abnormality or a pelvic abnormality
should be suspected


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
OUTLET CONTRACTION Causes in the lower limbs
- The pelvic outlet is composed of two triangular - Dislocation of one or both femurs.
areas that share the same base but are not in the - Atrophy of one or both lower limbs.
same plane. The anterior triangle is formed by
the pubic arch. The apex of the posterior triangle Signs and Symptoms
is the tip of the sacrum, and the sides are the ❖ inter ischial tuberous diameter is 8 cm or less
sacral sciatic ligaments and ischial tuberosities. ❖ Arresting of the head in the pelvic inlet
The anteroposterior diameter, from the inferior ❖ Uterine contractions abnormality.
edge of the pubic symphysis to the tip of the ❖ Signs of urinary bladder compression.
sacrum, usually measures approximately 11.5 ❖ Edema of the cervix, and vaginal walls,
cm. The transverse diameter, the distance productions of fistulas.
between the inner edges of the ischial ❖ Pushing occurs in the location of the fetal head
tuberosities, measures approximately 10 cm. in the inlet

Etiology/Cause Management
Causes in the pelvis Nursing Management:

• Developmental (congenital): • Review the history of labor, onset, and duration.

◼ Small gynaecoid pelvis (generally contracted • Obtain baseline lab investigations.
pelvis). • Assess uterine contractile pattern manually
◼ Small android pelvis. (palpation) or electronically, depending on the
◼ Small anthropoid pelvis. availability.
◼ Small platypelloid pelvis (simple flat pelvis). • Evaluate the current level of maternal
◼ Naegele’s pelvis: absence of one sacral ala. fatigue/emotional stress.
◼ Robert’s pelvis: absence of both sacral alae. • Observe any signs of infection.
◼ High assimilation pelvis: The sacrum is • Monitor vitals.
composed of 6 vertebrae. • Evaluate the degree of hydration. Note down the
◼ Low assimilation pelvis: The sacrum is quantity and type of intake.
composed of 4 vertebrae. • Place the client in a lateral recumbent position
◼ Split pelvis: splitted symphysis pubis and encourage bed rest or sitting
• Metabolic: position/ambulation, as tolerated.
◼ Rickets. • Note signs of fetal distress, cessation of uterine
◼ Osteomalacia (triradiate pelvic brim). contractions, and presence of vaginal bleeding.
◼ Traumatic: as fractures. • Alert the obstetrician of any warning signs.
◼ Neoplastic: as osteoma.
Medical Management:
Causes in the spine
• Therapeutic rest and analgesia may be provided
- Lumbar kyphosis. during a prolonged first stage of labor.
- Lumbar scoliosis.
- Spondylolisthesis: The 5th lumbar vertebra with Pharmacologic Management:
the above vertebral column is pushed forward • Administration of oxytocin.
while the promontory is pushed backwards and • Administer narcotic or sedative, as indicated
the tip of the sacrum is pushed forwards leading
to outlet contraction.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Surgical Management: Management
Nursing Management:
• In the case of maternal/fetal compromise,
immediate intraoperative delivery is indicated. • Assist the patient in a side lying position when
she starts to bleed.
SUCCENTURIATE PLACENTA • Monitor baseline vital signs especially the blood
- A succenturiate placenta is a condition pressure, and the uterine contractions to
characterized by the development of one or manage the labor of the patient.
more accessory lobes in the membranes that are
separate from the main placental body and are Medical Management:
usually connected by vessels of fetal origin. It is • Intravenous treatment
a smaller variant of a bilobed placenta. Only the The use of intravenous treatment to
communicating membranes support the vessels. inject blood into the mother's
- A placenta succenturiata (Fig. 23.13A) is a bloodstream is encouraged in order to
placenta that has one or more accessory lobes assist her recover from her bleeding.
connected to the main placenta by blood vessels. Performing vaginal examinations is not
No fetal abnormality is associated with this type. recommended since they might result in
However, it is important it be recognized bleeding, which is dangerous to both the
because the small lobes may be retained in the mother and the baby.
uterus after birth, leading to severe maternal
hemorrhage. On inspection, the placenta Pharmacologic Management:
appears torn at the edge, or torn blood vessels
• The patient must be administered a
extend beyond the edge of the placenta. If the
corticosteroid for the development of the fetus’
remaining lobes are recognized and removed
from the uterus manually, the uterus will
contract as usual with no adverse maternal Surgical Management:
• Cesarean Section
Etiology/Cause Because of its risk factors, such as pelvic
Factors that leads to succenturiate placentas are the infection and preeclampsia , a centuriate
following: placenta raises the likelihood of a
cesarean delivery for a patient.
- Advanced maternal age
- In vitro fertilization (IVF) CIRCUMVALLATE PLACENTA
- Implantation over leiomyomas, in areas of - A circumvallate placenta is a rare condition that
previous surgery, in the cornu, or over the occurs when the amnion and chorion fetal
cervical os. membranes of the placenta fold backward
Signs and Symptoms around the edges of the placenta. It is an
Signs abnormality in the shape of the placenta where
the chorionic plate, which is the part of the
❖ Hemorrhage from vessels from vessels attaching placenta that’s on the fetal side, is smaller than
main placental mass to succenturiate lobe the basal plate, resulting in hematoma retention
❖ Velamentous attachment in the placental margin.
❖ Retained products - Ordinarily, the chorion membrane begins at the
Symptoms edge of the placenta and spreads to envelop the
fetus; no chorion covers the fetal side of the
❖ Vaginal Bleeding
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
placenta. In placenta circumvallata, the fetal side Medical Management:
of the placenta is covered to some extent with
chorion (Fig. 23.13B). The umbilical cord enters
the placenta at the usual midpoint, and large • One of the main concerns of a circumvallate
vessels spread out from there. However, they placenta is the decreased birth weight of the
end abruptly at the point where the chorion baby. Therefore, to help monitor this, the doctor
folds back onto the surface. (In placenta may recommend checking the growth of the
marginata, the fold of chorion reaches just to the baby using ultrasound.
edge of the placenta.) Although no abnormalities • If the fetus is not growing fast enough, the
are associated with this type of placenta, its doctor may recommend early delivery. A vaginal
presence should be noted. delivery will usually be possible, but a cesarean
section might be the best option if the baby is
The exact cause of Circumvallate placenta is still not tolerating labor.
unknown, however it is associated with the following: • In order to treat oligohydramnios from a
circumvallate placenta, the doctor may conduct
- Poor pregnancy outcomes due to increased risk a procedure known as Amnioinfusion, in which
of vaginal bleeding beginning in the first the amniotic sac is replaced with other fluid. This
trimester reduces the risk of umbilical cord shrinking and
- Premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) underdevelopment of the fetus’ body organs.
- Preterm delivery
- Placental insufficiency Pharmacologic Management:
- Placental abruption • There is no treatment for a circumvallate
Signs and Symptoms placenta, and doctors often do not diagnose it
A circumvallate placenta does not always cause until after the birth.
symptoms during pregnancy. However, a doctor may be Surgical Management:
able to notice some signs that a woman has a
circumvallate placenta. These signs may include: Emergency Cesarean Section

❖ Vaginal bleeding • If there is severe blood loss and placental

◼ A circumvallate placenta leads to a higher abruption as a result of circumvallate placenta,
chance of persistent vaginal bleeding during an emergency C-section might be conducted in
the first trimester. order to save the life of both mother and the
◼ It is found that the incidence of vaginal baby.
bleeding was higher in these women than in
those in the control group during all three

Nursing Management:

• Assessing the fetal heart sounds to monitor the

wellbeing of the fetus and advise the mother to
improve her lifestyle such as eating a balanced
diet, taking in nutrient supplements, and getting
plenty of rest to give both herself and the fetus


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
- Placenta accreta, a dangerous pregnancy illness, - History of fibroid removal
occurs when the placenta grows too far into the ◼ If the woman has had a fibroid (a non-
uterine wall. The placenta usually separates from cancerous growth or tumor of the uterine
the uterine wall after childbirth. In placenta muscle) removed, the scarring could lead to
accreta, part or all of the placenta stays placenta accreta.
attached. This can result in a lot of blood loss
after birth. Placenta accreta is considered a high- Types
risk pregnancy complication. If the condition is There are three types of this condition. The type is
diagnosed during pregnancy, you'll likely need an determined by how deeply the placenta is attached to
early C-section delivery followed by the surgical the uterus.
removal of your uterus (hysterectomy). 1. Placenta accreta
- Placenta accreta is an unusually deep ◼ The placenta firmly attaches to the wall of
attachment of the placenta to the uterine the uterus. It does not pass through the wall
myometrium, so deep that the placenta will not of the uterus or impact the muscles of the
loosen and deliver (Silver, 2015). Attempts to uterus. This is the most common type of the
remove it manually may lead to extreme condition.
hemorrhage because of the deep attachment. 2. Placenta increta
Hysterectomy to remove the uterus or ◼ This type of the condition sees the placenta
treatment with methotrexate to destroy the still- more deeply imbedded in the wall of the
attached tissue may be necessary. uterus. It still does not pass through the wall,
Etiology/Cause but is firmly attached to the muscle of the
Placenta accreta is thought to be caused by scarring or uterus.
other abnormalities with the lining of the uterus. Several 3. Placenta percreta
risk factors have been linked to placenta accreta, ◼ The most severe of the types, placenta
including: percreta happens when the placenta passes
through the wall of the uterus. The placenta
- Multiple cesarean sections (c sections) might grow through the uterus and impact
◼ Women who have had multiple cesarean other organs, such as the bladder or
sections have a higher risk of developing intestines.
placenta accreta. This results from scarring
of the uterus from the procedures. The more Signs and Symptoms
cesarean sections a woman has over time, ❖ There are often no signs or symptoms of
the higher her risk of placenta accreta. placenta accreta during pregnancy. In some
- Placenta previa cases, though, bright red vaginal bleeding
◼ This condition occurs when the placenta is without pain during the third trimester or a little
located at the bottom of the uterus, blocking earlier could be a sign.
the opening of the cervix. The lower part of ❖ This type of bleeding may also be a sign of
the uterus is less suited for the placenta to placenta previa, which is when the placenta lies
implant. In patients with placenta previa and low in the uterus and covers all or part of the
a history of prior cesarean section(s), the risk cervix. Occasionally, placenta accreta is detected
for placenta accreta increases with the during a routine ultrasound. Speak to your
number of cesarean sections the patient has healthcare provider right away if you notice any
had. vaginal bleeding during your pregnancy.


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
Nursing Management: - Battledore placenta (Marginal cord insertion) is a
• Assess baseline vital signs especially the blood condition in which the umbilical cord is inserted
pressure. The physician would order monitoring at or near the placental margin rather than in the
of the blood pressure every 5-15 minutes. center. The cord can be inserted as close to 2 cm
• Assess fetal heart sounds to monitor the from the edge of the placenta (velamentous cord
wellbeing of the fetus. insertion).
• Monitor uterine contractions to establish the - In a battledore placenta, the cord is inserted
progress of labor of the mother. marginally rather than centrally This anomaly is
rare and has no known clinical significance
• Weigh perineal pads used during bleeding to
calculate the amount of blood lost.
• Assist the woman in a side lying position when Etiology/Cause
bleeding occurs. - The incidence is 7% to 9% of singleton
pregnancies and 24% to 33% in twin
Medical Management:
pregnancies. Complications associated with
• Intravenous therapy. This would be prescribed battledore placenta are preterm labor, fetal
by the physician to replace the blood that was distress, and intrauterine growth restriction.
lost during bleeding.
Signs and Symptoms
• Avoid vaginal examinations. This may initiate
This condition rarely causes complications in singleton
hemorrhage that is fatal for both the mother and
gestations prior to the 3rd stage of labor, during which,
the baby.
the marginal cord insertion can be avulsed during
• Attach external monitoring equipment. To
placental delivery . In monochorionic twin gestations, a
monitor the uterine contractions and record
marginal cord insertion may lead to unequal sharing of
fetal heart sounds, an external equipment is
the placental mass and therefore lead to discordant fetal
preferred than the internal monitoring
• Ultrasound. Early detection of placenta previa is Associated with:
always possible through ultrasonography. It is
❖ Fetal Distress
the most common and initial diagnostic test that
could confirm the diagnosis.
❖ Preterm Labor
Surgical Management: ❖ Reduction Birth Weight

• Cesarean delivery. Although the best way to Management

deliver a baby is through normal delivery, if the Nursing Management:
placenta has obstructed more than 30% of the
• Assess and monitor vital signs of the patient.
cervical os it would be hard for the fetus to get
• Brief the patient with ultrasound procedure and
past the placenta through normal delivery.
preparation is done.
Cesarean birth is then recommended by the
• Ensuring the pregnant is well-hydrated and has
adequate oxygen for fetal distress.

Medical Management:

• Ultrasonography and should include placental

cord insertion site and transvaginal ultrasound
may be considered in with marginal insertion of
NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
the cord or otherwise known as battledore Types
placenta. There are three types of Vasa Previa, namely:
• Tocolysis is done to delay preterm labor by
1. Type 1 Vasa Previa
temporarily stopping contractions.
◼ this is a type of Vasa Previa where there is a
Surgical Management: single placental lobe with velamentous cord
• Perform Cesarean hysterectomy. Performing 2. Type 2 Vasa Previa
hysterectomy minimizes the risk of hemorrhage this is a type of Vasa Previa where in which the
which is also the safest option for the mother , vessels traversing the cervix are connected
however, this involves the complete removal of between the lobes of a multilobed placenta
the uterus. Hence, it is crucial to discuss this
3. Type 3 Vasa Previa
procedure with the patient. ◼ this is a type of Vasa Previa where fetal
vessels follow a boomerang orbit, without
velamentous cord insertion or
- In Vasa previa, the umbilical vessels of a
bilobed/accessory placenta.
velamentous cord insertion cross the cervical os
and therefore deliver before the fetus. These Signs and Symptoms
vessels are at risk of rupture during cervical The classic signs and symptoms of Vasa Previa are the
dilation and may cause serious complications to following:
the fetus. However, prenatal diagnosis of this
condition can allow the safe birth of the newborn ❖ Painless vaginal bleeding
❖ Rupture of membranes
and avoid fetal blood loss.
- In vasa previa, the umbilical vessels of a ❖ Fetal bradycardia
velamentous cord insertion cross the cervical os Management
and therefore deliver before the fetus (Suzuki & Nursing Management:
Kato, 2015). The vessels may tear with cervical
dilatation, just as a placenta previa may tear. • Assess fetal heart sounds so the mother would
Before inserting any instrument such as an be aware of the health of her baby.
internal fetal monitor, be certain to identify • Allow the mother to vent out her feelings to
structures to prevent accidental tearing of a vasa lessen her emotional stress.
previa because tearing would result in sudden • Assess any bleeding or spotting that might occur
fetal blood loss. If sudden, painless bleeding to give adequate measures.
occurs with the beginning of cervical dilatation, • Answer the mother’s questions honestly to
either placenta previa or vasa previa is establish a trusting environment.
suspected. It can be confirmed by ultrasound. If • Include the mother in the planning of the care
vasa previa is identified, the infant needs to be plan for both the mother and the baby.
born by cesarean birth.
Medical Management:
• Intravenous therapy. This would be prescribed
There are two main causes of vasa previa:
by the physician to replace the blood that was
- Velamentous cord insertion - where the cord lost during bleeding.
inserts directly into the membranes, leaving • Avoid vaginal examinations. This may initiate
unprotected vessels running to the placenta hemorrhage that is fatal for both the mother and
- Bilobate placentas - vessels crossing between the baby.
lobes of the placenta such as in succenturiate


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
• Attach external monitoring equipment. To Etiology/Cause
monitor the uterine contractions and record The patient is thought to be more at risk if she is:
fetal heart sounds, an external equipment is
- Caucasian
preferred than the internal monitoring
- Over the age of 40
- Carrying more than one baby (Multiple
Pharmacologic Management: Pregnancy)
- Diabetic
• Corticosteroids- for the maturity of the baby’s - High blood pressure
Surgical Management:
Nursing Management:
• Cesarean delivery. Although the best way to
• Immediate inspection of the cord as to how
deliver a baby is through normal delivery, if the
many vessels are present must be performed
placenta has obstructed more than 30% of the
after birth before the cord starts to dry.
cervical os it would be hard for the fetus to get
• Obtain personal medical history
past the placenta through normal delivery.
• Obtain family medical history
Cesarean birth is then recommended by the
• Monitor vital signs
• Assist patient during tests
TWO VESSEL CORD • Observe carefully for other anomalies during the
- A normal cord contains one vein and two newborn period
arteries. The absence of one is also known as Medical Management:
Single Umbilical artery and is associated with
congenital heart and kidney anomalies. • Doctors can identify a two-vessel cord during a
Physicians usually identify a two-vessel cord prenatal ultrasound.
during a prenatal ultrasound. • The doctor may instruct the mother to go
- A normal cord contains one vein and two amniocentesis.
arteries. The absence of one of the umbilical • Fetal echocardiogram (viewing the chambers
arteries is associated with congenital heart and and workings of the fetal heart)
kidney anomalies because the insult that caused • Screening for genetic abnormalities in
the loss of the vessel may have also affected pregnancy, like an aneuploidy screening
other mesoderm germ layer structures. • Karyotyping
Inspection of the cord as to how many vessels
Pharmacologic Management:
are present must be made immediately after
birth, before the cord begins to dry, because • Avoid medications such as Phenytoin because it
drying distorts the appearance of the vessels. can affect fetal growth which can be harmful to
Document the number of vessels conscientiously the growing fetus inside the womb.
because an infant with only two vessels needs to
be observed carefully for other anomalies during Surgical Management:
the newborn period. • Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
• Cesarean delivery


NCM 109: Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
UNUSUAL CORD LENGTH Signs and Symptoms
- The cord may be too long or too short. Length Short Umbilical Cord
rarely varies. Short cord can result in premature ❖ Decreased blood flow to the fetus
separation from the placenta or an abnormal ❖ Nonreassuring fetal heart rate
fetal lie. A long cord may be easily compromised
because of its tendency to twist or knot. Long Umbilical Cord
- Although the length of the umbilical cord rarely ❖ Obstruction of blood flow
varies, some abnormal lengths may occur. An ❖ Compression of the umbilical cord
unusually short umbilical cord can result in ❖ Fetal distress
premature separation of the placenta or an ❖ Decreased fetal heart rate
abnormal fetal lie. An unusually long cord may be
easily compromised because of its tendency to Management
twist or knot. Occasionally, a cord actually forms Nursing Management:
a knot, but the natural pulsations of the blood
• Establish rapport with patient
through the vessels and the muscular vessel
• Obtain patient health history and lifestyle
walls usually keep the blood flow adequate. It is
patterns (such as alcohol consumption or
not unusual for a cord to wrap once around the
fetal neck (nuchal cord) but, again, with no
• Monitor baseline vital signs
interference to fetal circulation
• Monitor fetal heart rate
Etiology/Cause • Provide health teaching that left side lying
- Short umbilical cord is caused by the premature position is the most ideal when lying down
separation of placenta and abnormal fetal lie.
While the exact cause of the long umbilical cord Medical Management:
is unknown. Studies have indicated that a long • Physicians would request a routine ultrasound in
cord is more common with single pregnancies order to determine umbilical cord abnormalities.
than multiple pregnancies (such as twins and • Prenatal tests such as biophysical or non-stress
triplets) test
Types • Continuous monitoring of the mother
1. Short umbilical cord Pharmacologic Management:
◼ A short umbilical cord is usually defined as an
umbilical cord that measures less than 35 cm • Oxygen therapy in cases of umbilical cord
in length. Excessively short cords have been prolapse which is associated to long umbilical
associated with a delay in the second stage cord
of labor, irregular fetal heart rate, placental
Surgical Management:
abruption, rupture of the umbilical cord,
inversion of the uterus, and cord herniation. • Cesarean Delivery may be indicated
2. Long umbilical cord • Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
◼ Long cords have alternatively been defined
as umbilical cords longer than 70 cm and 100
cm. Excessively long umbilical cords are
associated with cord prolapse, torsion, true
knot entanglement around the fetus, and
delivery complications.


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