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The Legend of Stone Crying

Sometime in the distant past, there was an old dowager who lived in a little house
on the highest point of a slope with her lovely girl. The old dowager is poor to the
point that she must buckle down consistently. She gathered dry woods in the
wilderness and sold them in the business once per week. She needed to fulfill her
girl so she worked increasingly hard each and every day.
The young lady, the old dowager’s girl, was clearly wonderful. Each man could
without much of a stretch experience passionate feelings for on the off chance that
they saw her face. Lamentably she had a terrible mentality. The young lady was
extremely sluggish and never helped her mom. Consistently she simply prepared
and took a gander at the mirror to appreciate her own particular excellence. She
was additionally ruined young lady. The greater part of his solicitations must be
obeyed despite the fact that her mom was poor old woman.
Like normal, in consistently end, the old dowager went down to the business to
offer dry woods. This time, her little girl needed to run with her as well. She
needed to purchase new garments. The old dowager was cheerful to see her own
girl went with her together to the business sector. The old dowager likewise
wanted to utilize the cash she got from offering the wood to purchase new
garments for her little girl. She was genuinely needed to see her girl upbeat.
The business was so distant from their home. They ought to stroll down the slope
and pass a town. The young lady wore pleasant garments and spruce up so the
individuals who saw her will be appreciating her excellence. In opposite, her mom
wore grimy garments with a crate brimming with dry wood on her back. She
needed that her mom to stroll behind her so that individuals would feel that she
was not her mom. The young lady can’t acknowledge if individuals in the town
realize that the old dowager was her mom. Without a doubt, none realize that the
young lady and the old dowager were mother and little girl on the grounds that
they lived alone on the highest point of slope.
When they started to enter the town, every one of the individuals who went by were
taking a gander at them. They were so interested by the magnificence of the young
lady. They couldn’t avoid to take a gander at her excellent face. Be that as it may,
when individuals saw an old woman who strolled behind her, it was so contrastive.
It made individuals to ponder who the old messy woman behind her was. Among
the individuals who saw it, a young fellow drew nearer and asked her, “Hey,
beautiful young lady. Is that your mom behind you? ”
“No,” the young lady said pompously. “She is my hireling!”
The old woman could comprehend why her own little girl said as much. She just
pointed the finger at herself that she couldn’t be the mother that her little girl
needed. The old woman just kept noiseless and proceeded with the trip. Not far
from there, a young fellow drew closer again and asked the young lady the same
“Greetings sweetheart. Is it your mom who strolls behind you? ”
Again the young lady dismisses the actuality by saying no the old dowager was her
mom. “No, no, she is not my mom,” said the young lady. “She is my slave!”

The same inquiries proceeded with over and over a few times. Also, the young lady
constantly addressed the inquiries by telling that the old dowager was not her
mom. The primary, second, and the third ones, the old dowager could acknowledge
it. However when it came a few times, it made the old dowager miserable. It hurt
the old woman so much that her own particular little girl did not concede that she
was her mom. The noiseless swung to bitterness. The trouble swung to frenzy. Also,
when a mother was frantic, a terrible thing would take after. At long last, the poor
old dowager can’t avoid any longer. The old dowager appealed to the God to
rebuff her insubordinate girl.

“Gracious my God, I was not ready to oppose this affront. Why my own particular
little girl treat her own mom like this. Yes, God rebuff this insubordinate
youngster! Rebuff her…. ”

On the force of God Almighty, gradually her body was swung to stone. The change
begins from the feet. At the point when the change has come to a large portion of
the body, the young lady was crying asking absolution to her mom.

“Gracious, my mom, please overlook me. Pardon what I have done to you. It
would be ideal if you mother. I will change, mother. If you don’t mind excuse
you’re little girl, your just girl,” cry the young lady.

The young lady kept on wailing and cry begging his mom. Be that as it may,
everything was past the point of no return. The entire body of the young lady was
in the long run transformed into stone. Notwithstanding when she transformed into
stone, individuals still can see the tears. The stone cries. Accordingly, individuals
start to call it “Crying Stone
Orientation Once upon a time, in Kalimantan. There lived a mother with her daughter.
The daughter was really a beautiful girl. But, she had a bad character. She was arrogant,
lazy girl. She never helped her mother to do some house work. She always admired her
beauty every day. The girl was also a spoiled girl, when she wanted something, his
mother had to make it. The girl’s mother was really pity. She had to work day and night,
but the girl was doing nothing.

Complication One day, the girl and her mother went out. They wanted to buy something
in the market. The location of the market was really far from home, so they had to walk
miles away. The girl was walking in front of her mother. She wore a beautiful dress.
Meanwhile, her mother was walking behind the girl. The mother’s dress was dirty and
ugly. She brought an umbrella. No one expected that the two people who walked was a
mother and her daughter. When they entered the village, the villagers saw the girl and
admired her. They’re so amazed with the girl’s beauty. But, when they saw the woman
who walked behind the girl they wondered. Who was the old woman? One of the
villagers asked to the girl. “Hey, beautiful girl. Is that your mother who walks behind
you?” asked one of the villagers. The girl arrogantly said, “Of course no, she is my
maid,” said the girl. They continued the journey. And then, a young man met them and
asked a question. “Hey sweety, is that your mother who walks behind you?” asked the
young man. “No… of course no, can’t you see that? She’s really different with me. How
could you say that she is my mother? She is my slave,” replied the girl. Everytime they
walked, the girl said that the woman walked behind her was her maid/her slave. She
never admitted that the woman is her mother. The mother was really disappointed with
her daughter. She couldn’t bear it. The girl’s saying hurt her heart. The poor mother
finally prayed to God. “Oh God, I can’t stand this. My daughter always humiliates me. I
am so disappointed with her. Please give her punishment, God, please…” prayed the

Resolution With the Power of God, suddenly the girl’s body turned into a stone little by
little. The changes of the body started from the leg and the other parts of the body. The
girl cried and asked for a help to her mother. “Please forgive me mother…forgive my
attitude…please mother…please help me,” cried the girl. But, it was too late. All of the
girl’s body was turned into a stone. Although all of the girl’s body was turned into a
stone, the people still could see that the stone was crying. The people called the stone
“The Crying Stone”.

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