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Fraction Test

1. Work out

a. ⅓ of 42 =

b. ⅘ of 30 =

c. 6/7 of 49 =

d. 2/…... of 35 = 14

e. ⅝ of ……. = 15

2. Find out the equivalent fractions

a. ¼ = ……./12

b. 7/10 = ….../40

c. ⅝ = 15/ …….

d. ⅛ = ……./72 = …../40

e. Which of these fractions equivalent to ⅗ (Highlight your answer.)

15/30 9/15 6/10

27/40 14/25 12/20

3. Simplify these fractions

a. 10/15 =

b. 28/48 =

c. 13/52 =

4. Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers

a. 8/3 =

b. 14/5 =

c. 29/6 =

d. 63/12 =
5. Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions

a. 1 ⅖ =

b. 3 ⅞ =

c. 15 ⅘ =

d. 6 7/11 =

6. Work out

a. 1/9 + 4/9 =

b. ⅖ + ¾ =

c. ⅔ - 1/9 =

d. ¼ - ⅔ =

7. Calculate

a. 2 x ⅚ =

b. 9 x ¾ =

c. 7 x 1 ¼ =

d. 3 x 5 ⅔ =

8. Answer these word problems

a. Gary drank ⅔ of a bottle of lemonade yesterday. The bottle held 360ml.

How much did he drink?

b. Jenny has $16 and spends ¼ of it on books. How much does she have

c. Leroy and Jake bought a pizza. Leroy ate ⅜ of it. What is the fraction of
pizza left for Jake to eat?

d. The petrol tank in Henry’s car holds 40 litres when it is ⅔ full. How much
petrol does the tank hold when it is full?

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