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List of Body language

Below is a list of body language that is common in the west with the common meaning
Facial expressions

 Avoiding eye contact = shy worried lying

 Crinkling nose = disgust
 Deadpan face (without any expression) = emotionless or hiding feelings
 Direct eye contact = confidence
 Eyes staring into the distance = dreamy, not concentrating
 Pressing lips together = annoyed, angry
 Raised eyebrows = doubtful, disbelieving
 Smiling = friendly
Physical actions

 Arms behind back, shoulders back = confidence

 Arms crossed = defensive or insecure but sometimes it means being angry
 Bowing ( bending at the waist) = greeting someone new
 Biting nails = nervous
 Blushing ( going red in the cheeks) or stammering ( speaking with hesitations and repeated letters) =
 Eye rubbing = tired or disbelieving
 Hands covering gaping mouth = scared
 Putting arms up with palms facing forward = submission
 Scratching ones head = confused
 Shaking the head = negative, no
 Struggling shoulders ( moving shoulder is up-and-down) = don’t know, doubt, confused
 Stroking one’s chin = Thinking deeply
 Nodding head = agreement, yes
 Firm handshake = strong and decisive/ limp headshake = weak

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