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Art In Asia

When ancient civilizations in Asia flourished, trade became a very important activity. In the process of
establishing trading relationships among Asian countries, they started sharing their cultures and belief
systems. China being one of the oldest civilizations in Asia, has a rich history when it comes to culture
and the arts. Most of their cultural and even religious beliefs and practices are represented through
different artworks. Japan was initially influenced by China in terms of the arts. Later on, they opened
themselves to the Western world, allowing for the fusion of East and West. Both Chinese and Japanese
artworks are concrete manifestations of their cultural identity as people. Philippine art was a product of
several periods in history spanning from the pre-colonial period to the contemporary times. Depending
on a given context, art in the Philippines has served various uses from everyday living to expression of
belief systems and advocacies.


In the present context, China is at the forefront of economic of development. Its blooming economy
has led to its modernization. In addition, history shows that China has been at the leading edge of
development especially in terms of cultural development. Inhabitants of China in the past were able to
produce primitive artisan works. Excavated pieces show bronze vessels with intricate designs depicting a
lot of imagery dating from the second millennium BCE. The Chinese during the Zhou Dynasty was under
a feudal kind of social system. It was a parallel period with that of Greece’s Golden Age: a period when
culture, particularly art, has flourished tremendously. During this period, metal works befitting the royal
family were produced in abundance. Jade was also a popular choice of material for artworks.

Confucianism was the dominant way of life subscribed to by the general public. Those who
subscribed to principles espoused by Confucius believed that in order for society to work, one must
learn how to sympathize to others. These principles became evident in most artworks depicting
everyday life and how these social interactions come to play.

The Chinese also had interactions with Western missionaries who came from India and brought some
of the Indian influences to China. Because of this, Indian models inspired a lot of Chinese artists for a
few centuries. By the start of the sixth century, Chinese artists started making art that highlighted their
very own culture. Paintings usually depicted magical places and realms that were born out of sheer
imagination while still infusing the Chinese characters that define their culture. It was a dominant belief
that a great power coming from a higher spirit is the one moving the artist and his work together.


Art in Japan has undergone a series of transitions and periodization. From being an isolated nation to
that of embracing Western influences and modernization. Japan has transitioned into a modern cultural
mixing pot. It is evident how the Japanese were able to infuse local and indigenous materials with
modern Western subjects and focal points.
Based on artifacts such as ceramic figures and ornaments, it is important to take note that there are
Korean and Chinese influences evident in Japanese artworks. One of the ceramic products created by
the Japanese is called Haniwa. These are ceramic figures that are made up of clay. They are placed
beside burial spots for reasons that are unknown.

The native religion of Japan is Shintoism. Although, this religion subscribes to beliefs such as being
one with nature and embracing the notion of the existence of many gods, it did not use art to
communicate its beliefs. When Japan established trading relations with China, they did not only trade
goods with them but they were also influenced by the Chinese with their religious beliefs and practices.
Buddhism became an integral part of Japanese culture. Artworks such as images and sculptures of
Buddha were produced. Buddhist temples also became staples in key places. Art in essence became an
expression of worship for the Japanese.

As mentioned earlier, Japan and China had a long-standing relationship. In addition to Buddhism,
China also influenced Japan in terms of paintings. After the fourteenth century, Japan isolated itself from
the rest of the world which in effect gave them the avenue to let their culture flourish. The Japanese
style of painting leaned toward abstract and naturalistic handling. In essence, the artist is given the free
reign for his work which had more room for spontaneity and individuality. Many artists focused on
individual portraits, elements of nature and scenes from everyday life in creating their artworks. The
Japanese also developed a kind of painting called the Ukiyo-e which was crafted through woodcut
prints. The artists developed a technique that used lines and colors in a very distinctive manner. Some
Western artists were intrigued and influenced by these Ukiyo-e paintings. An example would be the
woodcuts of Hiroshige and Sharaku who had a lasting impact on Western artists like Vincent Van Gogh
and Edouard Manet.

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