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Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________

Section: _____________________ Section: ___________________

A. Functions of Communication.
_________________1. The policemen in the venue of the mass really.
_________________2. A transferee student welcomed by new classmates.
_________________3. A government radio program for national news and updates.
_________________4. A student apologizing to the teacher for the misbehavior he showed in class.
_________________5. The librarian making sure that the library is quite and clean
_________________6. Municipal health officials conducting small talks about COVID protocols.
_________________7. Friends trying to restore broken friendship through intimate conversation.
_________________8. A judge striking his gavel in a noisy courtroom.
_________________9. A foreigner making friends overseas thru Facebook.
_________________10. The moderator in a formal debate.

B. Speech Register.
_________________11. A customer inquiring for hotel room reservation.
_________________12. Memorizing the preamble as a Filipino Citizen.
_________________13. A conversation between husband and wife.
_________________14. Friends recalling about their summer trip last year.
_________________15. A politician delivering an informative speech to his constituents.
_________________16. Students praying the Lord’s prayer.
_________________17. Co-worker eating lunch together.
_________________18. Announcement by the principal after flag ceremony.
_________________19. Late night talks between couple in their honeymoon.
_________________20. Reciting the oath of office by the newly elected officials.

C. Give the equivalent bias-free words of the following.

21. Bald –
22. blind-
23. Manmade -
24. dumb -
25. policeman -
26. Chairman -
27. deaf –
28. old -
29. maid –
30. cheating –

D. Short Essay.
Explain your viewpoints in at least 10 sentences, 2 paragraphs.

Cat-calling is very sexist and unethical to anybody specially if you are a Criminology student.

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