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Class IX
Writing- Short Story

A good story should have the following ingredients-
1. An Incident
2. A Plot (The plot is the sequence of events of which a story is composed.
These events are inter-related as one thing happens because of
3. A Setting: This includes the following:
Time: (day, night, time of year)
Location: (the village, the city or a small town)
The background atmosphere (Is it quiet, noisy?)
The mood (Is it cheerful, gloomy?)
-A good story has a realistic setting.
-It could include the weather: rainy, sunny or stormy.
-It could include the geography of the place: mountains, a river, the sea).
-This makes it interesting for the reader.
4. Convincing Characters: One character is clearly central to the story, with
all major events having some importance to this character.
-He/ She is called the protagonist.
-The story may also have the antagonist.
5. A Theme: The theme is the central idea of the story.
-It can be your thought about a topic or your view of human nature.
Some of the common themes are:
6. A Title:
The story is generally given a title on a particular incident or theme of
the story. The Title could also be named after a person or a place. It
could also be from a memorable line of the story. The title should reflect
the subject of the story without giving everything away.
Marking Scheme (CBSE Board) (5 marks)
Format– 1 mark (Title)
Content – 2 marks (The story must start with the cue given in the question.
There must be clarity of plot, logical sequence of events, well
defined characters and an apt conclusion)
Expression – 2 marks (creativity, grammatical accuracy, appropriate words,
spellings, coherence & relevance, originality of ideas and style)

Write a story:

Question: Write a short story in 150 – 200 words using the following clues.
Provide your story with a title.
Travelling to Mumbai by bus to attend the wedding of a friend …… got stuck
in a traffic jam ……. reached the railway station late …… boarded a wrong
train …… realized after two hours ……. now you ………

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