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SESSION 2021-22
Class IX
Beehive- Poem 3
Rain on the Roof
By Coates Kinney

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. 

When the humid shadows hover

Over all the starry spheres
And the melancholy darkness
Gently weeps in rainy tears
What a bliss to press the pillow
Of a cottage-chamber bed
And lie listening to the patter
Of the soft rain overhead!

1. How does the darkness look? What does it do? (BT4:

2. What happens to the pillow when it rains? (BT2:
3. When does the poet feel ‘bliss’? (BT2: Understanding)
4. Give the meaning of ‘melancholy’. (BT1: Remembering)

Question 1. What is the setting of the poem? (BT4: Analysing)

Answer Key Points:

 Lying comfortably snug in his bed-head pressed against the
 in his cottage listening to the patter-soft rain as it falls on the
shingles of the roof
Question 2. How does the sky look before the rain falls? (BT2:
Answer Key Points:
 Before the rain falls-the weather turns humid and great dark
clouds gather in the sky
 cover the stars and spread darkness.
 dark clouds are gloomy and melancholic
 darkness spells despondence (low spirit, loss of hope) and gloom
as the clouds – humid shadows – weep gentle tears that fall as

Question 3. ‘And the melancholy darkness gently weeps in rainy

tears.’ Explain the phrase ‘melancholy darkness’. What does it do?
(BT2: Understanding)
 “Melancholy darkness” refers-dark rain bearing clouds
 The poet imagines-clouds covering-sky-gloomy and depressed-
heavy and grey
 poet further imagines-clouds-weeping-tears -falling down as
rain drops

Question 4. ‘As I list to this refrain.’ Which kind of refrain is the

poet referring to? (BT4: Analysing)
Answer Key Points:
 The poet-lying-cosy bed-cottage listening-sound of rain falling
incessantly-roof of his cottage
 Here, refrain refers-continuous patter-rain falling-shingles of
his roof.

Question 5. What is the central idea of the poem ‘Rain on the Roof?
(BT4: Analysing)
Answer Key Points:
 central idea of the poem ‘Rain on the Roof’-nature brings
 derives immense happiness-lying-bed listening-sound of rain
falling on the roof of his cottage
 He is lost in dreams as many fancies and memories crowd his

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