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The novel Laskar Pelangi is the first work of the author, Andrea Hirata. This novel is
also the first book in the Laskar Pelangi tetralogy series. At present, it is known that the novel
Laskar Pelangi has received the title as the best-selling Indonesian literary book in history.
Since its first release, this book immediately became a Best-Seller.

The story in this novel is also based on a true story. That is also one of the reasons
that make it so attractive. Laskar Pelangi tells the story of 10 children from poor families on
the island of Belitong who want to go to school. The ten children are Ikal, Harun, Lintang,
Sahara, A Kong, Mahar, Kucai, Syahdan, Trapani, and Borek.

Last year SD Muhammadiyah only got eleven students, and this year Pak Harfan is
pessimistic that he can meet the target of ten, otherwise schools will be closed. So he secretly
prepared a school disbanding speech in front of parents on this morning's occasion. The fact
that they only needed one more student to meet the target caused this thought to become
something of a pain.
Pak Harfan approached the parents and greeted them one by one. Sad sight. His parents
patted him on the shoulder to encourage him.

Harun saved us and we cheered. Sahara stood up straight straightening her hijab and
carrying her bag proudly, she didn't want to sit down anymore. Mrs. Mus sip. The young
master's tears receded and he wiped the sweat off his face, which was smudged with powdery

that's the 10th journey of Belitong students who are struggling with the situation, and
now they are getting a better life.

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