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The current design aims to create a solution analysis on the security related problems which are

associated with VANET. The criteria of the proposed security protocol provisions on the
different scheme of the attacks which are utilized to improvise the factors for which this protocol
was or wasn’t efficient. This process of the design criteria is assured with the Message transfer
protocol which utilizes the encoded scheme with MAC address as the key. Let us consider the
mathematical solution of the attack problem with two case studies where the attack may or may
not succeed as follows:

1. Represent the Message word as M

2. M with the factors of information, locations and time are to be considered
3. Finally any location aspects like GPS have to utilize only if requirement is provisioned.

Mes s sender= { M s , L x , T x } (1)

Mes s reciver= { M s , L x , T x } (2)

In the presence of malicious nodes on the network executing MITM attacks, the attacker may
compromise the content of the equation (1) in terms of data, position or time. Committing data
containing safety details will lead to a tragedy in the network.

Similarly, the position of a message sender can confuse a valid vehicle with a message receiver.
Furthermore, altering the timing of the message can also have an effect on the network, since the
recipient can miss a message that is out-dated or rather old.

In view of these features, we deem an intruder capable of tampering with "legitimate data" and
propagating "compromised data" through the network. Actively, the intruder will launch MITM
in three ways.

 Delays the legitimate message

 Remove the valid message
 Tamper with a genuine post

As per the designed protocol doesn’t provide the MITM attacks as a complete prevention, since
this protocol applies for delay in Legitimate messages scenario only from the RSU.

Preventing such an assault is just about using the correct encryption analysed solution. Encrypted
texts contain "keys" within them, and when they are decoded at the end of the transfer, they
unlock the file. In a replay assault, it doesn't matter whether the intruder who intercepted the
original message will interpret or unzip the key. Everything he or she needs to do is grab and
resend the whole thing—message and key—together. To address this risk, both the sender and
the recipient can set a totally random session key, which is a form of code that is only useful for
one operation and cannot be used again.

For example : One time key generation using random_key request and accept from the sender
and user as 4, 6 or 10 digit number/characters.


Consider M be the message and Kx be the key for one time, as the connection have to be
established we have to consider the random_key generation for each section of request sent as

Hence for sender we have total message = {M,Kx,Rx1}

For Receiver = {M, Kx, Rx2} so if the time tx is from sender receiver should receive at tx+x1,
where x1 is delay of the network establishment. So for each set of time limit tl we need to accept
the request, else the message will be dropped unless time extension is provisioned. Hence from
the designed criteria we have provisioned with the random key and MAC address generator
using random strings resulting in One-time key generation which proves the security against
Replay attack.

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