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CEH Preparation

In order to compromise or to hack a system or network the hackers go through various phases of
the hacking. What is the first hacking phase that hackers perform to gather information about a
target prior to launching an attack?
Answer: Reconnaissance

Which of the following port NTP uses as its primary means of communication?
Answer: UDP port 123

Which of the following virus evade the anti-virus software by intercepting its requests to the
operating system?

Answer: Stealth/Tunneling virus

Which of the following options represents a conceptual characteristic of an anomaly-based IDS

over a signature-based IDS?

Answer: Can identify unknown attacks

In Wireshark, the packet bytes panes show the data of the current packet in which format?

Answer: Hexadecimal

Which of the following is considered as one of the most reliable forms of TCP scanning?

Answer: TCP Connect/Full Open Scan

Which type of malware spreads from one system to another and replicate itself without any
human interaction

Answer: Worm

Which of the following is the BEST way to defend against network sniffing?

Answer: Using encryption protocols to secure network communications

Which of these is capable of searching for and locating rogue access points?

Answer: WIPS
Which of the following techniques practiced by an attacker exploits human behavior to make your
network vulnerable to attacks?

Answer: Social Engineering

Which of the following types of jailbreaking allows user-level access but does not allow iboot-level

Answer: Userland Exploit

The "white box testing" methodology enforces what kind of restriction?

Answer: The internal operation of a system is completely known to the tester.

Identify the web application attack where the attackers exploit vulnerabilities in dynamically
generated web pages to inject client-side script into web pages viewed by other users.

Answer: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Which of the following firewall architecture is designed to host servers that offer public services?

Answer: Screened subnet

You need a tool that can do network intrusion prevention and intrusion detection, function as a
network sniffer, and record network activity. What tool would you most likely select?

Answer: Snort

What type of message does the client send to the server in order to begin this negotiation?

Answer: SYN

In Wireshark, the packet bytes panes show the data of the current packet in which format?

Answer: Hexadecimal

What would you enter, if you wanted to perform a stealth scan using Nmap?

Answer: nmap -sS

________ Testing is an adaptive SQL Injection testing technique used to discover coding errors by
inputting massive amounts of random data and observing the changes in the output
Answer: Fuzzing

Which protocol is used for setting up secure channels between two devices, typically in VPNs?

Answer: IPSEC

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