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Read the following questions carefully. Write only the letter of the correct
_________1. Which part of the eye prevents sweat on the forehead from getting
into your eye?
A. eyebrow B. iris C. pupil
_________2. Which part of the eye helps control the amount of light that
enters the eye?
A. eyebrow B. iris C. pupil
_________2. Which part of the eye allows light to pass through?
A. eyebrow B. iris C. pupil
_________3. Which part allows the eye to blink?
A. eyebrow B. eyelashes C. eyelid
_________4. Which part prevents dust from getting into the eye?
A. eyebrow B. eyelashes C. eyelid

Label the parts of the eye. Choose your answer inside the box, then write your
answers on the lines.
eyebrow, eyelashes, tear duct,
upper eyelid, pupil,
iris, lower eyelid

Find the difference and write the letter of the correct answer.
__________1. What is the difference of 16-7?
A. 8 B. 6 C. 9

__________2. What is the difference of 20-15?

A. 5 B. 7 C. 6

__________3. Which subtraction sentences gives the smallest difference?

A. 22-12 B. 17-7 C. 14-5
A. Find the difference.
12 25 33
-8 -10 -12

Read the story then circle the letter of the correct answer.
There was a boy named John who was so lazy, he couldn’t even bother to
change his clothes. One day, he saw that the apple tree in their yard was full of
fruits. He wanted to eat some apples but he was too lazy to climb the tree and
take the fruits. So he lay down underneath the tree and waited for the fruits to
fall off. John waited and waited until he was very hungry but the apples never fell.

1.Who was so lazy?

A. Carlo B. John C. Cris
2. Where did the story take place?
A. forest B. yard C. playground
3. What did he want to eat?
A. orange B. grapes C. apple
4. What does the story teach us?
A. Do not be late
B. Do not be selfish
C. Do not be lazy

Identify which finger to use for the following keys. Write Left finger for left
keys, Right Finger for right keys.

b ______________________________________


1 _______________________________________

K _______________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Are You a Person of Courage?
(Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself)
I stand up for what is right even if I stand alone.
I don’t cave in to negative peer pressure.
fear of failure does not prevent me from trying things.
I am not afraid to express myself just because some people might disapprove.
I work to solve problems without violence.
I never intentionally, ridicule, embarrass, or hurt others.
I think I am/am not a courageous person because:

Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Are You a Person of Courage?
(Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself)
I stand up for what is right even if I stand alone.
I don’t cave in to negative peer pressure.
fear of failure does not prevent me from trying things.
I am not afraid to express myself just because some people might disapprove.
I work to solve problems without violence.
I never intentionally, ridicule, embarrass, or hurt others.
I think I am/am not a courageous person because:

Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Are You a Person of Courage?
(Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself)
I stand up for what is right even if I stand alone.
I don’t cave in to negative peer pressure.
fear of failure does not prevent me from trying things.
I am not afraid to express myself just because some people might disapprove.
I work to solve problems without violence.
I never intentionally, ridicule, embarrass, or hurt others.
I think I am/am not a courageous person because:

Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Are You a Person of Courage?
(Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself)
I stand up for what is right even if I stand alone.
I don’t cave in to negative peer pressure.
fear of failure does not prevent me from trying things.
I am not afraid to express myself just because some people might disapprove.
I work to solve problems without violence.
I never intentionally, ridicule, embarrass, or hurt others.
I think I am/am not a courageous person because:

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