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1. MOHAMMED JEMAL……………IT042/11
2. EPHEREM TEFERA………………IT023/11


JUL 2014/2022

The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other university and
all the sources of material used for the project have been duly acknowledged.

Name Signature
1. Mohammed Jemal……………………………………………
2. Ephereme Tefere…………………………………………….
3. Ashanefi Terekagne…………………………………………
Institute: Technology
Program: Regular

Project Title: Online Clearance System For Werabe University Student And Instructors

This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in
scope and quality, as a project for the degree of Bachelor of Science.

Name of Advisor Signature

Mr. Seid h. (msc)………………………………………………………

Examining committee members Signature Date

1. Examiner 1
2. Examiner 2

It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid
down by the institute.

First of all we would like to thank Allah for helping us to reach this time and do this
Secondly, we would like to thank our Advisor MR. Said for them restless edition of
our documentation, input to the quality of this document, heart full guidance
,valuable advice.
Thirdly we would like to thanks all the administration body of Werabe University
giving more detail information about Students and Instructors clearance system .For
partial willingness of interview, patience in answering to our numerous questions
that help us to precede our project.
Finally, the last but not the least, even if it is usual the group members would like to
thank each other. The main contributors to do this document project are teamwork,
friendship and the belief that we may achieve something we set out to do.
We also hope that this project and documentation may be testaments to our
continued friendship and better work. Without helps of the particular that mentioned
above, we would face many difficulties while doing this.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheet

DBMS: Database Management System
GTP: Growth And Transformation Plan
HRM: Human Resource Management
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
ICT: Information Communication Technology
IP: Internet Protocol
JS: Java Script
LAN: Local Area Network
MOE: Ministry Of Education
MYSQL: My Structured Query Language
OO: Object Oriented
OOSAD: Object Oriented System Analysis And Design
PC: Personal Computer
PHP: Hyper Text Preprocessor
SNNP : South Nation And Nationalities Of People Region
SQL: Structured Query Language
SW: Software
TCP: Transaction Control Protocol
UML: Unified Modeling Language
WRU: Werbe University
WRUOCS: Werabe University Online Clearance System

Figure 2. 1 Use case diagram…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………16
Figure 2. 3 user interface prototype..................................................................................... 26
Figure 2. 4 Activity diagram for create account .................................................................. 27
Figure 2. 5 Activity diagram for login ................................................................................ 28
Figure 2. 6 Activity diagram for update profile .................................................................. 29
Figure 2. 7 Activity diagram for search .............................................................................. 30
Figure 2. 8 Activity diagram for Approve ........................................................................... 30
Figure 2. 9 Activity diagram for Send request ................................................................... 31
Figure 2. 10 Activity diagram for generate report ............................................................. 32
Figure 2. 11 Activity diagram for view message ............................................................... 33
Figure 2. 12 Activity diagram for give feedback ............................................................... 34
Figure 2. 13 Activity diagram for logout ........................................................................... 34
Figure 2. 14 Activity diagram for Delete users .................................................................. 35
Figure 2. 15 Activity diagram for Delete request ............................................................... 36
Figure 2. 16 Activity diagram for registering users ........................................................... 37
Figure 2. 17 Sequence diagram for create account ............................................................ 38
Figure 2. 18 Sequence diagram for login ........................................................................... 39
Figure 2. 19 Sequence diagram for update profile ............................................................. 40
Figure 2. 20 Sequence diagram for approve ...................................................................... 41
Figure 2. 21 Sequence diagram for Send message ............................................................. 42
Figure 2. 22 Sequence diagram for give feedback .............................................................. 43
Figure 2. 23 Sequence diagram for view message ............................................................. 44
Figure 2. 24 Sequence diagram for search ......................................................................... 45
Figure 2. 25 Sequence diagram for Generate report .......................................................... 46
Figure 2. 26 Sequence diagram for logout ......................................................................... 47
Figure 2. 27 Sequence diagram for Delete request ............................................................ 48
Figure 2. 28 Sequence diagram for Delete Users ............................................................... 49
Figure 2. 29 Sequence diagram for Registering Users ....................................................... 50
Figure 2. 30 class diagram.................................................................................................. 51
Figure 3. 1proposed System Diagram…………………………………………………………………………………………56
Figure 3. 2 Component Diagram ......................................................................................... 57
Figure 3. 3 Deployment Diagram For Wruocs .................................................................... 58
Figure 3. 4 Class Diagram .................................................................................................. 59
Figure 3. 5 Persistence Diagram For Object-Oriented Database ........................................ 61
Figure 3. 6 E-Diagram For Relational Database ................................................................. 62
Figure 3. 7 User Interface For Wru Online Clearance System .......................................... 65
Figure 3. 8 User Interface For Admin Login Page .............................................................. 66
Figure 3. 9 User Interface For Student Login Page ............................................................ 67
Figure 3. 10 User Interface For Instructor Login Page ....................................................... 67
Figure 3. 11 User Interface For Office Login Page ............................................................. 68
Figure 3. 12 User Interface For User Create Account ......................................................... 68

Table 1. 1 Shows Cost Of Materials That The Project Needs To Be Developed. ....... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 2. 1 Use Case Description For Create Account………………………………………………………… …………18
Table 2.2 Use Case Description For Login ........................................................................ 19
Table 2. 3 Use Case Description For Update Profile .......................................................... 19
Table 2. 4 Use Case Description Of View Profile .............................................................. 20
Table 2. 5 Use Case Description Of Search ........................................................................ 20
Table 2. 6 Use Case Description For Approve.................................................................... 21
Table 2. 7 Use Case Description For Generate Report ....................................................... 21
Table 2. 8 Use Case Description For Sending Request...................................................... 22
Table 2. 9 Use Case Description For View Message ......................................................... 22
Table 2. 10 Use Case Description For Logout ................................................................... 23
Table 2. 11 Use Case Description For Delete Users .......................................................... 23
Table 2. 12 Use Case Description For Delete Request ...................................................... 24
Table 2. 13 Use Case Description For Give Feedback ...................................................... 24
Table 2. 14 Use Case Description For Register Students .................................................. 25
Table 3. 1 Student Relational Table…………………………………………………………………………………. …………63
Table 3. 2 Instructor Relational Table ................................................................................. 63
Table 3. 3 Office Relational Table ...................................................................................... 64
Table 3. 4 Clearance Relational Table ............................................................................... 64
Table 3. 5 Admin Relational Table ..................................................................................... 64

Online clearance management system is a project work that will help to build an effective
information management for the Werabe University. It is aimed at developing a system for
making clearance for the students and Instructors. The clearance management system
service currently uses manual system which creates the major problems.
The designed software will serve as more reliable and effective means of understanding
students and instructors clearance remove all to delay and stress as well as enable the user
of the system to understand the procedures involved and how to do their clearance online.
This project will be done by collecting the data from the University. The project is aimed
to achieve effective and efficient clearance process system for the students and Instructors
of Werabe University.
Moreover, the design and implementation will be carried out using HTML, CSS, PHP,
JAVASCRIPT, XAMPP Server, Keywords and MYSQL for data base

Table of Contents
DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................................................................................. ii
ACRONOYMS ............................................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER ONE ..............................................................................................................................................1
1.INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................1
1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................2
1.1.1 VISION OF WERABE UNIVERSITY .....................................................................................................2
1.1.2 MISSION OF WERABE UNIVERSITY ......................................................................................................2
1.1.3 CORE VALUE OF WERABE UNIVERSITY ...............................................................................................3
1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM .............................................................................................................3
1.3. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECTS ......................................................................................................4
1.3.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT ..............................................................................4
1.3.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT................................................................................4
1.4. BENEFICIARIES OF PROJECT .........................................................................................................4
1.5. LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT ......................................................................................................5
1.6. FEASIBILITY STUDY ........................................................................................................................5
1.6.1 ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY...................................................................................................................5
1.6.2 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY ...................................................................................................................6
1.6.3 TIME FEASIBILITY .............................................................................................................................6
1.6.4 OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY ..............................................................................................................6
1.6.5 BEHAVIORAL/POLITICAL FEASIBILITY ..............................................................................................6
1.7. SCOPE OF PROJECT ..........................................................................................................................6
1.8. METHODOLOGY ...............................................................................................................................7
1.8.1. REQUIREMENT GATHERING METHODS ..............................................................................7
1.8.2. SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (APPROACH) .................................................................7
1.8.3. IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................9
Server side software: ....................................................................................................................................9
1.9. ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT .........................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO ...........................................................................................................................................10
2.1. EXISTING SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................10
 INTRODUCTION ABOUT EXISTING SYSTEM...............................................................................10
2.1.1. BUSINESS RULE.............................................................................................................................13
2.2. PROPOSED SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................14
2.3. REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................14
2.3.1. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT .......................................................................................................14
2.3.2. SYSTEM USE CASE ........................................................................................................................16
2.3.3. BUSINESS RULE DOCUMENTATION..............................................................................................25
2.4. USER INERFACE PROTOTYPE ...........................................................................................................26
2.3.5. ACTIVITIES DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................27
2.3.6. SEQUENCE DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................38
2.3.7. ANALYSIS CLASS MODEL ..............................................................................................................51
2.3.8. LOGIC MODEL...............................................................................................................................52
2.4. NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT .....................................................................................................53
2.5. SYSTEM REQUIREMENT ......................................................................................................................54
2.5.1. HARDWARE REQUIREMENT .........................................................................................................54
2.5.2. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT ..........................................................................................................54
CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM DESIGN .................................................................................................................55
3.1. PURPOSE AND GOAL OF DESIGN ........................................................................................................55
3.2. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ............................................................................................................56
3.2.1. COMPONENT MODELING ............................................................................................................57
3.2.2. DEPLOYMENT MODELLING ..........................................................................................................58
3.3. DEETAIL DESIGN ..................................................................................................................................59
3.3.1. DESIGN CLASS MODEL .................................................................................................................59
3.3.2. PERSISTANCE MODEL FOR OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASE ..........................................................61
3.3.3. DATABASE DESIGN (E-R DIAGRAM) RELATIONAL DATABASE ......................................................62
3.4. USER INTERFACE DESIGN ....................................................................................................................65
3.4.1. LOGIN PAGE .................................................................................................................................66
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................69
IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................................................................69
CHAPTER FIVE ...........................................................................................................................................76
TESTING AND EVALUATION ..................................................................................................................77
CHAPTER SIX ..............................................................................................................................................78
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .............................................................................................78
6.1. Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................................78
6.2. Recommendation................................................................................................................................78
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................................79
Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors


Werabe University student‘s and Instructor‘s clearance management system is one of the
processes that will be done to be cleared the students and Instructor‘s from the University. The
system gives its function to many user of the University. The numbers of students and instructors
grow from year to year. There will be many users of the clearance processing system .But this
project gives a service only for the students and instructors.
Clearance is a status granted to individuals typically students and Instructor‘s allowing them
access to information. The term clearance is also sometimes used in private organizations that
have a formal process to check the employee‘s information. A clearance by itself is normally not
sufficient to gain access the organization must determine the cleared individual has needed to
know the information[1].
Clearance is the process of determining and negotiating any permission that are needed to use of
someone else intellectual property creative project. Part of that process includes:-

 Determining the owner(s) of the intellectual property.

 Contacting the owners and negotiating on agreement.
 Administering written contracts.
 Handling other issues related to the use and licensing of intellectual property.

No one is supposed to be granted access to classified information solely because of rank or position,
but once a clearance is obtained access to certain information or gain of freedom will be granted.
The proposed system over comes one problem done by manual system. From these drawback
some of them are to reduce misuse of manpower, avoiding errors, save time, provide comfort
clearance process for the students and instructors are to provide insurance for the organization
especially for workers who play role in the clearance processing system.
This system works for students and instructors of Werabe University. The online clearance
processing system allows the students and instructors to create account/register for the
membership to access the service of the system.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors


Werabe University is one the fourth generation university in Ethiopia. It is situated in a 15 years
old fast growing Werabe town located 172km southwest of Addis Abebe and 155km away from
Hawassa the capital city of S.N.N.P Regional State. It was established by Ministry of Education
(MOE) in 2010 E.C at Werabe. Currently, the university is operating in 24 fully completed and
finished buildings and has admitted over 4000 students in regular and continuing education
programs in 47 departments under 6 collages, one institute and two schools. The university
involves more than 1000 academic staffs and not less than 500 support staffs for various activities.
All the community members of WRU with their profundity and commitment are playing immense
role to achieve the national growth and transformation plan (GTP) via the university‘s vision,
mission and goals. The university has been working hard in teaching, research and community
services with a vision to be one among the best university of Ethiopia in 2025. The primary
objectives of the university to promote and advance academics and research in all aspects of
science to contribute to the sustainable development of the country.


Werabe University aspires to be one of the best comprehensive/best universities in the county by
the year 2025[2].


Werabe University is committed to provide quality education and training to produced educated
human power who attain fullest potential intellectually, morally, socially, and equip them with
critical and imaginative skills to face the real life challenges and play an active roll in the
development of the country to transform the innovation, discovery, as well as communication and
application knowledge through the based activities in a wide rang of academic and professional
fields for the highest economic development of the citizen in Ethiopia[2].

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors


 Quality and excellence
 Commitment
 Culture of integrity for team work
 Mutual respect of diversity
 Ethics
 Always open for learning
 International out look
 Customer/stakeholder


The process of clearing students and instructors of the Werabe University after the end of
academic year requires that the students must be cleared in their various departments and for
educational or for other purposes instructors must be cleared in various Departments. This
clearance processing system service currently uses manual system which creates the following
major problems.
 Data recording system is not centralized or not in the modern system which is difficult to
 It creates wastages of material, time, Data redundancy & loss of data.

 Consumes more resources to complete the process which is of high cost such as:-
Stationary material.
Printers and computers etc.
 Need more manpower to process the clearance in the respective offices.

 The process is very offensive for students and Employees when there is a harsh Atmosphere
like rain.

 To process the clearance is lot of queue because of the number of users.

 Employees involved in the clearance process are not available 24 hours of the day.

Hence, it becomes imperative for proposed system to eliminate the shortcoming of the manual
system in place as above listed problem

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors



The general objective of this project is to change the manual clearance processing system to online
clearance system.


The specific objective of this project includes:
 Analyze the existing system.
 Designing friendly user interface.
 Documenting the whole system.
 To design a user friendly system.
 To design reliable clearance system.
 To find the general solution for the problem found in existing system
 To implement and Test the system for the validation.


This project provides many benefits for:
1. Students and instructors: By providing fast access to the clearance system and by
reducing time like waiting in the queue and going to different offices. The students and
instructors access the system anywhere and anytime when they need the clearance. It improves
the tiredness of student and employee by avoiding to going to different offices to get the
signatures of each parties of clearance system.

2. University: In manual system there is loss of materials like time, paper, pen and more
manpower. the system reduces loss of costly materials and manpower.

3. Developers of the project: It increases our knowledge and we get moral satisfaction from
the project we developed.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors


Defines what the proposed system is not going to perform or what is not including in the proposed
system . This project covers some of the aspects of computer software based online clearance
processing system using Werabe University as case study.
Generally the limitation of this project includes:
 The system couldn‘t give service for administrative staff i.e. limited only for regular
Students and Instructors.
 If the students and Instructors lost/damage the university property, he/she couldn‘t gain
clearance, until the students and Instructors pay the cash personally to finance.
 The proposed system cannot access with their local language.
 blind people unable to use the proposed system


When the team can be analysis the system by comparing the cost with the benefit (the enterprise
can get by using the proposed system), surely the benefit out weight the cost .the cost of
developing a full system including software and hardware cost for the class of application being
considered should be evaluated. So, the benefit that obtain by using the proposed system can be
categorized as tangible and in tangible.
Tangible benefits: Tangible benefits are items that can be measured in terms of money or with
certainty[3]. It helps the users of the system to visualize its tangible benefits.
 Using less man power than the existing system.
 Increase speed of activities and competence.
 Reduce cost.
Intangible benefits: Intangible benefits are benefits derived from the creation of an
information system that cannot be easily measured in money and with consistency such as:
 Knowledge required by project developer.
 Facilitating information processing.
 Updating information.
 Increasing the competitiveness of the individual.
 Improving the morale of our team.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

 Facilitating information processing of our team[5].

Therefore the team decided the proposed project is economically feasible


The proposed system doesn‘t require much technical expertise. The system to be developed by
Using technologically system development techniques such as PHP, Java script, CSS and MySQL
Database without any problems and the group members have enough capability to develop the
Project. So the system will be technically feasible.


Since schedule feasibility is a process of assigning the degree to which the potential time and
Computation date for all major activity which in a project meet organizational deadlines. So, our
project will be profitable within months.


The system to be developed will provide accurate, active, secured service and decreases labor of
workers. And also it is plat form Independent i.e. it run‘s in all operating system.


The system to be developed is not conflict with any government directives. The reason is it gives
services for the people effectively and efficiently. In addition it also doesn‘t affect any individual
or group rights of the peoples. Even the government is profitable, so the application will be
politically feasible


Defines what the proposed system is going to perform or what is including in the proposed system.
This project covers some of the aspects of computer software based online clearance processing
system using Werabe University as case study.
Generally the scop of this project includes:
 Our system used for Werabe University regular Students and instructors only.
 The System contains all the recorded Information that can be handled by the different
 Users can view their profile; give feedback send message to all offices.
 The proposed system is accessed by English language.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

We use document analysis in order to obtain the information about the practices and problems of
the clearance system which ultimately assists us in developing the computerized system. Some of
data collection method is listed below.
1. Primary data collection
 Practical Observation: We observed physically the current existing system which is
done by manually. We referred different forms and documents in the department, registrar
and some other offices.
 Interview: To get the basic information and background information about the existing
system structure, we ask different question from different persons such as admin and
different offices who provide clearance system. We choose interview because, to get the
exact, full range and depth information from the user, guidance and council. Our team we
have used semi-structured interview type because this type of interview is used as both
structured and unstructured interview type, to ask selected and unselected question,
therefor to get full/sufficient information
2. Secondary data collection
 Document Analysis: For more information about the existing system we refer relevant
documents, others reading materials and some forms in different offices. We have used
Observation data collection method because, it do not rely on people‘s willingness to
provide information. we have used indirect observation from observation type


The team plan to use the Object Oriented System Analysis and Design (OOSAD) for the
development of the system among the different methodologies. Because it is better way to
construct, manage and assemble objects that are implemented in our system. We used OOSAD
because of the following important features:
 Increase reusability: The object oriented provides opportunities for reuse through the
concepts of inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and modularity.
 Increased extensibility: When you to need to add new feature to the system you only need
to make changes in one part of the applicable class.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

 Improved quality: Quality of our system must be on time, on budget and meet our
exceeded the expectation of the users of our system, improved quality comes from
increased participation of users in the system development.
 Financial benefits: Reusability, extensibility and improved quality are all the financial
benefits, because they led to the business benefits of the object- oriented from the point of
view of the users, the real benefits are we can built, system faster and cheaper.
 Reduced maintenance cost: Software organizations currently spend significant resources
maintain operating system so the object oriented development methods helps us to
overcome this problem while doing Werabe university clearance system.
 Managed complexity: The object-oriented methods solve software complexity in the
following way, design your software the expectation that need to be modified and being
able to respond quickly when your environment changed[4].
We select OO approach because.
 It is suitable for large projects with changing user requirements.
 The usability is high.
 The risk is low.
 Its method is focus on object and iterative/incremental[5].
We use water fall methodology to manage our project.
Tools for System development
Hardware and software tools required for successful completion of the project are listed below
with their respective significances.
Software Tools required are:-
 E-draw max: Used to analysis and design the system layout.
 MS-WORD 2019: For documentation
 MS-power point: For presentation.
We have use this all because we have some experience, understanding, and still we
are using this software for any other tasks
 Hardware tools required are:-
 Personal computer (PC): Almost all tasks of our project are performed on computer
 Flash Drive: Required for data movement from one system to another system or among
different disks on the same device.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

 External HDD: Necessary for the movement of relevant data and for backup and recovery
 Internet Connection or cable: Since our system is web based, it is very necessary
requirement. It also helps us to extract relevant information about our project from the
 Printer: to print documentations.
 Stationeries (pen, paper): For writing all necessary documentations associated with the
 Note book: To take notes during data collection and for other documentations


Server side software:

 XAMP server: we use for as a database storage and server.
 PHP, JS, CSS, HTML: for server side programming.
Client side software:
 Microsoft office 2019: To write on any necessary documents about the project
 Notepad++: To write and edit the code of the project.
 Adobe Photoshop: To edit images.
 Browsers (Firefox Mozilla, Google Chrome, Opera, Spark Browser): To view or run
the implementation of our project.


Our project documentation basically has four chapters .The first chapter generally gives brief
explanation about background of the project, scopes, limitations and objectives of the proposed
system. The second chapter deals about analysis part. The third chapter deals about design of the
system. The fourth chapter studies about implementation of the system.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

The current WRU clearance processing system is the manual system that needs intensive human
labor, resource, consume time, less security. Here, the students and employees to visit all the
clearance offices with a form for them to fill and get sign by the respected offices. Once these
forms are signed, it proves that the users have been cleared. This process takes some days to be
completed and possess a lot of stress to all the users and workers who provide clearance system.
In the manual system, the clearance forms are documented in a file cabinet. Each time the
clearance form is needed, a search operation conducted on the file cabinets to locate a particular
user‘s clearance form.
Player in the existing system
An existing system compromises different players to carry out its job. The major players that are
involved in our existing system are:

 Student  Sport department head

 instructor  Library manager
 Student service  Book store
 College/institute Registrar  Advisor
 Department head  Health service
 Student proctor  Record and documentation service
 finance

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Activity of the Existing System

Major activities in the current system include the following.
 Registration of case students:
Proctor, library manager, and department heads register students with their cases (books,
dormitory materials, department borrowers) that they loan to each student in manually
form. Students can get the necessary materials from proctor, library, and departments.
 Payment or replacement process:
Students are responsible for paying the damaged or the lost property which are
appropriated to them at the beginning of their stay in the dormitory, department, and
library. All staff payments are accomplished in one finance office and the damaged or lost
materials will be calculated and students will be charged. Students have another option for
their lost or damaged property that is replacement process. By personal contact, students
can replace the lost or damaged property by original replacement.


Business rule for students (BRFS)

The main business rules or principles of the existing system are:
BR1: Anyone who process clearance forms must be the member of the university.

BR2: Every students of the university must sign clearance form at the end of each year

BR3: Only Authorized personnel can approve and sign on students clearance form
BR4: Students expected to finish the clearance form process to freely leave the university.
BR5: Students should have to take one piece of approved clearance form registrar for them

BR6: Students must fulfill their responsibility before they go to sign clearance in officers.
BR7: The offices of the university must put their signature and the date when they sign.
Business rule for Instructors (BRFI)
BR1: Anyone who process clearance forms must be the member of the university.

BR2: Every instructors of the university must sign clearance form at the time of
scholarship/internship and permanently remove from university.
BR3: Instructors expected to finish the clearance form process to freely leave the university

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

BR4: Instructors should have to take one piece of approved clearance form from H/R/M
office for them self.

BR5: Only Authorized personnel can approve and sign on instructors clearance form.

BR6: Instructors must fulfill their responsibility before they go to sign clearance in offices.
BR7: The offices of the university must put their signature and the date when they sign.


By carefully analyzing and observing the problem of existing system we came up with a solution
that the current manual system should be computerized.
The computerized system will Eliminate/reduce the problem on:-

 time
 work load and
 Complexity WRU students and instructors on clearance system


The functional requirements describe the interaction of the system and its environment. The
environment includes the user and any other external system that interact to the system. Using
Werabe University online clearance system the following functional requirement is performed by
the actor of the system.

 Approve: The actors to be approve if they get requests information from different
corners after checking must be send replay message to requester.
 Create account: when the students, instructors and offices must create account to use the
 Send message: student‘s, instructors and offices are send request to
appropriate office.
 Update profile: all actors are to update their own profile.
 Feedback: Students, instructors and Offices are give feedback to the System.
 Generate report: It helps to the admin are to generate report for students and
instructors that are to be cleared.
 View message: offices, administrators and users are to see different message.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

 Delete request: offices can delete request message that are requested by students,
instructors and other Offices.
 Delete Users: admin and Offices can delete instructors, students and offices according to
their necessity.
 Login: The actor of the system must be login in order to perform some
 Logout:-any actor must logout after performing some activities.
 Register Student:- registrar is responsible to register student
year to year
 Register Instructor:-H/R/M is responsible to register Instructors.
 Register Offices: - Register officers are responsible to administrator.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

2.3.2. SYSTEM USE CASE Use Case Diagram

Figure 2. 1 Use case diagram

 Registering and deleting Instructors is not the responsibility to all offices, but this is the
responsibility of H/R/M office. And giving final clearance paper is responsible to president
 Registering and deleting students as well as giving final clearance paper is not the
responsibility to all offices but this is the responsibility of registrar office.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors Use Case Documentation

A system use case model describes the potential usage of the proposed system. It is part of the
analysis document which consists of use case describes sequence of action that provides
measurable value to an actor and it‘s drawn as horizontal ellipse[6].
An actor is a person that plays a role in one or more interaction with the system. Relationship
between actor and classes are indicated with in use case diagram.
A relationship exists whenever an actor is involved with an interaction with the system. Described
by a use case Rectangle around the use case is called the system boundary box and the name
suggests it indicates the scope of the system the use case inside the rectangle represent the
functionality that the system intended to implement
Actor’s and description
1. User
 Student: - the major tasks are to Update profile, View profile, create account, View
message, send request and give feedback.
 Instructors:- the major tasks are to Update profile, View profile, create account, View
message, send request and give feedback.
 2.Admin:- the major tasks are to update profile, view message, view backups, view
feedback, register offices, post notice, delete notice, add faculty, add department, and delete
 Offices
 Proctors:-the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, approve request, view message,
send request, add case list and remove case list.
 Student Service: - the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, approve request, view
message, send request, delete request, add case list and remove case list.
 Departments:- the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, approve request, view
message, send request, add case list and remove case list.
 ICT:-the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, approve request, view message
 H/R/M:-the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, approve request, view message,
registering instructors, and deleting instructors, send request, add case list and remove case
 Library & services:-the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, approve request,

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

view message, send request, add case list and remove case list.
 President offices: -the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, Giving final clearance
paper for instructors, view message,
 Academic student service:-the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, approve
request, view message, send request, add case list and remove case list.
 Sport department head: - the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, approve
request, view message, send request, add case list and remove case list.
 Finance:- the major tasks are to update profile, view profile, approve request, view message,
send request, add case list and remove case list. Use case Description

Use case Description for Create account

Table 2. 1 Use Case Description For Create Account

Use case name Create Account

Actor(s) Offices, Students and instructor‘s
Pre-condition The Actors must be member of the university.
Post-condition The Actors have user name and password.
Description When the actors is create account the data is stored in database and is
possible to access the system by their account
Main flow Actor Action System Response

Step1:When the actors Step2: The system displays the create

clicks on the create account form.
account link Step4: the Systems checks the information
Step3: The actor enters is correct or not.
the required information.
Alternative If the input information is invalid or empty the actor fill the form again.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Use case Description for Login

Table 2.2 Use Case Description For Login

Use-case name Login

Actor Admin, Student Offices, and instructor‘s
Pre-condition The Actor must be user name and password or must be Authorized.
Post-condition The Actor should be login in to the system or display main screen.
Description When the students enter user name &password, it checks the inputs from the
database. If it is valid, it allows the user to access and if not it display
authorization message.
Main flow Actor Action System Response
Step1: the actor is click login Step2: The system displays login form.
link. Step3: The actor enter the Step4: the Systems display successfully
user name & password login message.
Alternative flow If user name & password is incorrect actors fill the form again.

Use case Description for Update profile

Table 2. 3 Use Case Description For Update Profile

Use case name Update profile

Actor(s) Students, Admin, Offices, and instructor‘s
Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The Actors will have Update their own profiles.
Description The use case allows users to update their own profile.
Main flow Actor Action System Response
Step1: the actor click Step2: The system displays update profile form.
update profile link. Step4: the System confirmation page and save the
Step3: The user enters update information of user.
the necessary
information to update
Alternative flow If the input information is invalid or empty. The actor fills the form again.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Use case Description of view profile
Table 2. 4 Use Case Description Of View Profile

Use case name View profile

Actor(s) Students, Offices, and instructor‘s
Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The Actors has been viewed his/her profiles.
Description This use case allows users to view his/her profile.
Main flow Actor Action System Response
Step1: the actors Step2: The system displays view profile form.
click view profile Step4: The System display users profile successfully
link. Step3: The actor from the database.
fills the form

Alternative flow If the input information is invalid or empty. The actor fills the form again.

Use case Description of search

Table 2. 5 Use Case Description Of Search

Use case name Search

Actor(s) Administrator and Offices

Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The Actors has been display the selected record.
Description The actors request to search someone‘s information.
Main flow Actor Action System Response
Step1: The actor wants to Step2: The system displays the form.
search some record. Step3: Step5: the System display record from the
The actors fill the form. database.
Step4: The actor click search
Alternative flow If the input information is invalid or empty. The actor fills the form again.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Use case Description for Approve
Table 2. 6 Use Case Description For Approve

Use case name Approve

Actor(s) Office‘s
Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The Actor should be Approve the information.
Description The actor to be approve if they get request some information from d/t corners.

Main flow Actor Action System Response

Step1: The actor click view request link. Step2: The system displays user that
Step3: The actor click approve button. send request
Step4: The system processes the Step5: the System display approval
selections. message to the actor.
Alternative flow If there is no user that send request. The system says there is no request message.

Use case Description for Generate report

Table 2. 7 Use Case Description For Generate Report

Use case name Generate report

Actor(s) Admin
Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The Actors should be generating the report.
Description The actor wants to report how many students & instructors are clear from the
Main flow Actor Action System Response
Step1: The user Step2: The system displays the generate report option.
selects the generate Step3: the System displays the information‘s of the students
report option. & instructors that are cleared.

Alternative flow If there is no cleared user, the system displays there is no user that are cleared
from clearance

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Use case Description for sending request
Table 2. 8 Use Case Description For Sending Request

Use case name Send Request

Actor(s) Student ,Instructor‘s and Offices

Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The Actors are send request successfully.
Description The actor wants to send request what they want to be clear from any
Main flow Actor Action System Response

Step1: The actor click send Step2: The system displays the send
request link. Step3: The actor request form.
fills the form Step5: the System display successfully
Step4: The actor click send send request message.
Alternative flow If the input information is invalid or empty. The actor fills the form again.

Use case Description for View Message

Table 2. 9 Use Case Description For View Message

Use case name View Message

Actor(s) Admin, Instructors, Students and Offices
Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The Actor is read message successfully.
Description The actor is to see many messages from d/t corners.
Main flow Actor Action System Response

Step1: The actor click Step2: The system display message from
view message link. database

Alternative If there is no view message. The says there is no any message.


Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Use case Description for Logout
Table 2. 10 Use Case Description For Logout

Use case name Logout

Actor(s) Admin, Offices, Instructors, and Students
Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The Actor is logout successfully from the system.
Description The actor is logout the system after performing some task.

Main flow 1. The actor click logout link

2. The system is return to home page
Use case Description for delete users
Table 2. 11 Use Case Description For Delete Users

Use case name Delete users

Participating Admin, Offices
Description This use case helps the user to delete users if it is necessary.
Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The user is deleted.
Main flow Actor Action System Response

Step1: The actor select delete Step2: The system displays the form.
user link from menu. Step5: The display an acknowledgement
Step3: The actor fill the form successfully deletes the user.
Step4: The actor click delete

Alternative If the input information is invalid or empty. The actor fills the form again.
flow of events

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Use case Description for delete request
Table 2. 12 Use Case Description For Delete Request

Use case name Delete request

Actor(s) Offices
Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The actors will be delete request message.
Description The actor wants to delete users request message to minimize load of database in the
Main flow Actor Action System Response
Step1: The actors click view request Step2: The system display users request
link. information.
Step3: The actor click delete button Step4: The display successfully deleted
to delete users requests. message & remove from the database.

Alternative flow If the request message is empty.

If there is no request message. The system says now there is no request message in
Use case Description for Give feedback
Table 2. 13 Use Case Description For Give Feedback
Use-case name Give feedback
Actor(s) Instructors, Students and Offices
Pre-condition The Actors must be members of university.
Post-condition The actors give feedback to the system.
Description The actor wants to give feedback to the system either positive or negative feedback.
Main flow Actor Action System Response
Step1: The actors click to the give Step2: The system displays give feedback form.
feedback link. Step5: The system display confirmation
Step3: The actor s fill feedback form message to the actors and save to database.
Step4: The actor click submit button.
Alternative flow If the input information is invalid or empty. The actor fills the form again.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Use case Description for registering users
Table 2. 14 Use Case Description For Register Students

Use case name Registering users

Actor(s) Registrar H/R/M & administrator
Pre-condition The Actors must be login to the system.
Post-condition The user registered & stored in to database after registration the user is a
member of Werabe university.
Description This use case helps the actor to add users in to database.
Main flow Actor Action System Response

Step1: The actor click register link. Step2: The system displays the form.
Step3: The actor fills the form. Step5: The system display successfully
Step4: The actor click register registered message.

Alternative If the input information is invalid or empty. The actor fills the form again.
flow of event


A business rule is effectively an operating principle or policy the software must satisfy. Business
rules pertain to business calculations, policies of the organization, and access rights.
Name: determine eligibility to registrations in the university
Identifier: BR
Description: Student or instructors should have a unique ID.
Name: determine fulfillment of create requirement
Identifier: BR
Description: Student must be having ID number.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Figure 2. 2 user interface prototype

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe dynamic aspects of the system.
Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity to another
activity[4]. The activity can be described as an operation of the system.

Activity diagram for create account

Figure 2. 3 Activity diagram for create account

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Activity diagram for login

Figure 2. 4 Activity diagram for login

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Activity diagram for update profile

Figure 2. 5 Activity diagram for update profile

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Activity diagram for search

Figure 2. 6 Activity diagram for search

Activity diagram for Approve

Figure 2. 7 Activity diagram for Approve

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Activity diagram for Send request

Figure 2. 8 Activity diagram for Send request

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Activity diagram for generate report

Figure 2. 9 Activity diagram for generate report

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Activity diagram for view message

Figure 2. 10 Activity diagram for view message

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Activity diagram for give feedback

Figure 2. 11 Activity diagram for give feedback

Activity diagram for logout

Figure 2. 12 Activity diagram for logout

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Activity diagram for Delete users

Figure 2. 13 Activity diagram for Delete users

Note: From offices only registrar has responsible to delete students. H/R/M are responsible to
delete instructors. And also administrator has responsible to delete offices.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Activity diagram for Delete request

Figure 2. 14 Activity diagram for Delete request

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Activity diagram for registering users

Figure 2. 15 Activity diagram for registering users

Note: From offices H/R/M are responsible to register instructors. Registers also responsible to
register students . And also administrator has responsible to register offices

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how process operating with one another
and in what order. It is a construct of a message sequence chart. A sequence diagram shows object
interaction arranged in time sequence[5].
A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical lines (lifelines), different process or objects. That
lives simultaneously, and as horizontal arrows the message exchanged between them, in order in
which they occur.

Sequence diagram for create account

Figure 2. 16 Sequence diagram for create account

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for login

Figure 2. 17 Sequence diagram for login

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for update profile

Figure 2. 18 Sequence diagram for update profile

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for approve

Figure 2. 19 Sequence diagram for approve

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for Send request

Figure 2. 20 Sequence diagram for Send message

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for give feedback

Figure 2. 21 Sequence diagram for give feedback

Note: not only students and instructors are give feedback, but offices also give feedback to the

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for View message

Figure 2. 22 Sequence diagram for view message

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for Search

Figure 2. 23 Sequence diagram for search

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for generate report

Figure 2. 24 Sequence diagram for Generate report

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for logout

Figure 2. 25 Sequence diagram for logout

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for Delete request

Figure 2. 26 Sequence diagram for Delete request

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for Delete Users

Figure 2. 27 Sequence diagram for Delete Users

Note: From offices only registrar has responsible to delete students. H/R/M are responsible to
delete instructors. And admin has responsible to delete offices.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sequence diagram for Registering Users

Figure 2. 28 Sequence diagram for Registering Users

Note: From offices only registrar has responsible to register students. H/R/M are responsible to
register instructors. And admin has responsible to register offices

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Each classes have its own class name, attributes and operation.

Figure 2. 29 class diagram

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
In this part we describe the algorithm of the operations or methods using Pseudo code. Pseudo
code is one type of algorithm representation method by using English language.

Pseudo code for login

Method name=login
Variables: -username
If (*inputs are valid*)
(*select the previous username and password from database and compare with entered*)
If username = entered username and
Password = entered password
(*go to login page*)
Display ―login error!‖
End if
Display ―inputs are invalid try again!‖
End if

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Non-functional requirement describes user visible aspect of the system that are not designed to the
functional behavior of the system.
Some of the non-functional requirements are:
Performance: -
 The system is very fast since it is automated.
 The software shall support use of multiple users at a time.
 It works very well with short response time, high throughput and high availability.
 Reduce costs and time waste by providing access to system in available place and time
where Internet connection is available
User Interface:-The developed system provides web application user interfaces that are
compatible browsers like Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, etc.
Usability: - The system shall be very easy to learn, needs basic computer knowledge to use and
have a help menu to guide the user.
Availability: - There is no delay in the availability of any information, whatever needed, can be
captured very quickly and easily. The server should be always on to be available.
Maintainability: - The system can be restored to a specified condition within a specified period of
Error handing: the system is expected to handles error encountered during run time. Error that
occurred from the wrong doing of users will be handled by appropriate exception handing
Reusability - the system is able to add further features and modification.
Efficiency- The system must process the information shortly.
Reliability- The system should able to perform a required function under stated conditions for a
specified period of time.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Server side hardware

 Hardware recommended by all the software needed.
 RAM: 256 Mb or more.
 Hard Drive: 10 GB or more.
Client side hardware
 Computer: - it can be desktop or laptop with
 RAM:- 4.00 Gb and more
 Processor: - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520 CPU


To perform new system as well as perform all activity within this system after accomplish it, we
need to define some software requirement. From this software requirement the following are
Server side software
 Web server software, Apache or xampp server
 Server side scripting tools: PHP
 Database tools: MYSQL DBMS.
 Compatible operating system: Windows 10
Client side software
 Web browser is supporting JavaScript like Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Google Chrome.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Purpose of the system Design
The purpose of System Design is to create a technical solution that satisfies the functional
requirements for the system. At this point in the project lifecycle there should be a Functional
Specification, written primarily in business terminology, containing a complete description of the
operational needs of the various organizational entities that will use the new system.

Design Goal
Design goals describe the qualities of the system that developers should optimize. Such goals are
normally derived from the non-functional requirements of the system that means non- functional
requirement is the description of the feature characteristics and attribute of the system as well as
any constraints that may limit the boundary of the proposed solution.

In WRUOCS design goals describe the qualities of the system that the developers should
 Performance: The system should be able to serve a number of users which are expected to
access it concurrently.
 Availability: The system availability should be available most of the time since it is
handling emergency situations.
 Simplicity: the system is simple to use by all users because it is written by easily
understandable human language so everybody who can read and write English language can
access it simply.
 Security: all records in a database are secured no one can access it rather than authorized
persons by using asking a person user name and password if it doesn‘t much to user name
and password with Database user can‘t access the system.
 Modifiability: WRUOCS system should be modifiable for further modification and
enhancement of the Application.
 Cost: The system should be developed with minimum cost.
 Documentation: System administrator and other users are provided with proper
documentation about the software‘s features.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
The system architecture defines how pieces of the application interact with each other, and what
functionality each piece is responsible for performing. There are three main classes of application
architecture[7]. They can be characterized by the number of layers between the user and the data.
The architecture chosen for the system is three tiers. The first layer runs on the client side, the
second layer at the middle layer and the third layer will be the database system. The system will
run using web technology. This architecture provides greater application scalability, high
flexibility, high efficiency, and reusability of components. Since each tier runs on a separate
machine, it improves systems performance. The system uses dynamic web technology, i.e., adding
and retrieving data to and from the data store whenever requested is possible

Figure 3. 1proposed System Diagram

The proposed system is expected to replace the existing manual system by an automated system
which is all aspects of clearance system. The architecture used for the system is a three tier
Client/Server Architecture where a client can use Internet browsers to access the online clearance
provided by the system using the Internet or LAN.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
The diagram is simulated below.

Figure 3. 2 Component Diagram

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Werabe University Online Clearance System is server client structure architecture, where clients
access services offered by server. The deployment diagram is shown as follows.

Figure 3. 3 Deployment Diagram For WRUOCS

 Note: Actors include Students, Instructors, offices and Administrator to Access the system
is by using client machine Browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera or others access
the system by TCP/IP connections connect to Application servers and application server by
using SQL Query fetch data from database server and response to clients according to their

 Security component filter each out coming and incoming requests and responses to
database server.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
A class model is an illustration of the relationship and source code dependencies among classes in
the unified modeling language (UML)[8]. In this context a class defines the methods and variables
in an object, which is specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity.
Each classes have its own name attributes and operation.

Figure 3. 4 Class Diagram

Note:- from offices to register student, instructor, delete student, delete instructor, post and delete
notice and also giving final clearance paper is responsibility of registrar and H/R/M

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Class diagram description
Student attributes:
 ID no: - Identity Number that represent the student
 First Name: -the first name of the student
 Last Name: -the last name of the student
 Sex- gender of the student which is either male or female.
 Age: -age of the student
Instructor attributes: -

 ID no: - Identity Number that represent the instructor

 First Name: -the first name of the instructor.
 Last Name: -the last name of the instructor
 Sex- gender of the user which is either male or female.
 Address: -the address of the instructor
 Age: -age of the student
Administrator attributes: -
 ID no: - Identity Number that represent the administrator
 First Name: -the first name of the administrator
 Last Name: -the last name of the administrator
 Sex- gender of the student which is either male or female.
 Age: -age of the administrator
Officer attributes: -
 ID no: - Identity Number that represent the officer
 First Name: -the first name of the officer
 Last Name: -the last name of the officer
 Sex- gender of the student which is either male or female.
 Age:-age of the officer
 Office role: -the role officer must be done

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
The user sent a request to clear from a campus, give feedback to offices and user create account
their information and request should be persistently kept in the database; otherwise, it cannot be
possible to manage users properly.

Figure 3. 5 Persistence Diagram For Object-Oriented Database

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Figure 3. 6 E-Diagram For Relational Database

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Mapping class and relational table
Mapping refers how objects and their relationship are stored in relational database[9]. The
mapping of the data to be E-R diagram in our system is given as follows:
Table 3. 1 Student Relational Table
Description: Detail of student
Field Name Description Constraint Data Type Size
Student _ID Unique student Id is given to Primary key Varchar 20
each student
First _Name First name of the student Not Null Varchar 20
Last _Name Last name of the student Not Null Varchar 20
Phone _Number Phone number of the student Not Null Integer 16
Email _Address Email Address of the student Not Null Varchar 20
Department Unique Id of the department Not null Varchar 20
Sex Sex of students either male or Not null Varchar 20

Age Age of students Not null Int 20

Ph-no Phone number of student Foreign key Int 20

Table 3. 2 Instructor Relational Table

Description: Detail of Instructor

Field Name Description Constraint Data Type Size

Instructor _ID Unique Instructor Id is given Primary key Varchar 20
to each Instructor
First _Name First name of the instructor Not Null Varchar 20
Last _Name Last name of the instructor Not Null Varchar 20
age Age of instructors Not null Integer 16
Email –Address Address Not Null Varchar 30
Department Department id Not null Varchar 20
Sex Sex of instructor either male Not null varchar 20
or female

Phone _Number addresses Foreign key Integer 20

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Table 3. 3 Office Relational Table
Description: Detail of office
Field Name Description Constraint Data Type Size
Office _ID Unique office Id is given to Primary Varchar 20
each office key
Name name of the office Not Null Varchar 20
Year Year of the office Not Null Varchar 20
Email-address Address Not Null varchar 30
Phone _Number Address Foreign Integer 16

Table 3. 4 Clearance Relational Table

Description: Detail of clearance
Field Name Description Constraint Data Size
clearance-no Unique clearance number is Primary integer 20
given to clearance key
Date Date of clearance Not null Varchar 20
Type Types of clearance, clearance for Not null varchar 20
students or instructors
Table 3. 5 Admin Relational Table
Description: Detail of Admin

Field Name Description Constraint Data Type Size

Admin _ID Unique admin Id is Primary Varchar 20
given to each admin key
Name name of Admin Not Null Varchar 20
Email Address Not null varchar 30
Phone _Number Address Foreign Integer 16

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
A user interface is the part of the system with which the users interact to a system.
System starts- up strategy

At the time the user starts to use this system first this home page will be displayed and after this
page the user can select one of the menus that he/she want to access. For those who are not
member of the system, they can view only the home page and they cannot do anything or they
cannot access clearance form.

Figure 3. 7 User Interface For WRU Online Clearance System

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
The login page contains the user name and password and users should enter the correct username
password and their privilege correctly to get the page that he wants.
 The User enter user name
 The User enter password
 Click ‗Login‘
 Click reset‘ It allows the user to clear his/her password and user name text field.
 Click lost your password to get(know)their own password

Figure 3. 8 User Interface For Admin Login Page

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Figure 3. 9 User Interface For Student Login Page

Figure 3. 10 User Interface For Instructor Login Page

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Figure 3. 11 User Interface For Office Login Page

Figure 3. 12 User Interface For User Create Account

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Implementation is one of parts of the project development phase where project inputs are
converted to project outputs. In implementation phase, main task is coding. In implementation; we
tried to put into practice what was proposed in the project document i.e., transforming the project
proposal into the actual project. Then the developed system is implemented or hosted on the server
for the users to get the purpose or benefit of the system.

Sample codes and Sample Outputs

In this idea intended to show sample code from our project and to see the output of that sample

Sample code for admin login.



//Start session


//Unset the variables stored in session



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/top_menu.css"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/middle_menu.css"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/footercss.css"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/formstyle.css" type="text/css" />


<div id="outer-wrap"> <nav class="fixedtop" id="magatopnav" >

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
<div class="limit clearfix ">

<div id="topnav" >

<ul id="topmenu" class="topnav megabar clearfix">

<li class="current-menu-item"><a href="aboutclearance.php" title="About Clearance"><img

src="./images1/clearance.png" height="20px" width="12px"/><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-
info-sign" ></i>&nbsp;About Clearance</a></li>

<li class="current-menu-item"><a href="calander.php" title="Calander View"><img

src="./images1/calender.png" height="20px" width="12px"/><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-
calendar" ></i>&nbsp;calendar</a></li>

<li class="current-menu-item"><a href="viewpost.php"title="View New Posts"><img

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Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
The last output

If students are free from any university properties the office signature is like this:

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors

If the students is not free from any university the system is like this:

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Before the system can be delivered, it must be thoroughly tested. System need to be tested to
ensure that it satisfies the user requirements accurately and completely. Individual components are
tested independently, and then are tested together as a sub-system and then the sub-systems are
tested together as a whole system. also, can perform some form of acceptance testing before the
system is finally accepted and complete. Testing can be stated as the process of validating and
verifying that a computer program/application can: meets the requirements that guided its design
and development, works as expected, can be implemented with the same characteristics, and
satisfies the needs of users. The requirement is tested during the implementation are correctness,
performance, accuracy, security and others.

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
6.1. Conclusion
Werabe University Students and Instructor Clearance processing system is one of the activities
which are done manually. By considering the problems of the manual system, our team found
solution which reduces the problems of the existing system. With the contribution of each member
of the team, advisor in developing the new system from starting of data (requirement) analysis to
the implementation, we reached to the final result. During the developing this project, team face
some challenges, but by the cooperation‘s of all team members reach to their goal and come with
this new project. Generally, based on the existing system problems the team will find a proposed

Which solves some problem so if the existing system. Like it decreases time consumption, energy
consumption, resource loses during processing the clearance system in manual system.

6.2. Recommendation
Based on shortage of time and some other condition like resources we do not include some
features to our project. The team wants to recommend those who wants further work on our
project like adding chat room, the system cannot sand the final paper for students but try to it
which facilitates communication between administrator and the different offices listed in this
project and students and Instructors to ask the Administrator why he/she can‘t approved their
clearance request and if the students and Instructors lost the university property he/she cannot
physical contact with the casher person in order to payment

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
[1] ―6https1.‖ .

[2] ―2htt.‖ . Htt:// university/

[3] ―5https1.‖ .
[4] D. De Champeaux, D. Lea, and P. Faure, ―The Process of Object-Oriented Design,‖ no.
May, 2014, doi: 10.1145/141937.141942.

[5] B. K. Khoo, ―Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Pedagogy : A Constructionist

Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Pedagogy : A Constructionist Approach,‖
no. May, 2014, doi: 10.13140/2.1.2958.9446.

[6] U. C. Diagram, U. C. Diagram, W. Constructing, U. Cases, and T. About, ―Chapter 4 : Use
Case Diagram The Use Case Diagram What is a Use Case Diagram When to use a Use
Case Diagram When Constructing Use Cases Think About … Creating the System ‘ s Use
Case Diagram The Use Case Diagram Palette,‖ pp. 1–15, 2000.

[7] W. Project, C. Lüer, and D. S. Rosenblum, ―UML Component Diagrams and Software
Architecture — Experiences from the W REN Project,‖ no. June 2001, 2016.

[8] C. Science, ―Class Diagrams,‖ no. 2005, 2012.

[9] W. E. Sets, ―Entity-Relationship Model Purpose of E / R Model.‖

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Sample of Working forms which are taken from the business to be automated

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
Questionnaire and interview questions used during requirement gathering
We prepare the following question for us and the organizatio
1. The current /existing system must have the weaknesses so What kinds of weaknesses is
there in the current /existing system?
2. What is the mission and vision of the Werabe university?
3. We want to solve all problem in this system so what kind of technique is needed to solve
the problem and how we use it?
4. How does your current system work?
Is it manual?
Is it computerized?
Is it online?
5. Why we create /design new system? And how we will be create/design the new system?
6. What types of language we will use for design or create the new system?
7. How the new systems give solution for the current system?
8. What expected from us?
9. When the station is starting from the organization? And how many members are their
when it established?
10. How the system works currently?
11. What are the current states of the system?
12. What are the problems faced using the currently available system?
13. What are the procedures or steps to use your system easily?
14. How do you think generate this system to the future?

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors
pictures /photos relevant to the project work

Online clearance system for werabe university students and instructors


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