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Therapeutic Exercise Group Assignment #2

Pick six or more of the following exercises and take 15 to 30 minutes to try them on your
own or in groups of two. Describe the procedure for the correct performance for each
exercise you chose.
1. Abdominal Hollow and Bracing (supine)
2. Abdominal Bracing with leg/arm raises, air walking, leg circles (supine)
3. Abdominal Bracing while sitting, while sitting with leg and arm marching
4. Abdominal Bracing while standing from sitting
5. Abdominal Bracing while walking, walking up and down stairs
6. Abdominal Bracing with functional movements
7. Abdominal Bracing with arm and leg movements in all ranges against resistance
8. Abdominal Bracing with Superman exercises (on all fours)
9. Abdominal Bracing in Plank
10. Abdominal Bracing in Plank with leg movements
11. Abdominal Bracing in Side Plank
12. Abdominal Bracing in Side Plank with leg movements
13. Crunches
14. Crunches with twists
15. Crunches with Leg Raises

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