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Hey Guys

Welcome to my capstone project and YouTube channel optimal soccer training with Santiago

Today I will be introducing you guys to my first video in a series of four, that will include prime training
and effective workouts for intermediate soccer players

Why Do Soccer Players need strength on their lower body?

Soccer players require powerful legs for the strength, power, and stamina required in matches. While
remaining injury-free.

Soccer players are continuously on their feet, primarily doing the motions of sprinting, kicking, jumping,
and turning.

Defensively, the legs are the most important tools.

They’re used to block, tackle, and slide. They’re also put under constant strain from impact/physical

The main muscles used and worked on are Calves, Quads, Hamstrings, and glutes

Moving over to our first exercise

The dumbbell lunges

The dumbbell lunge is a multi-joint exercise that primarily builds the quadriceps, and glutes.

In this exercise we will be doing around 3 to 4 sets of 10 reps

Stand upright with dumbbells at your side, palms facing your body. Lunge forward as far as you can with
your right leg, bending your trailing knee so it almost brushes the floor.

Use the heel of your right foot to push your upper body back to the starting position
About 5 reps on each foot alternating.

This exercise can be performed with or without dumbbells

Moving on to exercise number two

We have the single legged Romanian deadlift

Here In this exercise, we will be doing 4 sets of 8 reps

Get into a position incorporating soft knees and soft hips, extend both arms out as you reach forward,
Your body should be in a straight line hold this position for 3 to 5 seconds

Once your repetition is done, drive your knee and hips forward.

Now our third exercise

The trap bar deadlift

Step into the middle of the trap bar and stand with your feet hip-width apart.

Reach down and grasp the handles of the bar, then sit your hips back, lift your chest and shoulders, and
raise your gaze so you’re looking in front of you.

Keeping your back flat, stand up by straightening your hips and knees to lift the bar to around mid-thigh
height. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the move, before lowering the bar back down with control

Now finally, the goblet squats

you must hold a weight at your chest with both hands and keep your feet hip-width apart. Then tighten
your core and drop down to a squat

this can be done with pr without any weights

Like other squatting movements, goblet squats mainly work the quads and glutes

Complete 4 sets of 10 reps

To summarize all the exercises performed, they all contribute to the development and strengthening of
the legs. These workouts are beneficial to not just soccer players but other athletes.

The muscles that are exercised are important for performance and can help you become stronger,
quicker, and more prepared on the field.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you enjoyed the video

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