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Personal Achievement Reflection


I choose getting my first job as a significant personal success. Your Independent Grocer was my
first job. I was a produce clerk at the time. I worked from March 2021 to October 2021.
Throughout this time, I would work around 3 to 4 shifts per week and around 5 hours per shift.
My work hours were ideal, I would start about 5 p.m. and finish when the store closed at 10
p.m. Finishing at this time allowed me a lot of flexibility in the evenings with schoolwork and
other social activities, and because my house is son close to independent. Travelling there and
back was a breeze. This job was fun, I worked with my close friends and people from my school
which made it enjoyable going to my shifts.

Personal Relevancy

This new opportunity for me was important. It opened the doors for new responsibilities I knew
were coming my way. Personal freedom is one of them. I started saving some of the money I
made and spent the rest. This money allowed me to buy items that my parents would not
normally buy me. In addition, going out with friends. I could now spend time with my friends
without having to worry about my personal expenses. Aside from going out, I used the money I
saved to pay for things like my gym membership, school supplies, soccer expenses, and as well
with future ambitions/considerations.

Skill Development

Throughout the span I worked at Independent. I learned many things about myself and from
others around me. Skills such as time management, communication, and problem solving were
things I developed overtime. Time management; since school was still around, I learned to
manage my work schedule around my school hours and homework, as well with social
gatherings, and other hobbies of mine. Communication; each shift I dealt with new customers
and co-worker. Rude or polite, I learning how to deal with each and one of them with patience
and understanding. Problem-solving; each of my shift, I faced new challenges. Things that were
supposed to be completed, were all handed a certain time limit and it was my tasks to complete a
majority of these things on time.


A job made me become aware of my possessions and goals. I started to appreciate the things I
purchased, as well the things my parents buy me. The Air Force 1 shoes I bought myself were
extremely important to me in the aspect that I knew they came out of my pockets and I always
wanted to maintain a good presentation when in public. Saving up money. I began to spend my
money in a controlled manner. The things I would spend on were mostly affordable and I would
typically buy stuff once or twice a week while staying on a budget.
Future Connections

Summarizing most of this reflection. Future connections mostly consisted for me the skills and
values I gained throughout this new experience. Saving up money for a house, car, or vacation
made me think more in my actions deciding how and when I spent it, knowing that in the future
it would pay off. Also, soft skills/adaptability, these sort of traits I developed I know are gong to
be essential for me when I work at a more prestigious job. I took advantage of this, and began t
practice theses skills with customers and co worked on a daily.

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