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Chavie A.

Classwork 7: Defining LOST WORDS

1. acrasial adj 1851 -1851

-ill-regulated; ill-tempered
My acrasial instructor was known for her shouts to my classmate who joined the class very late.

2. Bajulate v 1613 -1662

-to bear a heavy burden

Nico’s manager was annoyed by the demand that she needs to bajulate as well as lead him to the
shooting place.

3. cacatory adj 1684 -1753

- accompanied by loose bowels

The child had experienced cacatory after she had eaten the leftover foods in the ref.

4. deartuate v 1623 -1653

-to dismember
The packer asked the costumer’s permission to deartuate the long bar soap, so that it won’t be
damage if he put it in the box full of grocery items.

5. ectylotic adj 1736 -1864

-removing warts or calluses

Put an ectylotic bandage on your left thumb and it will get better.

6. flosculation n 1651 -1651

-an embellishment or ornament in speech

He used flosculation to make his speech livelier and attention catcher.

7. gleimous adj 1398 -1790

-slimy; full of phlegm

Regine did not perform very well in her concert for that reason that her throat is very gleimous.

8. hecatologue n 1894 -1894

-code consisting of 100 rules

I badly want to enjoy my teenage life but my parents are over protective that they even made a

9. Icasm n 1664 -1664

-figurative expression
Maybe for him it is just an icasm but for us who heard him, it scares us to death.

10. jobler n 1662 -1662

-one who does small jobs

I am very willing to be a jobler as long as I can earn money for my tuition fee.

11. kexy adj 1608 -1884

-dry, brittle, withered

My mother told me to buy kexy fish when I’m on my way home.

12. lubency n 1623 -1669

-willingness; pleasure
His lubency to help me in everything I need to do makes me fall in love with him every single day.

13. Misqueme v 1395 -1658

-to displease; to offend

Try to be mindful with your words next time you might misqueme other people and might ignore you
as well.

14. nequient adj 1656 -1656

- not being able

Mommy always compares me to other kids in our neighborhood for the reason that I am nequient to
have A+ grades in school unlike them.
15. obrumpent adj 1656 -1656
-breaking; bursting
My sister scolded me for I am the reason why her favorite flower vase is obrumpent.

16. privign n 1605 -1654

Being privign is not easy, they always make me feel like I don’t belong to the family.

17. quaeritate v 1657 -1657

- to question; to inquire
After the very difficult lesson our teacher had discussed to us, it was expected that many of my
classmates would definitely quaeritate.

18. rogalian adj 1656 -1656

-of or pertaining to a great fire

I pity him for he was condemned to a rogalian fate.

19. slimikin adj 1745 -1745

-small and slender

That ill-mannered slimikin lady is getting into my nerves.

20. tecnolatry n 1899 -1914

-worship or idolization of children

Aside from being humble to anyone, She also have a great technolatry.

21. uglyography n 1804 -1834

-bad handwriting; poor spelling

You are going to be an English major teacher in the future so as early as now try to eradicate your

22. vadosity n 1658 -1658

fact of being fordable

Due to heavy rain last night the vadosity part of the river had vanished and all its parts are now

23. welmish adj 1688 -1688

-of a pale or sickly colour

I would love to paint my house a welmish color for the reason that I found it neat and relaxing to see.

24. xenization n 1818 -1818

- fact of travelling as a stranger

I’m planning to have a xenization for me to have time for myself and reflect as well where no one
knows me.

25. yelve n 1000 -1886

-dung-fork; garden-fork; to use such a fork

He was about to yelve his garden when the mailman arrived and gave him the letter from his lover.

26. zygostatical adj 1623 -1656

-pertaining to a market official in charge of weights
You better have zygostatical training to better understand how important your job is.

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