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Alhamdulillahi robbil alamin, washolatu awassalam ala asrofil anbiya I walmursalin wa ala alihi wa
ashabihi ajmaiin, amma ba’du.
The honorable teacher and my beloved friends.

First of all, let us thank Allah the Almighty, who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet
together in this place.
Second of all, let us deliver sholawat and salaam upon our prophet Muhammad Saw, who has brought
us from the dark age to this bright future, so we are always in the right way.

Here, I would like to deliver my speech entitled “Reach Our Dream”

What do you think about the youth? Full of energy ambition, talent, or dream? And what do you think
about the dream? Well, I will explain them to you. Here is my opinion.

Who is the “youth”? It is us! What do we have to do when we are young? Reach our dream! Yes,
exactly. It will be the point of my speech. We’re still young and we might live on this earth for the next
fifty years, but the important is we are going to face the future.

Everyone here must’ve dreamt of being a successful person, me too. We don’t know what the future
would look like, but we need to prepare for it. Okay, the importance of dreams and future for us, the
youth, is because we will change the previous generation. They won’t live forever in this world, right?

I have an example of a “dream” song, you might have heard about this English children’s song;
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

From that song, we know that life is but a dream, but there is more. The dream is our destination in our
life, so our life is about how to reach our dream!

Somebody said God has written down our fate. Let’s say our fate is in this paper, could we erase it? Yes,
we can! But, only the strong-willing people can erase their fate and become a better story or even a
legendary story.

From now, we have to understand what we are going to do. You have to make a plan, and build your
successful story. But How?
You need to collect your little successes. As a student, getting a good or even a perfect score Is already a
success. Collect as many as you can collect them, you will get bigger, bigger and, bigger success!

You don’t have to be the first rank in your class to be a successful person, because not everyone is going
to be a teacher or a scientist. Everyone has a different way to reach their dream, but there is only one
key to open up the gate of success, the key is...


Just like in the holy Qur’an Surat Al-Insyiqaq : 6

O mankind, indeed you are laboring toward your Lord with [Sgreat] exertion and will meet it.

You need a lot of preparation. As my father said, focus on your talent, and the future will be easier to
understand. You have to find your specialty, focus on it and work hard for it.

But now, so many children especially teenagers have lost their spirit. They throw away their dream. They
don’t have something to hold on to, they’re out of control.
They don’t believe themselves, they don’t struggle in their life, and waste their time on useless things.
Remember, dreaming is not for hopeless people, here are some tips :

First, believe in yourself,

Second, be confident
Third, respect the old and love the young, you’ll be a kind-hearted and successful human.
Next, Obey the rule, keep out what is prohibited
And the last is to Work and pray.
Because you are never too old to dream. Age means nothing when we know what we want. Your
dreams have no limits, make the right decision.
That’s all from me, thank you for listening. I hope we can reach our dream, because the future is coming,
and the dream is waiting for us to be taken.
It is my life. It is my dream. It is my future.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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