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Term 1: Week 2 Year 10 English Homework

Name: ________________________
Due In: Friday 3rd September
EXAM TYPE: English as a First Language
Task One: Circle the verb(s); highlight the subject; underline the object.
Example: Fog covered the cold evening.

1. The church bells called out into the air.

2. Sadly, the smell of factories poisoned the air.
3. Broken and damaged chimneys coughed out dark clouds.
4. Down in the streets of London, life was everywhere.
Task Two: Underline the subordinate clause(s) in each sentence.
Example: Through the streets of London, people were hurrying.

1. As they hurried home, the cold air bit people’s ears.

2. The sky became darker as every minute passed.
3. Every day, people sold Christmas trees on the streets.
4. In every direction, horses’ hooves created a drum beat on the
cold stones.
Task Three: Add a subordinate clause to each sentence.

1. ______________________________________, people rushed to buy

Christmas presents.
2. Snowflakes began to settle _____________________________________.
3. ______________________________________, Christmas decorations
gleamed and twinkled merrily.
4. ______________________________________, the glorious sounds of
Christmas songs could be heard.

Task Four: Correct the 4 plural errors and 4 past simple verb errors.
Victorian London is a busy metropolis. In the days before December
25th, all of the street were lined with desperate business peoples who try
to sell as much as they could. During winter month, it was often
completely dark by 4pm in the afternoon! At Christmas time, Londoners
see Christmas decoration, colourful lights and carol singers in big coats.
Meanwhile, charity collectors find people to give money to the poor.

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