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5 Micro-Resolutions For Anyone

Who Feels Like Change Is

Completely Impossible
By Jennifer Meade
Updated December 25, 201

Inga Seliverstova

Slow and steady wins the race. It is maintenance and

perseverance that are the true keys to success. It is not just
about getting there it is about staying there. The brightest
lights can burn out the fastest. Micro- resolutions and
small changes may seem, simply small and unimportant
compared to bigger long-term goals. However, it is those
small changes that will make the world of a difference.
Anyone can get lucky, yet it is those who can prove they’re
worth that actually matter. It seems minor in the grand
schemes of it- but it is true what they say it is genuinely
the little things that matter.

Wake Up An Hour Earlier And Go To

Bed An Hour Earlie

Do not underestimate the power of sleep. Even when I

force myself to be productive and wake up earlier if I did
not have enough sleep it is a waste. All the coffee in the
world can not make up for a well-rested mind. This
resolution seems to be extremely simple, but trust me it is
easier said than done. There are only so many hours in the
day by learning how to master a functional sleep schedule,
it can literally change the whole outcome of your day.

Start Writing Things Down

I know pen and paper is really outdated in 2019. I
personally type things quickly out on my notes on the
iPhone. It may just be on my phone, however, just having
it in writing makes it feel much more serious. What is said
is vanished in thin air, what is written is forever.
On a more emotional note- it can also be a good idea to
write about your feelings or thoughts. Whether you would
like to write about your day to day life in a journal, your
dreams, or just even your raw emotions. Sometimes it can
be scary to say things out loud or share your most intimate
thoughts to someone. However, there is something quite
beautiful about having these thoughts written just for
yourself.  It doesn’t need to be for anyone else but you- I
have been doing this for years.

It is extremely rewarding and satisfying to read some of

these thoughts, I have had at that time and reflect on that
moment and how far I have come from that. Sometimes
you can not tell people what you are feeling yet at least if
you can tell yourself – that is all that really matters.

Try Something New Once A Mont

It can be something small like trying a new work-out class

or exploring a city you have never been to before. I very
much do not like change, however, you never know what
you can like unless you try it. We do not have all the time
in the world to take risks, but without any risks, there
would be no rewards.
If you aren’t much of a risk-taker bringing a friend along
may help you. The sheer motivation of someone else being
there with you will make it less likely for you to quit.

Up Your Health Regim

I do not love the term “self-care” for lack of a better word-

it just feels basic. Yet it is extremely important to take care
of yourself. It is not just about appearance, it is about
health. It may seem superficial, but looking good will make

you feel good. Whether it can be progress is seen at the

gym, your diet, skincare routine, or your mind when you
read a good book.
Taking this time to take care of yourself is not frivolous it
is absolutely necessary. Trust me, this can be a lot of work.
I could spend all day primping myself like it was my day
job. You do not need to spend an extra 3 hours getting
ready, however, you might benefit from using an SPF and
protecting your skin from the sun- just a thought.

Say What Is On Your Min

Secrets are the silent killer. I spent a long time in denial

and not sharing my truth. I made a lot of compromises and
sacrifices for other people. Slowly but surely my silence
started to kill me. When you are withholding something –
it may not exactly be lying but it’s not honest either.
Eventually, you will realize bottled up emotions is not
worth it.
Most people can not speak their mind, because they are
scared of what others may think. Spoiler alert nobody cares
that much about you. 

I promise you nobody thinks about you as much as you

think they do… and if they do they need to get their own
life. The secret to the best year possible is not caring about

what other people think. Do what you want, go for what

you want, be with who you want. Your life is not about
impressing or pleasing other people. Your life is for you,
not them.

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