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1 Leo: hi brother

2 Emiliano: Hello brother, how are you?

3 Leo:: Well and you?

4 Emiliano: well thanks for asking

5 Leo: ok let's go in

6 Emiliano: Leo, what are you going to order?

7 Leo: There are many options,I don't know what to ask for

8 Emiliano : you should order the chicken burger it's very good ,

9 Leo:Not thanks,I`m on a diet

10 Emiliano: okay, in this case you should order the vegetarian burger

11 Leo: Okay,and you, what hamburguer are you going to order?

12 Emiliano: I'm going to order a hamburger

13 Leo:ok but,only the drink would be missing

14 Emiliano: I'm going to order a coca cola, and you?

15 Leo:I don't know what to order,should I order the water or the fruit shake?

16 Emiliano: since you are on a diet, in this case you need to order the fruit shake

17 Leo: okay

18 Leo :Adrian and if you accompany your hamburger with some chips?

19 Emiliano: No, it's just that I've never liked French fries.

20 Leo: okay, I'll accompany mine with some fried onion ring

21 Emiliano: okay, well now let's wait for the food to arrive
thirty minutes later

22 Leo:The food finally arrived!

23 Emiliano: YES FINALLY

24 Emiliano: Hmmm, my burger is good. How is your hamburger?

25 Leo: Well that's fine, the only thing is that my bread is sweet

26 Emiliano: pity, you have to consult with the waiter

27 Leo: I go to that


28 Emiliano: What did the waiter tell you?

29 Leo:I talked to him and he said sorry for the inconvenience and he will give me a

30 Emiliano: excellent, now it's enough for you to order a dessert

31 Leo:No brother remember I´m on a diet

32 Emiliano: yes I know but you shouldn't leave without to eat anything brother

33 Leo: Okay, but what should I order?

34 Emiliano: you can order the ice cream or the fruit salad

35 Leo: so as not to try to break my diet i'm going to order the fruit salad

36 Emiliano: well it seems good to me

37 Leo: And what are you going to ask for?

38 Emiliano: No thanks I'm already full

ten minutes late
39 Leo: everything was very tasty

40 Emiliano: ok well i already paid so let's go brother

41 Leo:Ok let's go

42 Leo: Emiliano, do you think it's okay for us to meet again on Friday?

43 Emiliano: mm well I can't that day, Is Saturday okay with you and we're going to
see a movie?

44 Leo: I don't have to do anything on Saturday, It seems perfect

45 Emiliano: well,bye brother

46 Leo :Okay bye…

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