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Epidemiologic Methods

Chapter · November 2012

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1599-2_9


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Guohua Li Susan Baker

Columbia University Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


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Chapter 9
Epidemiologic Methods

Guohua Li and Susan P. Baker


Epidemiology is defined as the scientific discipline that studies the distribution and determinants of
disease and injury in population groups across time and space. As a basic science of medicine and
public health, epidemiology is practiced in virtually every clinical specialty and health-related field.
At the core of epidemiology is a systematized set of concepts and methods developed over the past
150 years for understanding illness and health in human populations. These epidemiologic concepts
and methods serve a wide array of functions in disease investigations and health studies, including
(1) identifying the causes of a given medical condition or health problem; (2) measuring the morbid-
ity and mortality in a defined population; (3) understanding the natural history and prognosis of
disease; (4) evaluating the performance of diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive measures; and
(5) providing empiric evidence for the development of public policy to protect and improve health
at the population level (Gordis 1996). Although some of the basic epidemiologic concepts, such as
endemic, epidemic, and environment, can be traced back to Hippocrates, modern epidemiologic
methods did not emerge until the 1840s and did not take root until the 1950s. John Snow, a general
practitioner and a pioneer of anesthesia, is widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of modern
epidemiology. He is credited with not only identifying contaminated water as the transmission mode
of cholera, but also establishing the central paradigm of epidemiology – namely, that the understand-
ing of the causes of disease can be advanced by methodically examining the tempo-spatial patterns
of the disease in different population groups (Bhopal 2008).
During the second half of the nineteenth century and the first 4 decades of the twentieth century,
epidemiologic methods were primarily used in the studies of infectious diseases, such as tuberculo-
sis, influenza, typhoid, and diphtheria. By the 1940s, most of the major infectious diseases had been
effectively controlled in industrialized countries. The public health benefit from the remarkable
reduction in infectious diseases, however, was offset, to a considerable degree, by the rapidly increas-
ing morbidity and mortality from injury, particularly injury resulting from motor vehicle crashes
(Li et al. 1995). In the USA, by the early 1940s, injury had become the leading cause of death for

G. Li, MD, DrPH (*)

Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY, USA
Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, USA
S.P. Baker, MPH, ScD (Hon.)
Center for Injury Research and Policy, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA

G. Li and S.P. Baker (eds.), Injury Research: Theories, Methods, and Approaches, 203
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1599-2_9, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
204 G. Li and S.P. Baker

children and young adults and the fifth leading cause of death overall (Armstrong et al. 1945). With
the shift in mortality patterns, researchers began to increasingly apply epidemiologic methods in
studying noncommunicable chronic diseases and injuries. Godfrey (1937), Armstrong et al. (1945),
Press (1948), Gordon (1949), and King (1949) were among the first to recognize the utility of epi-
demiologic methods in “accident” research and propose the public health approach to “accident”
prevention. Since then, epidemiologic methods have become a prominent component of the tool box
of injury researchers, and injury epidemiology has grown into a well-established specialty. While
Gordon (1949) and Gibson (1961) laid the foundation for injury epidemiology by defining the agent
of injury, Haddon (1968, 1980) played a pivotal role in establishing injury epidemiology and preven-
tion as a scientific discipline through his contribution to the conceptual frameworks, pioneering
research, prolific writing, and effective advocacy. His work has had a lasting influence on injury
research and practice and has inspired several generations of injury epidemiologists.
Epidemiologic concepts and methods are described in depth in many books and are widely taught
to public health and medical students. The contributions of injury researchers to epidemiologic con-
cepts and methods and the unique features of injury epidemiology, however, are often overlooked in
general epidemiology texts. This book contains several chapters discussing different aspects of epi-
demiologic methods as applied to injury research, including Chaps. 1–4 on injury surveillance,
Chaps. 13–19 on trauma management and outcomes, Chaps. 20–26 on injury data analysis, and
Chap. 35 on intervention program evaluation. This chapter discusses the basic epidemiologic con-
cepts, methods, and study designs in the context of etiologic studies of injury.

Epidemiologic Framework

Epidemiology as a discipline is eclectic; it draws on theories and methods from both biological and
social sciences. Epidemiology has penetrated almost every subject area of public health and medi-
cine and developed into many specialties with regard to the specific health problems of interest, such
as infectious disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and injury. Accordingly, epidemiology is often
classified into specialties such as infectious disease epidemiology, cardiovascular disease epidemiol-
ogy, cancer epidemiology, injury epidemiology, and psychiatric epidemiology. Another way to clas-
sify epidemiology into different specialties is based on the etiologic domains of inquiry. Major
specialties under this classification system include environmental epidemiology, social epidemiol-
ogy, genetic epidemiology, and behavioral epidemiology. Because of the important role environ-
mental and behavioral factors play in injury (see Chaps. 11 and 12), injury epidemiology intersects
substantially with environmental epidemiology and behavioral epidemiology. Finally, epidemiology
can be classified according to the methodological orientations that underpin all the subject areas and
etiologic domains. Therefore, reflective of the design features, epidemiologic studies can be catego-
rized into observational epidemiology, experimental epidemiology, and theoretical epidemiology
(Lilienfeld and Lilienfeld 1980).

Epidemiologic Triad

The conceptual model used by epidemiologists for understanding the causes of disease has evolved
from studies of infectious diseases and proven readily applicable to studying other health problems.
The central premise of this conceptual model is that disease is always caused by the interplay of
three component factors: agent, host, and environment. The graphic presentation of these three
factors in relation to disease causation is known as the epidemiologic triad.
9 Epidemiologic Methods 205

The agent factor refers to the etiologic element that is necessary for the initiation of the pathological
process of a disease. Depending on the medical conditions, etiologic elements may appear in different
forms. For infectious diseases, the agents are the microorganisms that cause the infections. For other
diseases, the agents may be the conditions or states created by the presence, absence, or imbalance
of the etiologic elements. Disease agents are generally composed of three types (1) biological, such
as bacteria, viruses, and fungi; (2) chemical, such as toxins, lipids, proteins, and vitamins; and (3)
physical, such as radiation, heat, and mechanical forces. For many infectious agents, an animal car-
rier (e.g., an insect) often serves as a vector for the pathogen to pass from one person to another. The
host factor consists of the personal characteristics (e.g., genetic makeup, age, education, occupation,
medical history, health status, and risk-taking behavior) that influence the likelihood of being exposed
to the disease agent, susceptibility to the disease given exposure, and ability to recover once dis-
eased. In the epidemiologic triad, the environmental factor encompasses all the extrinsic variables
that may influence the occurrence and outcome of the disease in a population, including the physical
environment (e.g., climate, terrain, air quality, structures, and products), the biological environment
(e.g., population density, fauna, and flora), and the socioeconomic environment (e.g., socioeconomic
status, policy, law, culture, and access to care).

The Agent Factor

Gordon (1949) was probably the first epidemiologist to systematically apply the epidemiologic triad
in examining the causes of injury. Although the common agent for most injuries – energy transferred
acutely and excessively – had not been explicitly identified at that time, Gordon (1949) stated aptly
that “the agents concerned with injuries and with accidents, like those of disease, are variously of
physical, chemical, and biologic nature.” Before the specific agent of injury was clearly delineated
by Gibson (1961), researchers mistook vectors for agents. For instance, Gordon (1949) thought that
fall injury related to “a faulty ladder, a playful pup, or a misplaced handbag” had different agents
(i.e., ladder, pup, and handbag, respectively) and that injuries sustained through cutting, piercing,
and collision with regard to a glass door shared the same agent (i.e., the glass door).
King (1949) came close to identifying the agent of injury when he hypothesized that accidents
occurred when external stresses exceeded the minimum level of human tolerance. He even outlined
three categories of stress: physical (e.g., thermal, mechanical, radiation, and electrical stresses);
chemical (e.g., toxins and drugs); and biological (psychological stress, aging and disease, and
malnutrition) (King 1949). However, King failed to separate injury from accident or to differentiate
host and environmental factors from etiological factors, thus missing the opportunity to make the
fundamental discovery of the common agent of injury. The conceptual breakthrough in explicitly
identifying the agent of injury occurred in 1961 when James Gibson, an experimental psychologist,
concluded that “injuries to a living organism can be produced only by some energy interchange”
(Gibson 1961). There are two general mechanisms through which abnormal energy exchange causes
injury. The first is that energy is transmitted to the human body in an amount that exceeds the injury
threshold. This mechanism accounts for the majority of injuries, including those resulting from
motor vehicle crashes, airplane crashes, gun-shot wounds, falls, burns, and electrocutions. The sec-
ond mechanism does not involve excess energy exchange but the interference with normal energy
exchange necessary for maintaining physiological functions. Drowning and suffocation are among
the examples of injury resulting from the second mechanism. Although energies involved in injury
causation could be mechanical, thermal, radiant, electrical, and chemical, they are physical in essence
and thus can be adequately understood and effectively controlled.
Another notable development in the evolution of injury epidemiology was the recognition of
vectors (or vehicles) that carry the etiologic agent of injury. Haddon (1963) laid the conceptual
foundation for applying the epidemiologic triad to injury research and prevention by clarifying the
206 G. Li and S.P. Baker

confusion about the agents and vectors of injury. He was the first to specifically point out that objects
directly involved in injury causation, such as machinery, bullets, and electric lines, are not agents but
vectors. In some injury scenarios, the host could also be the vector, as in the case of a person falling
or a pedestrian injured by unintentionally bumping into a telephone pole (Haddon 1963). Because
the vectors of injury are mostly man-made and amenable to modification, they represent important
targets for effective intervention programs to reduce injury occurrences and mitigate injury severity
and other consequences.

The Host Factor

In the epidemiologic triad, the host refers to the individual persons or population groups that are
susceptible to injury. The host factor includes all the variables characterizing the human subjects
under study on either the individual or the population level. Variables that may influence one’s sus-
ceptibility to injury can be categorized into three groups (1) biological, such as age, sex, race, and
genotype; (2) psychosocial, such as personality, education, occupation, marital status, and place of
residence; and (3) behavioral, such as risk-taking, alcohol and drug use, seatbelt use, and safety
helmet use. Because the host factor is concerned with people, it is also called a personal factor or
intrinsic factor. “Human factors,” however, is a specially defined term, referring to the engineering
specialty that aims to optimize the man–machine interface.
The host factor has long been the focal point of injury research, particularly before the 1960s.
Although biological, psychosocial, and behavioral characteristics are important determinants of
injury (see Chaps. 11, 12, and 17) and are useful for understanding the epidemiologic patterns of
injury and for identifying high-risk groups, they are either immutable or difficult to change. Therefore,
research that focuses on the host factor often has limited value for injury control and prevention.
Despite the exhaustive effort to delineate the host factor of injury, two overarching areas of scien-
tific importance remain largely unexplored. The first area concerns the interaction between injury and
human genetics. Genetic markers are associated with risk-taking behavior, susceptibility to injury,
and survival outcome of injury (Neves et al. 2010; Grigorenko et al. 2010; Dash et al. 2010). Relative
to diseases, injury tends to disproportionately affect children and young adults, often resulting in
premature death before procreation, and often aggregating in families. It is not uncommon for several
family members or an entire family to perish in the same car crash or plane crash. The hypothesis that
injury may play a significant role in natural selection and the evolution of human genetics was pro-
posed by Gibson (1961) and articulated by Haddon (1963, 1980). With the completion of the human
genome project and the remarkable advances in biotechnology, examining the interface between
injury and human genetics has become increasingly practical.
The second important yet understudied area regarding the host factor of injury is the complex
relationship between injury and disease. Although it is well recognized that people with preexisting
medical conditions, comorbidities, or disabilities are at a significantly increased risk of injury and
that certain types of injury (e.g., traumatic brain injury and hip fracture) may drastically increase the
victim’s susceptibility to specific diseases or worsen the prognosis of preexisting medical condi-
tions, the dynamics of the injury–disease relationship during the life course of human development
has not been well understood.

The Environment Factor

The concept of environment in injury epidemiology is expansive, comprising all the elements
constituting the context, circumstance, and conditions that may influence, directly or indirectly, the
occurrence of injury. The environmental factor can be generally categorized into three groups:
9 Epidemiologic Methods 207

physical, biological, and socioeconomic (Gordon 1949). The physical environment includes both
natural features, such as climate, weather, and terrain, and man-made structures and conditions, such
as windows, stairs, stoves, lighting, air conditioning, and ventilation. Overall, the physical environ-
ment is the most important determinant of injury because it can act as the vector of the etiologic
agent, influence the form, duration, and intensity of the energy transferred to the host, and substan-
tially modify the host’s susceptibility to injury. The biological environment, such as population
density and fauna, may also play a significant role in the causation of traffic injury and other types
of injury (Björnstig 1992; Goldstein et al. 2011). The physical environment is especially relevant to
injury prevention and control because it can be most easily changed. The socioeconomic environ-
ment is composed of a variety of constructs, such as socioeconomic status, income equality, policy,
regulation, law, international treaties, culture, and emergency medical services systems. The socio-
economic environment has become increasingly complex and its relation to injury remains an impor-
tant topic of epidemiologic research.
Like many diseases, injury often shows discernable patterns when examined according to environ-
mental characteristics, such as socioeconomic status and geographic regions. For instance, Gordon
(1949) found that the incidence rates of injury and pneumonia in the USA were inversely associated
with family income in similar patterns. There is a large body of literature documenting the geo-
graphic variations of different types of injury (Baker et al. 1984, 1991; Waller et al. 1989; Kearney
and Li 2000). In fact, analysis and interpretation of geographic variations in injury morbidity and
mortality have been an essential part of research efforts throughout the history of injury epidemiol-
ogy (Gordon 1949; Baker et al. 1984; Goldstein et al. 2011). Recent developments in geographic
information systems and statistical techniques for spatial data analysis have significantly advanced
this area of inquiry (see Chaps. 24 and 25). For instance, researchers had long documented the marked
differences in suicide rates across geographic regions in the USA (Baker et al. 1984; Cheng 2010).
Early studies, however, were limited to cross-state comparisons of suicide mortality data, and shed
little light on the causes of the observed geographic patterns. Lawrynowicz and Baker (2005) showed
that suicide rates were higher not only in northern latitudes but also in the most southern latitudes,
suggesting the effect of seasonal or diurnal light variation on suicide rates. With more refined geospa-
tial data and analytical techniques, recent studies have pinpointed the altitude gradient in the geo-
graphic variations in suicide, leading to the hypothesis that higher suicide rates in mountainous areas
are due to mild hypoxia and increased mood disorders (Haws et al. 2009; Kim et al. 2011).

Extension of the Epidemiologic Triad

One of the most important yet underappreciated contributions injury researchers made to the disci-
pline of epidemiology is transforming its conceptual framework from a static model to a dynamic
one (Fig. 9.1). Specifically, Haddon (1968, 1972, 1980) added a time dimension to the epidemiologic
triad and created a conceptual framework that is much more powerful than the classic one. Time is
an ultimate continuous variable. For simplicity, Haddon (1980) divided time into three phases: pre-
event, event, and post-event. The pre-event phase refers to those factors that contribute to or prevent
the event from happening (e.g., road design and brakes). Event-phase factors determine whether a
person is injured when an event occurs (e.g., helmets and airbags). Post-event factors include every-
thing that determines survival and the degree of recovery. Combining the three-phase time dimen-
sion with the epidemiologic triad forms a 3 by 3 matrix, known as the Haddon matrix. Although the
extended conceptual framework is designed and used primarily for guiding the development of injury
control strategies and countermeasures, it provides an enhanced and a coherent theoretical model for
understanding the causes of injury and for bridging the divides among different disciplines that con-
centrate on issues in different cells of the Haddon matrix. Although the enhanced theoretical model
208 G. Li and S.P. Baker

Fig. 9.1 Graphical

presentation relating
the epidemiologic triad
to the Haddon matrix

developed by Haddon is clearly applicable to epidemiologic studies of other health problems, its
influence so far has been largely confined to injury research and prevention (see Chap. 29).
In the past 2 decades, injury epidemiologists have made strides in understanding the mathemati-
cal foundation of the Haddon matrix and in translating the qualitative conceptual framework into
quantitative methods (Li and Baker 1996; Li et al. 1998, 2003; Dellinger et al. 2002; Zwerling et al.
2005; Meuleners et al. 2006; Goldstein et al. 2011). Li and Baker (1996) found that the population-
based injury mortality rate is a simple multiplicative function of exposure prevalence, injury inci-
dence density, and case fatality, which correspond to the pre-event, event, and post-event phases in
the Haddon matrix (Fig. 9.1). Building on the mathematical function, a decomposition method has
been developed for identifying relevant factors contributing to injury mortality (Li et al. 1998; Porta
2008; Goldstein et al. 2011). To facilitate the use of the Haddon matrix by policy makers and injury
prevention practitioners, Runyan (1998) added to the conceptual framework a dimension of decision
criteria, such as effectiveness, cost, liberty, equity, and feasibility.

Epidemiologic Causation

Methods and conditions for inferring cause-and-effect relations have been the central theme of sci-
entific philosophy for centuries. In epidemiologic investigations of infectious diseases with unknown
causes, the most pressing challenge facing researchers is to identify the etiologic agent or the patho-
gen. The Henle–Koch Postulates, which were formulated to evaluate the causality between an agent
and an infectious disease, require that the agent be present in all the patients with the disease, not
found in any patient without the disease, capable of reproducing the disease in susceptible human
subjects or animals, and present in all the individuals with the experimentally produced disease
(Porta 2008). The Henle–Koch model, however, does not apply well to chronic diseases because
most of them result from a complex interplay of multiple causal factors and cannot be easily sub-
jected to experimentation. The causes of chronic diseases may be proximal and direct as well as
distal and indirect. Consequently, epidemiologists become increasingly reliant on observational
data, which often allow only for the identification of statistical associations. Thus, the philosophical
9 Epidemiologic Methods 209

challenge of reasoning about causality is reduced to the practical question of how to determine
whether an observed association is of causal nature. In the past 5 decades, epidemiologists have
developed a conceptual framework for guiding evidence evaluation to identify causal associations.
The foundation of this conceptual framework was laid out by Hill (1965), who proposed “nine
different viewpoints” for consideration before interpreting an association as causation:
1. Strength of the association, which is measured by relative risk or absolute risk in those who were
exposed to the putative cause compared to those who were not. The evidence for causation
increases as the strength of the observed association increases.
2. Consistency of the association, which refers to the degree of reproducibility of the evidence
observed in different study population groups, geographic regions, and time periods, and with dif-
ferent study designs. Although inconsistency in findings from different studies does not necessarily
rule out a causal association, a high degree of consistency strengthens the evidence for causation.
3. Specificity of the association, which refers to the exclusivity in the association between a putative
cause and a disease. If the putative cause is associated with the particular disease only, or if the
disease occurs only in those who are exposed to the putative cause, the evidence for causation is
4. Temporality, which represents the necessary condition for causation that the exposure to the puta-
tive cause must precede the disease.
5. Biological gradient, which refers to the dose–response phenomenon. The presence of a dose–
response relationship between the degree of exposure to the putative cause and the disease risk is
evidence in favor of causation.
6. Plausibility, which refers to the degree to which the observed association agrees with the contem-
porary biological science. Biological plausibility provides corroborative evidence for causation.
7. Coherence, which refers to the compatibility between the suspected causation and the general
knowledge base. Inferring causality from the observed association should not seriously contradict
established scientific theories and knowledge.
8. Experiment, which refers to supportive evidence from experimental regimens. The association
between the putative cause and the disease should change logically when the exposure to the
putative cause is altered.
9. Analogy, which refers to evidence from established causal relationships that are conceptually
similar or biologically analogous to the observed association.
The above framework proposed by Hill is discussed in many subsequent epidemiology texts. Most
of the authors omit “coherence” and “analogy” from their discussion because of the perceived irrel-
evance or redundancy. Although none of the nine elements in the conceptual framework constitutes a
sufficient condition for causality, each contributes to the evidence base for the evaluation of causation.
For instance, “analogy,” which is conceptually similar to the consideration of precedence in judicial
reasoning, may render valuable evidence to the adjudication of the suspected causation, but is widely
disregarded by contemporary epidemiologists. There is also a commonly held misperception that the
elements in this conceptual framework proposed by Hill (1965) form the criteria of causation. This
misperception has led to the questionable practice of using the framework as a checklist.
Hill’s conceptual framework, which has been elaborated by other epidemiology scholars (Rothman
1976; Susser 1991), made a unique contribution to scientific philosophy. Its holistic approach pro-
vides a sound and comprehensive structure that incorporates all the relevant evidence into the adju-
dication of causality, and has served the empirical science of epidemiology extremely well. Implicit
in Hill’s conceptual framework is the recognition of the cognitive aspect in causal inference and the
limitations inherent in observational data, such as measurement error, confounding, and missing
information. While explaining the rationale of his conceptual framework, Hill (1965) stated that “all
scientific work is incomplete – whether it be observational or experimental. All scientific work is
liable to be upset or modified by advancing knowledge.”
210 G. Li and S.P. Baker

It is noteworthy that causality is defined, inferred, and interpreted differently in different disci-
plines. The conceptual framework discussed above represents the prevailing view on causation in
epidemiology. Recent developments in statistics and computer science have significantly advanced the
idea of automating the process of causal inference through direct acyclic graphs, causal networks and
models, and mathematical and computational techniques (Pearl 2009). These methodological innova-
tions have been increasingly introduced into epidemiology, resulting in many promising conceptual
models and novel approaches to research design and data analysis that may help improve causal think-
ing and practice. It is worth noting that the automation or mathematicalization of causal inference
always relies on some assumption about the nature of the interrelations among the variables under
study or the joint distribution of the data that is not testable based on observational data (Pearl 2009).
Therefore, statistically- and mathematically-based causal models may play a complementary role in
the evaluation of causative relations but are unlikely to substitute for the epidemiologist’s content
expertise and judicious deliberation called for by the conceptual framework proposed by Hill (1965).

Injury as a Disease

Before 1979, injury was labeled as “accident” in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
system. Since then, injury has been categorized in the ninth and tenth editions of the ICD system as
a miscellaneous group called “injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes.”
Although both “disease” and “injury” describe adverse health conditions, the current ICD classifica-
tion seems to imply that the former is due to internal causes intrinsic to the host and the latter due to
external causes originating in the environment. This differentiation is obviously inaccurate because
the epidemiologic triad applies to injury and disease equally well, and because in some cases the
etiologic agents for disease and injury are the same. Baker and Haddon (1974) pointed out that the
damage to the spine from an acute, excess transfer of mechanical forces is usually called injury,
whereas the damage to the spine from chronic, small-dose mechanical energy exchanges may result
in a disease (e.g., herniated disk). Similarly, exposure to ionizing radiation could result in burns
(injury) instantly or leukemia (disease) within years.
In spite of the similarities between disease and injury in causes and consequences, there are at
least three notable features that distinguish injury from most diseases. First, injury has an extremely
short latency (i.e., the time interval between the exposure to the etiologic agent and the manifestation
of injury). The latency for infectious diseases is usually called the incubation period, which may
range from a few hours to several months. For chronic diseases, it usually takes years for clinical
symptoms to emerge after the initial exposure to etiologic agents. The latency for diseases provides
a precious time window for early diagnosis and early intervention. For most injuries, the latency is
so short that it is virtually nonexistent. Therefore, strategies for early diagnosis and early interven-
tion developed for disease control are largely irrelevant to injury control, with the exception of
belated hemorrhage in the brain and other internal organs, in which clinical signs may not manifest
until several hours after the initial physical impact.
Second, injury could result from both unintentional and intentional acts. While acquiring a dis-
ease on purpose is extremely rare, intentional injury through acts directed to oneself or another is
common. Each year, in the USA, intentional injury claims over 50,000 lives in the forms of suicide
and homicide and results in about two million emergency department visits in the forms of suicide
attempts and assaults (Betz and Li 2005). Although the intentionality of injury is usually dichoto-
mized into unintentional and intentional, in reality the intent for many injuries is not clear-cut and
may best be classified as partially intentional and partially unintentional. This continuum of inten-
tionality blurs the artificial boundaries between unintentional and intentional injuries as well as
between suicide and homicide (Bills and Li 2005). For instance, a man who is furious with his child
might shake him violently, injuring or even killing him, but without the intent to do so. Or, a depressed
9 Epidemiologic Methods 211

woman who did not care whether she lived or died might drive very recklessly. Intentionality introduces
many unique factors into injury causation and makes injury a health problem that is more complex
and more difficult to understand and control than most diseases.
Finally, unlike many diseases, injury cannot be prevented by vaccination or pharmaceutical pro-
phylaxis, with the exception of taking vitamin D and calcium supplements to reduce the risk of
fractures from falls in the osteoporotic elderly. Susceptibility to injury is universal and lasts through-
out the lifespan. Past injury does not produce any immunity to the host. On the contrary, a positive
history of injury is an indicator of increased propensity to future injury. The human host’s universal
susceptibility to injury and the inapplicability of vaccine and pharmaceutical prophylaxis to injury
prevention make it necessary to focus on countermeasures that operate at the population level, are
directed at environmental factors, and require little or no action by individuals (Haddon 1980).

Epidemiologic Designs

Epidemiologic studies can be generally categorized into two groups based on research designs:
experimental and observational. The most important attribute that differentiates the two types of
research designs is the manner by which study subjects are assigned to different groups. The experi-
mental design requires that study subjects be allocated into treatment and control groups through
randomization. The randomized assignment could be performed at the individual level or at the
group or community level. The observational design, on the other hand, does not involve randomized
assignment of study subjects into different groups. Randomization in the experimental design cre-
ates a condition that approximates the counterfactual scenario. Thus, experimental studies are widely
regarded as being less susceptible to biases and producing more rigorous evidence for causality than
observational studies. Epidemiologic research in recent years, however, has become increasingly
reliant on observational designs due to cost and feasibility constraints in the experimental design as
well as continuing improvements in observational methodology. Both experimental and observa-
tional designs play an integral part in injury epidemiology (Fig. 9.2). The following discussion

Fig. 9.2 Classification of epidemiologic study designs

212 G. Li and S.P. Baker

focuses on epidemiologic designs that are commonly used in observational studies pertaining to
injury causation and prevention. Experimental methods are discussed in detail in Chap. 8.

Case–Control Design

Establishment of the case–control design as a scientifically sound method is arguably the most
important development in epidemiology in the twentieth century. The basic tenet of the case–control
design is the comparison of exposure prevalence to putative causes between a group of people with
the injury (cases) and a group of people without the injury (controls). Because the case status can be
determined only after a study subject has sustained the injury and because the search for causality
proceeds backward from injury to putative causes, case–control studies are often called retrospective
studies. Although case–control studies are retrospective in essence, not all retrospective studies or
comparative analyses can be regarded as case–control studies. One of the distinctive features of the
case–control design is the special requirement that cases and controls are selected through such a
sampling scheme that they are representative of the injured and the non-injured populations, respec-
tively. Specifically, the case–control design requires that the selection of cases and controls be inde-
pendent of the individual’s exposure status to any putative cause. That is, an individual who sustained
the injury and who was exposed to a supposed cause has the same chance to be selected as a case as
an individual who sustained the injury but was not exposed to the putative cause; and an individual
who did not sustain the injury and who was exposed to a supposed cause has the same chance to be
selected as a control as an individual who neither sustained the injury nor was exposed to the puta-
tive cause. This special requirement is necessary because the scientific foundation of the case–con-
trol design that the odds ratio of exposure is equivalent to the odds ratio of injury is based on the
assumption that cases and controls are representative of their respective source populations (Mantel
and Haenszel 1959). These source populations, particularly the ones that generate the controls, are
not always explicitly defined. As a result, the selection of controls is often the most important and
most challenging part in a case–control study. It is worth noting that in a case–control study, the
investigator cannot directly measure the odds ratio of injury; the scientific foundation underlying
the case–control design, however, allows the investigator to substitute the odds ratio of exposure for
the odds ratio of injury.
In addition to the assumption regarding the selection of cases and controls, the injury under study
is assumed to be a rare occurrence. The assumption of rarity is necessary for the estimated odds ratio
to approximate relative risk directly (Cornfield 1951). Subsequent development in research method-
ology has virtually voided the assumption of rarity in the case–control design as statistical tech-
niques for transforming odds ratios into risk ratios have become readily available (Zhang and Yu
1998; Spiegelman and Hertzmark 2005).
The studies of smoking and lung cancer by Levin et al. (1950), Wynder and Graham (1950), and
Doll and Hill (1950) are widely perceived as the first formal applications of the case–control design
in epidemiologic research (Morabia 2004). This perception is likely unduly influenced by the his-
toric role these studies played in establishing the causality between smoking and lung cancer. The
formal application of the case–control design in injury epidemiology can be traced back to a study
of alcohol and driver injury published in the Journal of American Medical Association by Holcomb
(1938). Use of alcohol by drivers had long been considered a causative factor for injurious motor
vehicle crashes. But in the absence of empiric data about the threshold blood alcohol concentration
(BAC) above which driving skills are impaired and about the dose–response relationship between
BACs and crash risk, it was difficult in the court of laws to convict intoxicated drivers of driving
under the influence of alcohol. To shed light on the causal role of alcohol in traffic injury, Holcomb
compared alcohol measurement data for 270 drivers who were hospitalized for injury from motor
9 Epidemiologic Methods 213

vehicle crashes and 1,750 drivers who were traveling in the approximate areas where the injurious
crashes occurred. Based on this case–control analysis, Holcomb found that overall, 46% of the
injured drivers and 12% of the drivers from the general driver population tested positive for alcohol,
that the difference in the percentage distribution of BACs in the two groups of drivers increased as
BAC increased in a dose–response fashion, and that the percentages of drinking drivers between the
two groups were similar at BACs less than 0.05 g/dL, indicating that alcohol was not necessarily a
significant causal factor for injurious crashes until BAC exceeded this threshold level. Further analy-
sis of the alcohol data according to time of day, day of week, and driver age and sex confirmed that
the difference in BACs between the two groups of drivers persisted (Holcomb 1938).
The case–control design has since been exquisitely refined and elegantly applied by injury epide-
miologists. Matching on potential confounding factors between cases and controls is a commonly
used technique for bias control. Nobody, however, has used this technique more cleverly and more
effectively than Haddon and colleagues. In two landmark studies examining the relationship between
BAC and fatal traffic injury (Haddon et al. 1961; McCarroll and Haddon 1962), the investigators
incorporated an innovative matching technique into the case–control design. The first study was
conducted in pedestrians, in which Haddon and colleagues selected four controls for each case of
pedestrian fatalities from passing-by pedestrians who were interviewed at the same site where the
injury case took place (Haddon et al. 1961). Furthermore, the site visit for each case was made on a
subsequent date around the same time of day and on the same day of the week when the injury case
occurred. Following the on-site interview, the investigators tested each control pedestrian for BAC
using a breathalyzer. Through this design, Haddon and colleagues were able to match each case and
corresponding controls on tempo-spatial confounding factors that might threaten the validity of the
study findings. The second study was conducted in drivers, with cases being those who were fatally
injured in crashes and controls being those who were selected at random traveling in the same direc-
tion of traffic around the same time of day and on the same day of the week as the injury case
(McCarroll and Haddon 1962).
Subsequently, the tempo-spatial matching technique pioneered by Haddon and colleagues has
been adopted by injury researchers in a variety of studies (Tsai et al. 1995; Li et al. 2001; Smith et
al. 2001). This unique matching technique is effective for studying behavioral risk factors as well as
other personal risk factors. For instance, in a case–control study conducted in general aviation pilots,
Groff and Price (2006) used the tempo-spatial matching technique to examine the associations of
pilot age, flight experience, certificate level, instrument rating, and testing performance with crash
risk in degraded visibility, in which controls were selected through archived radar data and matched
with cases on weather conditions, location, time, and rules of flight. A similar but more rigorous
matching technique has been used in studies of combat sports injuries, such as injuries to profes-
sional boxers and mixed martial artists (Bledsoe et al. 2005, 2006), in which cases and controls are
pair-matched on sex, body weight, and rules, in addition to tempo-spatial factors.

Case-Crossover Design

The case-crossover design is an epidemiologic method especially suited for studying proximal causes,
or “triggers,” of acute medical conditions, such as injury, myocardial infarction, and asthma attack. It
is a hybrid of the conventional case–control design and crossover design. Its distinct feature is that
each case serves as its own control. Therefore, unlike other study designs, the case-crossover design
does not require a separate group of study subjects to serve as referents or controls. The essence of
the case-crossover design is a pair-wise comparison within the cases of the exposure prevalence
between two time windows: the case time window and the control time window. The case time win-
dow refers to the defined time period immediately preceding the occurrence of the acute outcome
214 G. Li and S.P. Baker

under study, such as injury. The control time window refers to the same time period experienced by
the study subject on a previous date. For enhancing study power and controlling for biases, the inves-
tigator may use multiple control time windows from different dates, such as the dates 1 day, 1 week,
and 1 month prior to the day of the index injury. The association between a putative cause and the risk
of injury can be measured by the estimated odds ratio using the Mantel–Haenszel method for pair-
matched case–control data. Use of cases as their own controls in the case-crossover design has two
major advantages over other observational methods. First, self-matching strengthens the validity of
the study results by eliminating many important confounding factors that are constant or stable within
the follow-back period, such as genetic characteristics, age, sex, education, occupation, socioeco-
nomic status, and chronic medical conditions. Second, self-matching increases the efficiency of the
study by using the cases themselves as controls, instead of a separate group of study subjects.
The case-crossover design is widely credited to Maclure (1991), who applied the method in
studying the transient effects on myocardial infarction onset of episodic exposures, such as physical
exertion and anger. Most epidemiologists are unaware that the case-crossover design was originally
developed by injury researchers. Wright and Robertson (1976) were among the first to use this
method to study hazardous road characteristics as causes of fatal motor vehicle crashes. In this ele-
gant study, Wright and Robertson compared road curvature, superelevation, and gradient measured
in a 0.3 km section at 300 crash sites with those measured at 600 control sites (defined as the sites
located 1.6 km upstream and 1.6 km downstream from the crash site). They found that crash sites
were significantly more likely than control sites to have a road curvature greater than 6° and exhibit
a downhill gradient (Wright and Robertson 1976). Wintemute and colleagues (1990) used the same
design developed by Wright and Robertson in a study of occupant fatalities resulting from motor
vehicle immersions and found that road curvature of 20° or greater was associated with a sixfold
increased risk of drowning for crash victims. This finding prompted the researchers to call for the
installation of guard rails in highly curved segments of roadways.
The case-crossover design as an effective method for injury research has become increasingly
popular in the past 2 decades. Researchers have used this method to assess the causal role of cellular-
telephone use, fatigue, alcohol, medication, and environmental hazards in a variety of injuries
(Roberts et al. 1995; Vinson et al. 1995; Redelmeier and Tibshirani 1997; Sorock et al. 2004;
Edmonds and Vinson 2007; Yang et al. 2011).

Cohort Design

“Cohort” as an epidemiologic concept refers to a group of persons who share certain characteristics
or experiences. If the individuals in the designated group were born around the same time, they are
usually called a birth cohort. The cohort design is a straightforward yet powerful observational
research method. Its main feature is follow-up of a designated group of persons over a time period.
If the designated group of persons is formed at the beginning of the follow-up (i.e., baseline) and no
new study subjects are added to the group during the follow-up, then it is called a fixed cohort. On
the other hand, if more individuals are intermittently added to the designated group of study subjects
during the follow-up, it is called a dynamic cohort. Depending on the timing of the inception and
follow-up of the designated group, cohort studies can be categorized into three groups (1) prospec-
tive cohort, (2) retrospective (or historical) cohort, and (3) ambidirectional cohort. In a prospective
cohort study, follow-up proceeds from the present to the future. In a retrospective cohort study, fol-
low-up is carried out for a past time period, usually based on archival data. In an ambidirectional
cohort study, the follow-up starts in the past and ends in the future. A longitudinal study is a special
form of cohort study in which individual study subjects are assessed periodically multiple times
during the follow-up.
9 Epidemiologic Methods 215

The cohort design has several advantages over the case–control design and the case-crossover
design. Foremost is its ability to provide data for determining the incidence of injury per person-time
of follow-up or per unit of exposure (e.g., mileage of travel and hours of work). The incidence data
are crucial for researchers to assess the risk of injury in both absolute and relative measures. Other
major advantages of the cohort design include the elimination of recall bias and ambiguity in tem-
porality that often plague the case–control design and hinder causal inference, and the capacity to
allow investigators to assess multiple outcomes. The most notable disadvantage of the cohort design
is the lack of efficiency because it often requires following a large group of study subjects over an
extended time period. Epidemiologic designs that combine the features of case–control studies and
cohort studies, such as the nested case–control design and case–cohort design, are computationally
more efficient than the cohort design. But, these hybrid methods are no substitute for the cohort
design, nor do they exist independent of the cohort studies.
The cohort design has been used by injury epidemiologists in numerous studies (Gardner et al.
1999; Li et al. 2003; Batty et al. 2009). To determine the incidence and risk factors of sports injuries
in adolescents, Knowles and colleagues (2006) followed prospectively for 3 years a cohort of 15,038
high school athletes in North Carolina. These study subjects were selected based on a two-stage
cluster sampling scheme to represent the state high school athlete population in 12 varsity sports.
Baseline data for each study subject were collected using an athlete’s demographic questionnaire.
Follow-up data on exposure to sports practices and competitions and related injury were collected
using a weekly participation form and an injury report form. A reportable injury was operationally
defined as any injury sustained during sports participation that required medical attention or restricted
activity. Exposure to sports was measured by “athlete-exposures,” defined as the cumulative count
of preseason and regular season practices and competitions each athlete participated in during the
follow-up period. Knowles and colleagues (2006) found that the overall incidence of injury for high
school athletes was 2.1 per 100 athlete exposures, ranging from 1.0 for baseball players to 3.5 for
football players and that players with a prior injury were nearly twice as likely as their counterparts
without a history of injury to be injured during the follow-up. In light of their finding, Knowles et al.
recommended that injury control strategies for high school athletes should emphasize primary
prevention and adequate rehabilitation of the initial injury.
Pollack and colleagues (2007) used a retrospective cohort design to assess the causal relationship
between body mass index (BMI) and occupational injury in aluminum manufacturing workers. Their
study cohort consisted of 7,690 employees aged 18–65 years in 2002. Baseline BMI was calculated
based on body weight and height data recorded during physical examination. These employees were
followed through the company’s payroll records and injury surveillance system. With adjustment for
demographic characteristics, smoking, job physical demand, and seniority, the investigators found
that relative to employees with normal BMI (18.5–24.9 kg/m2), the risk of occupational injury
increased by 26% for those who were overweight (BMI = 25.0–29.9 kg/m2), 54% for those who were
obese (BMI = 30.0–39.9 kg/m2), and 121% for those who were morbidly obese (BMI ≥ 40.0 kg/m2).
The finding underscores the necessity of integrating workplace health promotion programs, such as
weight management, into occupational safety strategies.

Natural Experiment

Natural experiment refers to an observational study design in which the assignment of study sub-
jects to different treatment groups or different levels of exposure to a putative cause is made by
“natural” circumstances that are not manipulated by the investigator. In many situations, the assign-
ment of exposure levels is also out of the control of the study subjects. Although a natural experi-
ment is not a real controlled experiment, it is widely regarded as a form of research design that
216 G. Li and S.P. Baker

produces stronger evidence for causal inference than do other observational studies. As an observa-
tional study design, natural experiment has several notable advantages over alternative designs,
including practicality, efficiency, and effectiveness. It is particularly appealing when the random-
ized controlled trial design is not feasible due to ethical, economic, or other concerns. Since natural
experiments are usually conducted in real-world settings, the observed “effects” should be inter-
preted as the effectiveness, rather than the efficacy as in randomized controlled trials. As an obser-
vational study design with some experimental features, natural experiment is sometimes called
quasi experiment.
The term “natural experiment” is believed to be derived from John Snow’s investigation on the
cholera outbreak in the Soho District of London in 1854. One of the studies Snow performed to
prove that cholera was transmitted through contaminated drinking water was the comparison of
mortality rates from cholera between two groups of residents who lived in the same area but used
drinking water supplied by two different companies. While one company, Southwark and
Vauxhall, obtained water from the heavily contaminated lower section of the Thames River, the
other company, Lambeth, took water from the less polluted upper section of the river. By analyz-
ing the population and mortality data, Snow was able to reveal an eightfold increased death rate
from cholera for residents served by the Southwark and Vauxhall Company (Lilienfeld and
Lilienfeld 1980).
The natural experiment design has long served as a valuable tool for injury research. Robertson
and colleagues (1974) used the natural experiment design to assess the effect of television cam-
paigns on seatbelt use. The study was done in a county of approximately 13,800 households that
were serviced by a dual cable television system. About 6,400 households that chose to pay for the
enhanced signal were on Cable A and about 7,400 households were on Cable B. Both cables pro-
vided the same channels and content. Although the assignment of households to one of the two
cables was not random, residents living in the households on Cable A were similar to those on
Cable B with regard to demographic characteristics and car ownership. Professionally developed
messages and images promoting seatbelt use were shown for a 9-month period in Cable A only.
Data on driver seatbelt usage and vehicle license plate numbers were collected through field obser-
vations in 14 carefully selected sites. Driver home addresses were identified by matching vehicle
license plate numbers with the state department of motor vehicles data files. Exposure status to
television campaign messages was then determined by linking driver names and addresses to the
cable company’s consumer database. Based on over 10,000 observations, Robertson and colleagues
found that seatbelt use rates in the two groups of drivers were virtually identical both before and
after the television campaigns started. Their study provided the most compelling evidence that
changing safety behavior through educational interventions alone represented an ineffective
approach to injury control.
The natural experiment design is especially valuable in evaluation research on policy interven-
tions because these interventions are rarely implemented in a randomized manner or in a way that
is manipulated by the investigator. Sometimes, implementation of policy interventions may create
conditions that approximate controlled experimentation. For instance, in 1995, the federal
Department of Transportation initiated a program whereby alcohol testing was mandated for ran-
domly sampled employees who were motor carrier drivers (operators of trucks with a gross vehi-
cle weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds). There was no similar program relevant to car
drivers. Thus, fatal multivehicle crashes involving a motor carrier and a passenger car present a
unique natural experiment scenario for assessing the effectiveness of the mandatory alcohol test-
ing program in reducing alcohol use by motor carrier drivers. The investigators capitalized on the
tempo-spatial-matched multivehicle crash data and found that the mandatory random alcohol
testing program resulted in a 23% reduction in alcohol use by drivers of large trucks involved in
fatal crashes (Brady et al. 2009).
9 Epidemiologic Methods 217

Future Directions

Epidemiologic methods have played an instrumental role in injury research, particularly in recog-
nizing and defining injury as a public health problem, identifying, and understanding the myriad
causal factors of injury, and developing and evaluating intervention programs to mitigate the risk
and consequence of injury. At the same time, injury researchers have contributed substantially to
the evolution of modern epidemiologic theory and methodology. Transformation of the injury
research field to further improve safety and health will require researchers to continue strengthen-
ing the scientific foundation of injury epidemiology by embracing advances in bioinformatics,
statistics, and other disciplines and by integrating their work into biomechanical engineering,
emergency medical services, trauma care, and rehabilitation. New developments in information
technology will have a profound impact on future research and practice of injury epidemiology.
Data from electronic patient records and many other sources present a double-edged sword to
epidemiologists. While the unprecedented amount, diversity, and complexity of data available
may allow researchers to tackle questions that were preciously out of reach, making appropriate
use of these data is often hampered by increasingly restrictive privacy and ethics rules, question-
able data quality, and inadequate research methods. Injury epidemiologists need to develop inno-
vative study designs and analytical methods to capitalize on the rapidly expanding databases to
advance the field of injury research. Finally, given the complexity of injury causation and out-
comes, it is imperative for epidemiologists to step out of their comfort zones to take an interdisci-
plinary approach to injury research by collaborating with biomedical scientists, clinicians,
engineers, sociologists, and other professionals. An example of the benefit of such collaboration
is illustrated by the research approach of Winston and colleagues (Winston et al. 1996, 2002;
Durbin et al. 2003), where specialists in epidemiology, medicine, and biomechanics have com-
bined forces to determine how children are killed in crashes and how their injuries can be pre-
vented. Disciplinary integration is the most promising pathway to advancing the science and
practice of injury epidemiology and prevention.


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