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Justin Frank

1. An action or group of stored instructions used to automate tasks.
(E) Macro
2. Remarks added to a macro or VBA code to provide information to
those writing or reviewing the macro or VBA code. (B) Comment
3. A programming language designed to work within Microsoft
Office Applications. (J) Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
4. Provide a conditional expression and then perform an action or
series of actions only when the result of the condition is true or
false. (D) If action
5. A small vertical or horizontal line used to separate choices in a list,
toolbar, or menu. (G) Separator
6. Instructions that tell a computer what to do. (F) Program
7. Actions, such as mouse clicks or typing, detected by a running
program that are associated with the control. (C) Event
8. A program for writing VBA program code. (I) Visual Basic
9. The area where VBA code is written and edited. (A) Code
10. A group of related statements that is a subset of a macro.
(H) Sub procedure
1. What is the process of finding and fixing errors in programming
code and making sure the program functions as intended?
a) Debug
b) Sub procedure
c) Separator
2. What is a code error that violates the rules of a programming
a) Logical Error
b) Syntax Error
c) Rules Error
3. What line in a program contains instructions for the computer?
a) Variable
b) Statement
c) Data Type
4. What programming objects refer to the values stored in RAM?
a) Data type
b) Keyword
c) Variable
5. The part of the statement that specifies whether a stored variable is
a number, character, or date.
a) Sub procedure
b) Data type
c) Breakpoint
6. What is a sequence of either alpha or alphanumeric characters?
a) Data type
b) Macro
c) String
7. Which is a naming convention in which the prefixes indicate the
type of data or type of object?
a) Hungarian notation
b) Syntax notation
c) Event
8. What is an intentional stop or pause inserted into a macro?
a) Breakpoint
b) Syntax error
c) Macro
9. What type of errors allow the macro to run, but do not produce the
intended results?
a) Syntax
b) Logical
c) Both A and B
10. What type of statement tests if a condition is true?
a) If
b) If Then Else control structure
c) Neither A nor B

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