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Justin Frank


1. The object that stores the data by organizing it into rows and
columns. (I) Table
2. The collection of related information that displays in a single row
of a database table. (H) Record
3. This specifies the kind of information that a field will hold; for
example, text or numbers. (D) Data type

4. A field property that determines what displays in datasheets,

forms, and report labels. (B) Caption
5. A data type that automatically assigns a unique numeric value to a
field. (A) AutoNumber
6. A field that uniquely identifies each record in a table. (F) Primary

7. A data type that stores numbers formatted as monetary values. (C)


8. A set of fields that can be added with a single click. For example
the Address data type inserts five fields for storing postal
addresses. (G) Quick Start
9. An Access view that features table fields and their properties. (J)
Table Design

10. A field on the many side of a relationship used to relate to the

table on the one side of the relationship. (E) Foreign Key

1. An Access view that displays records in rows and fields in

A. Database
B. Data grid
C. Datasheet

2. Each individual characteristic in a record that displays as a single

column in a datasheet.
A. Field
B. Record
C. Subset
3. A data type that stores up to 255 characters of text.
A. Currency
B. Number
C. Short Text
4. The blank row at the end of a datasheet used to add records to a
A. Append
B. Data entry
C. New record
5. An Access field property that limits the number of characters that
can be typed into a text or number field.
A. Character limit
B. Character size
C. Field size
6. A relationship in which a record in the first table can have many
associated records in the second table.
A. Cascading
B. One-to-one
C. One-to-many
7. A referential integrity option in which you can edit the primary
key values in a table and all the related records in the other table
will update accordingly.
A. Cascading delete
B. Cascading update
C. One-to-many relationship
8. A rule that keeps related values synchronized.
A. Data duplication
B. Data redundancy
C. Referential integrity
9. A command that opens the Print dialog box so that you can select
a different printer or different print options.
A. Quick Print
B. Print
C. Print Preview
10. An orientation of the printed page that makes it wider than it
is tall.
A. Print Preview
B. Landscape
C. Portrait

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