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Discussion Question

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There are numerous sources available online that demonstrate the accounting equation

and how it works. I chose the Youtube video on accounting basics for beginners. The video was

created by a professional who dedicated a whole channel to pure accounting. I chose this video

because it dissects the accounting equation and explains everything concerning the equation. The

details provided in the video include an introduction to the accounting equation, how the

accounting equation works, the meaning and differences between assets, liabilities, and equity,

meaning of a balance sheet, examples of accounting equations, a recap of everything discussed,

and a recommendation on the best accounting book for beginners (Accounting Stuff, 2018).

The source has helped me remember the material because it provides an easy way of

dissecting the three aspects of an accounting equation. The explanations provided are simple and

are easy to remember. Other students would find the same source helpful for various reasons.

First, everything to do with an accounting equation is simplified and there are valid real life

examples provided to back everything up and make it easier for remembrance. Also, the video is

very short, only four minutes long, meaning that students can always come back to it anytime for

reference. Finally, other students would find it helpful because at the end of the video, there is a

recommended book on accounting for beginners which can help students increase their

knowledge not only in the accounting equation but also other basic accounting areas.

Accounting Stuff. (2018). ACCOUNTING EQUATION for BEGINNERS: Assets, Liabilities

and Equity. In YouTube.

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