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Carrying by Jackson Tegu

A game about what you wish to save for one player or a team of two in less than a day.

To play you’ll need a cold beach with many stones, and you’ll need daylight. If you’re without
most of that you can make substitutions, but you’ll definitely need some stones.

You may play this game only once.

You’re walking on this stoney beach and the waves are washing and the clouds are teeming
and you hear a little whisper of a voice on a lick of wind. “Hey.”

“I’m a spirit that has dominion over this place.” The wind pulls some foam off the waves.

“Today I’m feeling whimsical so I’ll propose to you a game.” The stones move coldly under
your shoe as you shift.

“For every stone you pick up and carry until the end of the day, choose something you’d like
to save and I’ll make it so.” The voice is just a whisper but you’re not imagining it.

“And maybe you’re the kind of person who plays games, and if so perhaps you’d be inclined
to test the edges of this proposal. For example, you might argue that sand is stone, and thus
grains of sand should each count as one stone apiece and each grain count as one thing saved.”
You hear the wash of another wave.

“But ultimately it’s my choice what counts as what, and it’s a weird thing to gamble with if
you actually want to save some things.” The stones are dark within the water’s reach.
You’re full of questions. How big does a stone have to be? Is a pebble a stone, or is it foremost
a pebble and therefore not a stone? And when does the day end? Sundown? Nightfall?
Midnight? After 24 hours have passed? What counts as carrying? Can I carry them in
pockets? A backpack? A car? And what does saving mean? Keeping it the same? Improving it?
Protecting it so that it may thrive?

...Are people things?

“Of course not, but in this case, yes.” The rocks click together as the next wave disturbs them.

“But of course I can’t change a person’s heart, mind, or nature.” The sky moves distantly.

However long you wait, whatever else you ask, the voice doesn’t answer further questions.

It seems that your attempt to interpret the rules correctly is also part of the game.

So you’re standing there.

Currently all you’re carrying is what you showed up with, plus opportunity.

by Jackson Tegu
October 2020

Special thanks to: Arielle, Kelly, contemporary art (and books), Taskmaster, Ariel, Ymr, Taylor, Marina, Orion, Josh, Jessie Rainbow, Jim,
Willa & Tim, Jory & Christian, Marc & Caroline, Amanda & Gavin, Sophia, Rivka, and Amber Autumn.

My strong and compassionate patrons include: Adam the Mender, It’s the little things, A, Bay, Sandbank Diner, Bryant ‘Dante’ Stone,
Camilla, Caspian Gray, Charlie X, Chris Angelini, Clayton Grey, Her Eminence Corrin Elizabeth, Devon Breithart Bazaar Returner, Vice
Telepath Eric Fattig, Evan Silberman, Fred Lott, Madu, Greg Sanders, Harry Lee, Ian Howard, the James with a song in his heart, Engulfed
in James, Jamie ‘Jamie’ Fristrom, Jason Wodicka, Jay Loomis, Jen Ting, Rainbow the Spectromancer, John geary, John Powell, Jon
Bristow, Jon ‘Van’ Robertson, Jonathan Jung Johansen, J. Walton, Josh Laison, Josh T Jordan, June & Mike Garcia, Marcus Hawaiianus,
Kadri Lemon-Friend, Karen Twelves, Kythryn Hymys, The Fuzziest Kitty, A Second Brief Catapult, Laurel Halbany, Lester Ward, Aaron
Ryuchi, Matthew Klein, Matthew Sullivan-Barrett, Mai-kun, Max Saltonstall, Nina Joy, Literally Patrick Brannick, Prettyboy Paul and
the Barrel Gulch Gang, Paul K, Phil ‘Wiseacre’ Hanley, Rachel Comicbookeater, Rick Dean, Sean Nittner, Shervyn, Sildoenfein, Stras
‘Consulting Designer’ Acimovic, The Fifth World, Tony Dowlbear, Vanessa Geekgirl, The Wylde Sage of Venn, Vincent Baker, Walter
German, The Indisputable Will, The College of Mythic Cartography, and Admiral Yoshi of the Forever Dodecahedron!

Play as if it matters. •

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